Presentation Skills For Coaches

As a coach, you are going to be in many situations where you will need to stand in front of an audience and give a presentation. Whether it be at a conference, trade-show, workshop, etc…you will need to have developed your public speaking skills. Unfortunately, many coaches do not put the time in to developing these skills only to find themselves feeling anxious and nervous when the time comes.

Continue reading “Presentation Skills For Coaches”

How To Get Motivated & Stop Procrastinating

Sam Miller

Are you tired of putting things off?

Do you find yourself being lazy when you should be active?

Are you ready to find that spark in your life so that you take action and move forward?


In this article you are going to learn:

1. What makes you motivated

2. Why you start procrastinating

3. What you can do to overcome lack of motivation

4. Why you need to face your fears

5. The importance of momentum and moving

6. Why you need to follow your excitement

7. The powerful effect of “chunking”

What Is Motivation?

The most important thing you need to understand about how motivation works is this:

A. You will always move towards what you define as being more “pleasurable” and…

B. You will always move away towards what you define as being more “painful”.

The keyword here is define.

The way human psychology works is that once we create a set of beliefs about what we like and don’t like (or agree with or don’t agree with), they run on autopilot.

When you entered into this world, you have been making decisions each day about what you define as being pleasurable and define as being painful.

Once you make those decisions, you file them away and move along your life and everything you come upon in life gets filtered through those beliefs and they become habits.

For example…

You never need to “find” motivation to eat your favorite foods or watch your favorite shows.

At some point you made the decision that you loved those things and now you are always automatically going to do those things habitually without hesitation or even thinking about it.

They run on autopilot and you don’t have to “find motivation” to do them.

So if you are not motivated to do anything right now it’s because you have defined that task as being more “painful” than “pleasurable”.

What Is Procrastination?

When you procrastinate, its because you have a negative belief or definition around the thing that needs to get done.

Your mind has associated the task as something “painful”.

“What you resist persists” – Carl Jung

What this quote basically means is that anything you avoid or put off will just get bigger and louder.

You cannot avoid life.

You cannot avoid your self.

You cannot avoid personal responsibility.

If something is there, it is there for a reason.

It is there to send you a signal and say, “Hey, you need to look at this and do something about it.”

You must face it otherwise the issue will just continue to cause you pain.

What many people fail to realize is that any challenge that presents itself in your life is there to serve you as an opportunity to learn and grow.

However, if you avoid the issue by procrastinating, it becomes your burden.

So stop avoiding your responsibilities.

Otherwise you are just making things harder on yourself.

Don’t Judge Yourself

The first thing you need to understand is that it is common for anyone and everyone to lose motivation in life or business.

It happens to the best of us.

Life is a series of phases where there are many ups and downs.

This is why Buddhists focus so much of their practice towards finding contentment because in the Western world of “Happiness”, you need to understand that when there are highs there are also lows.

So the first step to getting motivated is to take it easy on yourself, don’t judge or beat yourself up, and know that life is a series of ups and downs where some days you feel great, other days you feel ok, and other days are “low energy days”.

So right now, you are not motivated.

You’re fine.

There is nothing wrong with you and there is no need to play the “victim role”.

Know Your “Why?”

Whatever it is you need to be motivated for, why are you doing it in the first place?

If you need to be doing something you don’t want to be doing but have to, then find a creative way to do it.

Use your imagination and make it an adventure.

You get to create your life each day so even if you have to take out the garbage, make it fun.

If it is something you want to be doing but have lost motivation for, then remind yourself “why” you wanted to do it in the first place.

We are all driven by purpose.

And more importantly, we are all driven towards what brings us more “pleasure” and moves us away from “pain”.

So whatever you need to do right now, define it in your mind that if you don’t do it, it will bring you more pain and that by doing it you will have more pleasure.

Follow Your Excitement

Your body already knows how to get motivated.

It’s called excitement.

The definition of excitement is “something that arouses enthusiasm and eagerness”.

This is very similar to knowing your “why” because ideally you should be following your excitement in life.

If you are, then you should be motivated to do the thing you need to do.

However, where most people get lost with excitement and motivation is that they don’t connect the “small thing” to the “big thing”.

For example, if you have to do a mundane task that you don’t enjoy, if you don’t connect it to how it relates to your excitement, then it will be just that: a mundane task.

Your excitement is literally your bodies translation and signal that is telling you “go this way”.

If you are not excited by what you are doing, then there are two reasons for this:

A. You are not really excited by it

B. You are not excited about “how” it needs to be done

The “how” is where a lot of people get tripped up.

Change the “how” and make it more fun and you will see yourself get motivated.

Take Baby Steps

One of the keys to goal setting is chunking things down and taking small steps towards your goal.

The mind tends to get overwhelmed with all the things that need to get done and will therefore feel like its some daunting task.

Take small steps.

Put one foot in front of the other.

And all of a sudden you will see yourself taking action and the rest will follow.

But whatever you do, don’t procrastinate.

Once you do, it will become a habit and then it becomes easier and easier to put things off until one day you wake up twenty to thirty years down the road and realize that you have not done much with your life!

Face Your Fears

Chances are if you are not motivated towards taking action is because there is a fear attached towards doing so.

Remember, you will always move away towards what you “define” as being more painful.

So the question you must ask yourself is this: “What am I afraid of?”

Write down all your fears on a piece of paper or Word/Google doc.

Then look at them.

Then ask yourself this question: What is the worst that could happen?

Write down your answers.

Now you are facing your fears.

Simplify Your Life

If you are feeling overwhelmed, it may be time to simplify your life.

Many people who lose sight on how to get motivated do so because in general, their life has too much going on.

If you have taken on too many responsibilities, you are going to need to prioritize them and, as painful as this may be, let some of them go.

Our minds and hearts like to do a lot.

Unfortunately, logistically, there may not be enough of you and time to do it all.

The question you need to ask yourself is this:

Is it more important that I do all of these things the right way or are you okay doing them all but not to the best of your ability?

Also, don’t you want to enjoy yourself in the process of doing it?

Way too many people are trying to get so much done for the sake of doing it yet very few of them actually enjoy themselves.


Take the time to do a few things the right way and enjoy yourself.

You’ll feel much better about it in the end.

Also, just because you say “no” to something now does not mean you will say no forever. Set it aside for the time being and come back to it later.

Move Your Body

If you are living a sedentary life, then you need to get your body moving.

Whether it is walking, running, spinning, yoga, pilates, basketball, soccer, tennis, surfing, whatever, it is your responsibility to “find your thing” that moves your body.

Going for a brisk walk in the morning for twenty minutes and then doing some jumping jacks is a great way to kickstart your motivation and mental capacities.

However, while walking is nice, you will definitely feel more energy coursing through you if you did something that really raises your heart rate like running, bike riding, or some form of aerobics or High Intensity Interval Training

Visualize The Outcome

Because we are motivated by pleasure, it is important that you spend time visualizing yourself experiencing the outcome of whatever it is you need to get motivated for.

People have no problem being motivated to have sex, eat good food, or win money because those are things we already have established visuals for.

So spend a few minutes visualizing yourself experiencing the outcome.

Experience Small Rewards

If you are taking baby steps towards your goal, then you should experience some rewards.

Once again, we are all motivated towards pleasure and if you reward yourself, then this will motivate you to continue pushing.

For example, when you go to work you will get a paycheck within a week or two. And then you will use that paycheck to go to dinner and the movies.

That reward will keep you going. This is why being an entrepreneur is so hard because the payoff or reward won’t be for quite some time.

So make sure to reward yourself so that you experience the pleasure of what you are doing.

Create A Healthy Morning Routine

We are all the sum total of our habits.

Focus, discipline, and getting motivated all stems from what we do each day.

By establishing a healthy morning routine and constructive daily habits, you will create momentum.

This momentum makes it much easier for you to always be in a motivated state so that you don’t have to find ways to get motivated.

Note: The fact that you are reading this is a signal that you probably don’t have good habits because people who do, rarely lose motivation.

Ask For Help

Don’t be embarrassed to ask for help.

We all need help.

Even the biggest CEO’s and experts all hire consultants, coaches, and mentors.

If you have taken on a big task then find someone who has already done what you want to do so they can guide you.

If its something “more simple”, then ask a friend or family member to support you.

Whatever you do, don’t box yourself in and feel like you need to go it alone.

Be Held Accountable

This is somewhat relatable to asking for help but a bit different.

The idea here is that you want to tell someone what your goal is and be held accountable.

By putting it out there, this will help you to get motivated to do what you need to get done because its no longer something that you have committed to yourself.

It’s out in the world now and you have told people so you will be motivated to take action because you don’t want to let them down.

Once again, this is why having a coach or mentor can be quite helpful.

Remove All Distractions

Distractions are the number one killers of motivation.

Your phone, email, TV, etc. are all things that will take away your attention from what you should be doing: taking action.

Stay focused.

One thing at a time.

Turn off the distractions!


If you truly want to learn how to get motivated:

  • Don’t judge yourself and don’t play the victim role
  • Know your “why?” and have a purpose
  • Follow your excitement
  • Take baby steps
  • Face your fears
  • Simplify your life
  • Move your body
  • Visualize the outcome
  • Experience small rewards
  • Create a healthy morning routine
  • Ask for help
  • Be held accountable
  • Remove all distractions

Need Help?

Want me to help you get motivated as your coach?

Contact me below so we can schedule a free consult.

Or go back to my profile for more information.

How To Change Your Life

Sam Miller

Ready to change your life?

In this article you will learn 16 simple things you can do to move your life in a positive direction.

Step 1 – Accept 100% Responsibility For Your Life

The first step in this process is to stop playing the victim role and accept 100% responsibility for your life.

People who live unhappy lives believe that life happens to them. People who live joyful lives know that they are in control and that life happens through them.

Take control of your life and know that you are creating your reality.

Step 2 – Know What You Want

The second thing you need to do if you want to change your life is have a clear vision for what you want your life to look like, feel like, and sound like.

You need to have a clear vision of what it is you want to accomplish.

You could call this a goal, but it’s more of a vision of your future self.

Take the time to write down all of the characteristics of what you want your ideal life to look like.

Step 3 – Release Old Baggage

“Out with the old and in with the new.”

Before you can bring in new energy, you must release old baggage.

This usually means old negative beliefs and emotions about yourself and other people.

It is important that you forgive everyone that has had any negative effect on your life.

But most importantly, you must forgive yourself.

Step 4 – Love Yourself

The only way you will truly be able to change your life is when you love yourself unconditionally.

No one can love you unless you love yourself.

This may sound like a simple task but if your life feels unfulfilled or stuck, then you probably have some unconscious beliefs that do not allow you to truly love yourself.

If you want to “get what you want”, you must first believe you “deserve” it.

Step 5 – Find The Positive In Every Situation

The hardest part in changing your life will be to find the positive in every situation and welcome the challenges into your life.

You are going to need to work on your old beliefs and definitions about life and every circumstance that presents itself.

Life is completely neutral and meaningless.

You get to assign meaning to any situation that presents itself.

Therefore the only way you can extract a positive experience from something is by choosing to find the positive in it.

This is where your true power comes from.

Because your life is currently filled with “negative things,” you need to be able to turn those lemons into lemonade and extract a positive meaning no matter how bad it may look.

Step 6 – Stop Complaining

In continuing with the idea of finding positive in every situation, you must never complain about the circumstances in your life.

Complaining is the fastest way to hand your power over and lower your energy.

People who complain are playing the victim role.

Step 7 – Be Grateful

Before you can truly change your life, you must be grateful for what you do have.

All too often people who are unhappy with their life focus on what they don’t have.

You need to focus on what you do have and be grateful for it.

Remember, no matter how bad your situation is, there is always someone out there who has it worse.

What you choose to focus on expands.

By remaining in the state of gratitude, you make it easier for good things to come your way.

But you must do this with no expectations. It must come from an authentic place.

Step 8 – Get Organized & Simplify Your Life

A cluttered house is a cluttered mind.

You need to create the space for new energy to come into your life.

Therefore, you need to clean up and get organized.

If you are messy in any way, you need to get rid of all the junk you don’t need and simplify your life.

Step 9 – Find Your Life Purpose

Without having meaning in your life, you will wander around aimlessly not sure what the point of living is.

You need to take the time to figure out what your life means to you.

> What do you want to accomplish?

> What excites you?

> What are you passionate about?

Once you find your purpose, you will get energized and this will motivate you to make more change in your life.

Step 10 – Eat Healthy

You are what you eat.

Junk foods bring your energy down and then will attract low vibration circumstances.

Clean high vibration foods will attract positive circumstances.

It also allows you to think clearly and respond to life challenges in a much more loving way.

Your body is a vessel for your life experience. Therefore if it is toxic, you will attract toxic circumstances.

Clean out your body and only input good foods.

Step 11 – Surround Yourself With Positive People

For the time being, you need to remove all toxic people from your life.

You are not strong enough (yet) to hang around with them.

You need to surround yourself with people who are creating the type of life you say you want to create for yourself so it will “rub off on you.”

By surrounding yourself with these people, it will make it easier for you to change your life.

And once your new life has taken form and has become your “normal” routine, then you can (on occasion) hang out with people who are having issues because now you can help them change their life (if they want it.)

Step 12 – Consume Positive Information Only

Information is food too.

Stop watching the news and junk TV or internet media.

You need to ONLY be putting in healthy, positive, and uplifting information.

Surround yourself with good books and subscribe to social feeds that are only uplifting.

Stay away from any information that is considered negative (especially if it is gossip.)

Remember, this is just for now.

Once you find your center and become strong enough, then you can re-engage the negative information to help transform it into positive.

But for now, you are not strong enough.

Step 13 – Find A Job You Love

You spend half your life at work.

You need to find something you can do that uplifts your spirit and brings you joy.

Sometimes it may not be what you are doing but how you are doing it.

It does not have to be some big life changing project (although it can be.)

It can be something as simple as being a cashier so long as you do it in a positive and uplifting way that brings joy to you and the people around you.

Step 14 – Take Massive Action Every Day

Don’t just expect things to change because you did a few things here or there.

Until you build up a new momentum, you need to take massive action each and every day.

Become obsessed and relentless with taking action if you want to change your life.

Step 15 – Find A Mentor

Mentors and coaches (some of them) are great people who have walked down the path you are on and understand the twists and turns of this process.

Because the journey you are on is not easy, it’s important that you find someone who can help guide you along the way.

Don’t be stubborn or talk yourself out of asking for help.

We all need it.

Step 16 – Be Patient

Because you will still be manifesting your “old self” (because in a sense, it is still being generated from your old beliefs and definitions,) this means that for some time you are going to have to know that even though you are making changes in your life, the “old life” is still showing up.

Be patient, it does take some time before your new life can start to “show up” from the changes you are making on a more consistent basis.

Want me to help you change your life as your coach?

Contact me below so we can schedule a free consult.

Or go back to my profile for more information.

How To Choose A Career Path

Sam Miller

Need help finding a job you love?

In this article you are going to learn the exact process of how to choose a career path.

In it, you will discover why:

1. It’s important to define your own success
2. Having a clear understanding of your lifestyle is so critical
3. You should be an expert in your industry
4. Being passionate about your industry is crucial
5. You need to find something that accentuates your natural talents
6. You need to pick a career where you will be appreciated

+ more!

how to choose a career

1. Define Your Own Success

Before you go out and choose a career path, it’s important that you take the time to determine what success means to you.

Chances are, you have been bombarded with messages from your parents, family, society, and friends about what success means.

Generally speaking, it looks like this:

> High paying job
> Big house
> Kids
> Nice car
> Two or three week vacation


You know, the “American Dream.”

While this may work for some people, now more than ever people are waking up to the fact that making a lot of money and working crazy hours for it does not equate to being happy in life.

The first question you must ask yourself is this:

1. What do I want?

2. What makes me happy?

3. What does success look like to me?

2. Create A Lifestyle You Love

The biggest mistake most people make when they choose a career path is that they tend to just focus on survival needs (i.e. making money).

Very seldom do people actually take the time to think about the lifestyle they want to live.

And I am not just talking about your comfort level and stuff you can buy with money.

I am talking about how you spend your time each day.

Many people assume that when they choose a career path that they automatically have to succumb to the 9 to 5 Monday through Friday regimen.

This is not true.

There are many creative ways to develop your career that compliments your lifestyle.

It all comes down to what you want.

So spend some time thinking about what you want your day to day life to look like first.

3. Become An Expert

When choosing your career path, it’s important that you have the mindset of becoming the best at what you do.

The only way you will be able to create leverage and have more negotiating power with the company you work with is by establishing yourself as an expert in your field.

This means you are going to have to eat, sleep, and breathe the information that makes up this industry.

Therefore, it’s very important you choose the right career path to ensure it is authentic to who you are.

The last thing you want to do is become an expert at something you really don’t care about (which makes up more than half our society and is why so many people are miserable).

By increasing your perceived value, this will allow you to increase your earnings, work less, work flexible hours, and the company will treat you with more respect.

High level team members want to surround themselves with other people who are at their level or at a higher level.

Therefore it’s important that you be perceived as their equal. And the best way to do that is by establishing yourself as an expert.

4. Love Your Industry

When you choose a career path, you will now become part of an industry.

The people who make up this industry are now your community and tribe.

You will be seeing them at conferences, talking with them via email, and constantly engaging with these people about your subject matter.

Since you are going to spend more time with them then you will your own family, shouldn’t you care about the industry you are a part of?

Your industry is part of a collective group on this planet that is producing a product or service that (hopefully) is improving our society.

Just look at all of the industries out there and you will see they all have a common message and “vibe” about them.

Whatever career path you decide on, make sure you love that industry because it will become your second family.

5. Tap Into Your Natural Talents

When you are trying to figure out how to choose a career path, it’s important that whatever you do taps into your natural talents.

Each one of us has a set of special talents and its important that your job accentuate those talents and give you an opportunity to improve upon them.

This does not mean you will not have to learn anything new because you will.

But rather than trying to force yourself to become something you are not, just be your natural self and find something that aligns with your existing set of skills.

6. Be Appreciated & Acknowledged

Whatever you do, make sure you find something where you will be appreciated and acknowledged.

As human beings, we all need to feel love and respect. Without it, we will become miserable human beings.

Notice how unhappy people are at work?

That’s because they are doing something they hate or not being appreciated for the work they do.

Having to go to a job day in and day out where you are never acknowledged or appreciated will make you feel awful no matter how much they pay you.

Want me to help you find your career path as your coach?

Contact me below so we can schedule a free consult.

Or go back to my profile for more information.

How To Become A Life Coach

A complete guide on how to become a life coach including accredited schools costs, average salary, & requirements to becoming certified:

About life coaches

Life Coaching can be referred to as a process which occurs in a solid and mutual relationship between a professional coach and an individual who strives to realize his/her aspiration, in order to make a dream become a reality or find a way to improve him/herself. In order for the process to be effective, it requires the personal effort from the client and also the life coaching work, which is why it is termed a relationship.

A Life Coach is an individual who has been professionally trained to help clients to make the most of their potentials and realize their expected results by asking them the right questions, empowering them with the best tools, and offering guidance. In order to achieve this, in addition to their education, life coaches also strive to constantly better themselves so as to accomplish more significant results with their clients.

Certified Life Coaches employ varieties of tools to encourage their clients to make a turnaround and better improve their lives. All these were learnt in specialized schools that have to maintain a high standard of practice in order to be deemed qualified to train professional life coaches.

The schools make provisions for the necessary tools and equip their students with the required skills. These students are emphatic human beings who possess the quality of being able to effectively communicate with people at a high level and they employ this quality to help individuals live a happier and accomplished life.

How do life coaches help their clients?

Life Coaches act as advisers, motivators and guides to their clients, to help them through various personal and professional matters. Some of the reasons why the service of Life Coaches are sought after by individuals include life changes, definite professional projects, emotional independence, relationship issues, improved physical and financial health, and spiritual evolution.

The coaching process essentially involves evaluation of the client’s precise issue, determining and surmounting the likely challenges and based on the client’s preferences, design a plan that will enable them to realize their goal and make the necessary changes that can transform their lives.

Most times, clients approach these professionals with no idea of what aspect of their lives needed changes, all they have is a feeling of dissatisfaction. It’s now left to the Coach (by working with the client) to determine the aspect, their wants and needs.

Some situations may even occur where an individual holds a belief that he/she cannot be happy or whole without being in a romantic relationship. Furthermore, it is the duty of the life coach to employ their knowledge and expertise to make adjustments to the goals as required. In such situation, it all depends on the life coach to make the individual understand that before they proceed to form a healthy relationship with someone, they have to first of all need to be happy and fulfilled.

The coaching process is also (and specifically) a process of introspection and self-discovery. It is the job of the Coach to motivate their clients to examine themselves, contemplate their innermost desires and gain knowledge about their root and purpose. Clients are equipped by this process, and it also enhances their self-esteem and self-love, which grants them the strength, the necessary power to realize excellent outcomes with the aid of Coaching and in life.

How much does a life coach make?

It is very obvious that the Coaching industry is growing exponentially. In 2012 alone, up to 47,500 professional coaches who were on the market made an aggregate revenue of $2 billion. The market prosperity may be attributed to the insecurity which stems from the state of the economy in recent times or the increasingly high demand for individuals who are focused on achieving their life purposes, but what matters is that at last, the profession is gaining more prestige.

Coaches are self-employed professionals, which implies that their business is owned by them, and they get to make a unitary decision on their service fee. The amount for the fee can constantly fluctuate based on some certain factors such as field of specialization, skills, additional services rendered and experience.

The next step after making the decision to enter the coaching industry is to find out which sub-area do they wish to specialize in. So as to avoid losing out on potential clientele, the majority choose to be generalists, whereas clients search for seasoned professionals who have a good understanding of their present particular context and phase of life.

There are three areas of practice which comprises the coaching industry. They are executive coaching, business coaching and life coaching. A professional is placed in the position of an expert if they choose a particular specialty, giving them an advantage over their competitors, thereby, assuring a higher income. Furthermore, any individual who wants to make a huge profit in the coaching industry has to ensure they variegate their income. Some of the ways one can make money as a Coach includes giving lectures and seminars, offering training, creating online programs, writing books, and leveraging social networks. In terms of the average salary of these professionals, a coach can make between $25 – $300+ per hour, based on their level of experience and abilities. Coaches who have completed their life coach certification program usually charge between $100 – $150 per hour. On a monthly basis, they can earn $200 – $10,000, depending on services provided by them. Speaking at an event can earn them between $0 – $15,000+.

As a matter of fact, the aforementioned figures depend on the coach’s experience, ability, skill, expertise and level of patronage. In order to be successful in the coaching industry, it’s necessary to have talent, acquire professional training, have the confidence to market yourself, constantly search for new strategies to market and sell your services, and obtain the required skills to grow and thrive as an entrepreneur.

Legal requirements of a life coach

There are people who choose to focus on Life Coaching as their only profession, while there are some  who are very knowledgeable in other fields. For instance, it’s quite common to find some coaches who have experience in mental health or counseling. One does not have to meet certain legal standards to be a life coach, which is unlike other professions, but one will still need to obtain the certification issued by the International Coach Federation.

There are three levels of coach credentials issued by the ICF. The first level is the Associate Certified Coach, and one needs to have at least 60 hours of training and 100 hours of Coaching experience to obtain it. Professional Certified Coach is the second level and one needs to have at least 125 hours of training and 500 hours of Coaching experience to be eligible for it. The third level which is the Master Certified Coach can only be obtained by those who can boast of 200 hours of training and 2500 hours of Coaching experience. These certifications issued by the International Coach Federation are not only limited to Life Coaches, they are also offered to any interested professional. As at now, the ICF offers over 150 Accredited Coach Training Programs worldwide.

But the reality still remains that the coaching industry has inadequate regulations despite its huge strides. Although formal education is not a criterion to be a Life Coach, the coaches that are accredited already have huge value on the market.

How to become an accredited life coach

Over the years, whenever the coaching profession is mentioned, it’s either people who have no knowledge of what it means or they understand a life coach as an arcane individual involved in mystical and mysterious activities. Hardly did anyone really understood what the work of Life Coach is truly about.

As time went by, more people began to have a clear idea of the work being done as people such as Tony Robbins have made it more accessible in the mainstream, the number of coaches increased, and the profession is now viewed as a serious and prominent field. A majority of people now have a good idea of what this profession entails and almost everybody has heard of it.

What has been the setback for the profession is that due to the astronomical economic growth the Life Coaching industry is experiencing, many people have suddenly decided to join the industry and call themselves Life Coaches because they are empathic and possess good listening skills, strong interpersonal intelligence, leadership skills and can offer good advice. This is no different from waking up one day and then decide to practice medicine simply because you have experience in dressing wounds.

The profession does not yet have regulations that prevent anyone from practicing without having been certified by a licensed school. But presently, there are no restrictions placed on anyone from practicing Life Coaching and unlicensed Life Coaches can easily be hired by potential clients.

Certainly, there are some unlicensed coaches who have studied wide on the subject and possesses the required skills and tools, thereby mightily empowered to be of help to clients. But the issue is that coaches who have attended licensed school programs have great and well-versed knowledge of this profession, making them more professionally knowledgeable than those who are self-taught or certified by non-accredited schools.

Why are licensed schools special?

The International Coach Federation certification sets Life Coaches apart. ICF is the leading global organization in the field, its mission is to lead the global advancement of the coaching profession, and facilitate the communities of Life Coaches. The knowledge and support that coaches require are provided by the organization, and they also set the standards for accreditation of life coaching schools.

In order for schools to be certified as an Accredited Coach Training Program (ACTP), they must meet the strict and inflexible standards required by the International Coach Federation. The guidelines for accreditation set by the ICF includes:

  • Provision of at least 125 hours of coach skills training
  • Training on competency and code of ethics
  • Six observation sessions where professionals coach clients while being supervised by an experienced coach
  • At least 6 observed-coaching sessions with an experienced coach
  • A comprehensive final exam
  • The school must have ICF certified trainers
  • This is the reason why professionals who passed through accredited schools are set apart from others.
  • How much does it cost to become a life coach?
  • What can you do with a life coach certification?

How much does it cost to become a life coach?

On the average, the Accredited Coach Training Program fee ranges from $1,500 to $10,000, and sometimes, it may even be more than that. This fee only covers tuition, excluding books, supplies, and other training materials. The amount for this fee tends to vary, depending on factors such as location (online or in person), training duration and the area of specialization upon which the program is based on.

Though to graduate as a Life Coach will cost you a huge sum of money, the investment will worth your while as a life coach stands to make up to and more than $100,000 per annum. All it requires from you is to be certain of the professional line you want to venture into and the wisdom to make a proper investigation on the Life Coach School that will reap maximum benefits for you.

What can you do once you become certified?

As you won’t have your knee surgery done by a quack doctor or have your teeth checked by an unqualified dentist, so also applies to the coaching profession as more and more potential clients are only willing to hire certified coaches.

Some years back, consulting with unaccredited coaches was a normal thing as the accredited ones were inaccessible. As the Coaching profession has grown and become more evolved with increased regulations, more knowledgeable clients are beginning to seek the service of accredited coaches due to their understanding that these professionals are adequately trained to help with their problems.

Enrolling in an ICF-accredited program will provide you with the necessary tools, knowledge and expertise to obtain the maximum expected results with your clients. You will be well equipped to handle each client’s personality and overcome the obstacles they pose. Furthermore, your credibility in the market will improve as a result of your credentials, thereby, attracting more clients who are interested in your work.

An important benefit of obtaining a life coach certification is that it will grant you a permanent status as a member of the International Coach Federation, providing you with full access to publications and research, discounts on events and conferences, and also connect you with other professionals in the field. These fosters partnerships and pave ways for many opportunities.

The main purpose of a life coach is first and foremost to positively impact lives and enable them to grow and flourish. Being certified by a prominent accredited school provides you with the assurance that you have obtained the highest level of training required , which is much more than that what diploma, status or any benefit can give you. This enables you to practice your profession fully aware of your value, possessing the knowledge needed to change many people’s lives for the better.



Financial Coach

Here is everything you need to know about how a financial coach can support you:

What is a financial coach?

Everyone knows more or less how to build wealth: Just spend less than you earn and wisely save the difference. The problem isn’t knowing how to build wealth, the problem is to get it done!
The financial coach is someone who knows how to climb that mountain. They are certified and studied finances on a deep level, which has made them the perfect ally for those who wish to improve their financial health.

They are not someone who is going to offer the client a “get-rich-quick” magic method or a new and infallible “how-to” but someone who will go deep into the root of their financial issues, and how and what they can do about them.

They are a professional who can help the client find clarity in their finances, that is, in their investments, in their insurances, in their savings, and others. They will access their current financial situation and help them to improve it by using their accountability, educational insights and practical experience.

They succeed because they do not focus on instruction and information only, their focus lays primarily on the client. They offer tools and strategies, of course, but they do so by knowing that tools and strategies alone do not solve anything, meaning, they are not going to determine client’s success.

They will teach the basic financial principles such as mathematical expectation, risk management, continuity income, competitive edge and others but what sets them apart from other professionals in the field is that the financial coach will integrate that instruction with the client’s internal game: the way of thinking, belief systems and old patterns that have held them back from the financial success they’ve always wanted.

They are an expert who can provide the transformational tools necessary to help the client manage and improve their financial lives by developing financial strategies that empowers them to achieve their financial goals and to be financially free.

What does a financial coach do?

The work of coaches consists in asking the client key-questions that will lead them to reflect on their own particular issue or about their life in general. They have a skilled method of questioning and inquiring that helps the client think clearer about the critical issues that can make a difference in achieving their wealth goals.

Since financial coaches see money as a tool to achieve goals or accomplish desires, one of the first questions they will ask them is “What is the Life of Your Dreams?” They will teach the client how to dream. Not about the life they want to live in retirement, but about the lifestyle they want to have now.

From this, the financial coach will get down to business! Most people have never made a budget in their lives: this is going to be the financial coach’s first job. Find out how much money comes in, how much money goes out, and where the money going out is actually going.

Then they will begin to examine the roots of the problems. Which are the limiting beliefs that the client has that are preventing them from growing financially and what are their stories and behavioral patterns in relation to money. At the same time they are showing the client that these roots are determining the tragedy or the success of their financial life.

They will help them to clean up the mess, that is, they will address the client’s immediate issues and teach them how to deal with financial problems. They will help them manage debt creating plans to pay it down and will establish an emergency fund, a necessary reserve in case the person becomes unemployed or has to pay for the treatment of any disease or something else.
They will teach them about saving, insurance, investing and diversification. It is not financial coach’s job to tell the client, for example, what investments to make, but to teach them the needed skills to be a good investor and to take care of their assets wisely.

If the client is already financially mature, the financial coach may give them investment advice based on market conditions and help them manage their investment portfolio.
In short, the financial coach is someone who will teach the client to improve their long-term financial behavior, help them set and achieve financial goals, and equip them with the minimum level of financial skills and experience.

The result is a strong support system that converts obstacles that would normally slow client’s progress into opportunities for growth and learning that leads them to finally live the financial life they have always wanted to live.

Do I need a financial coach?

Unfortunately the “Financial Education” subject is rare or non-existent in elementary school, so everyone could benefit from a financial coach. However, usually people who seek their services are those who:

– Are motivated enough to change their financial lives

– Are lacking financial literacy and need to learn how to deal with their finances

– Have a hard time with finances, living a life of lack

– Are in debt and feeling trapped because of it

– Feel fear of leaving their comfort zone

– Have a healthy income but little (or negative) savings

– Are struggling with stress, depression or anxiety due to financial problems

-Want to learn how to invest and how to save

– Want to set financial goals and learn how to achieve them

– Dream about a wealthy life

Benefits of a financial coach

The benefits are numerous and may include:

– The beginning of your financial freedom

– A personal wealth plan, specially customized for you

– Motivation to get things done on a frequent basis

– Reduced risk, less chance of making financial mistakes

– Healing for root problems such as limiting beliefs

– Balance and happiness in life increased

– Supportive environment for accelerated financial growth

– Carefully managed risks to help you grow your investor abilities

– Creative alternatives for your money problems

– Learning and practice of healthy financial habits

– Confidence for investing

– Freedom from survival mode and finally the right skills to thrive.

How to find a financial coach

If you want to learn how to find a financial coach that is going to be the best fit for your needs, then we highly recommend you take these steps:

Step 1 – Write down your goals and objectives in order from top to bottom.

What do you need to accomplish?

What are your top priorities?

Step 2 – Research potential coaches and list them in order of you who feel is the best fit

Step 3 – Interview at least a handful of candidates to find out who will be the best fit for your needs

Financial coach reviews

Excellent Sr Management support and cutting edge technology platform. Leading organization that digitally disrupts the financial services industry – great infrastructure and systematic approach. Great to be able to work from anywhere – very low fixed costs.

I have over 4 decades of professional sales and sales management experience, including over 25 years in Financial Services and Insurance. All the stuff I hated about insurance, Virtual Financial fixed. Now I do 100% of what I love doing, and 0% what I hated. The caliber of people attracted to this company are “Top-shelf” all the way. Principled, moral and caring. Smart, driven and fun. Building a future for themselves, our clients, and our associates. So, WHY VIRTUAL FINANCIAL? Virtual Financial offers the highest comp, over 129% paid out to the field, including 100% advances, plus renewals, overrides, and bonus pools. Virtual Financial is backed by Aegon & Transamerica, and supported by an 80-million-dollar Home Office, with 300 Full-Time Employees, a 20-million-dollar computer system, and offers over 200 carriers and more than 500+ products and paying out almost 1 billion dollars in commissions last year, alone! THEN ON TOP OF ALL THAT… Virtual Financial has the only proven 100% virtual business model with no driving, no office, and no meetings. Virtual Financial has a precise and comprehensive virtual system up and running to recruit and build agencies and sell all across the U.S. & Canada from anywhere in the world and create 6 & 7-figure incomes for those doing it.

It’s never too early to take steps toward paying your future self. One of the best ways to do so is through your workplace 401(k) plan, which offers important tax benefits and may come with matching funds from your employer. If you’re brand new to saving in a 401(k), it’s helpful to know the basics.

An emergency fund is an essential part of everyone’s financial plan. The reasons for using an emergency fund are endless, so it’s critical to prepare and build an emergency fund to avoid letting unexpected expenses lead you to financial ruin.

When it comes to worrying about your finances, you’re a seasoned pro — running out of money, facing a health crisis, safeguarding the future of your children or grandchildren. To worry less, experiment with ways to redirect your thoughts away from aimless fretting.

The long and sometimes painful process of repaying student loan debt can sometimes lead people to consider creative ways to relieve the financial pressure. As you might imagine, there are some risks student loan borrowers should consider before attempting any of these possibilities.

Many people dream of retiring to warm weather states like Florida or Arizona and spending leisurely days golfing, fishing or walking along the beach. Take care to avoid these financial pitfalls when relocating for retirement.

Whether you’re worried about saving enough money for the future or regret that you didn’t set aside enough in the past, it’s easy to get stressed about retirement. Here are some ways to overcome anxiety and take a steady approach to prepare for the years ahead by planning for your financial future.

It’s just very genuine. He listens actively and addresses the needs of his clients based on their specific preferences, needs and potential. I’m privilege to have him as my financial consultant and being able to share insights, and leadership journey in business; such a humble man with great potential in this industry. Thank you!

No bias, no long stories, no theories. Just practicality takes the interest of every listener in investment, specially those who cannot afford it for now, but still it builds the eagerness to everyone’s heart to have one of it if they has excess funds.

Blessed and grateful to be part of this amazing mission to educate people on how money works! Great professional company and the leadership and camaraderie is outstanding.

Best platform for contacting and teaching what is not taught in schools to help the middle class on how money works in the financial industry and I love the mission of no family behind.

Sharing so many experiences and best practices ! Meeting new leaders. Hearing the latest and greatest tools and being able to learn even more ways to help families and individuals Doesn’t get better than this! Privileged to be a part of this awesome team. I want to be like Kim. I want to be like Tom! Thank you Bill for your amazing presentation. Thank you Aleece and Kim Matthews and everyone else !

Knowledgeable and open to doing what is best for his clients. Trust goes a long way when building a future. Joe is awesome! Always thinking about his clients and ways to meet financial goals in a non-aggressive and hassle-free way. I highly recommend reading his Budget Boss posts and connecting with him directly to help make your financial situation better in real and practical ways!

Genuinely nice person to deal with regarding money and investments. When market was down I was little impatient i asked him same question twice. Instead of ignoring my other question he replied me on both. Gave me advice as well. He is very attentive towards your details. Your good work ethics is always appreciated. I am glad i landed up here. I always watch his advice closely.

I was very happy with Premium Financial Coaching. I worked with Alex. She was the best. She actually cared about me and getting my credit where it needed to be to get a house. I definitely will be keeping in touch with her and sending her pictures of my new house. Thanks again Alex for all your help from the bottom of my heart.

Career Coaching & Counseling

Here is everything you need to know about how a career coach and counselor can support you:

What is a career coach?

Some time ago, when people were in that phase of life when they had to choose which career to pursue, the first thing they would think would be: “What is the safest career?” “What will bring me a greater financial return?” and “In which job do I have the least chance of getting fired?” That is: their main motivation was fear and the focus of their search was security.

On the other hand, the educational system, instead of encouraging children to value their unique gifts and to study subjects which interests them, it was designed to create pieces of a machine. To create individuals who were able to contribute with their work for the maintenance of the social system.

Individuals trained to follow the rules and to be productive. Creativity and innovation were not valued.
That’s why many people ended up working in jobs they did not like. 9 to 5 jobs in which people often did mechanical work that left them physically and mentally exhausted. Eight hours of their days into spaces where they did not want to be, doing what they did not want to do, unhappy and unsatisfied. Dreaming about the weekend, the holidays, the retirement.

What if it did not have to be like this? What if the children could choose what they would like to study? What if their creativity and their interests were valued? What if people could love what they do? What if people would want to work almost every day for the rest of their lives, simply because their work is not work, but the expression of what and who they are, what they love to do?

That is our dream now. No more stable and secure jobs, but careers that complete us, which make us happy and through which we can contribute in some way to society and to the world, expressing and using our unique talents and our natural gifts.

Problem is, we’re still on autopilot. We are not used to thinking and seeking what we love. And which are our natural gifts? What do we want to work with? Where do we want to put our energy every day? What do we really love to do and even would do for free? In short, what is our purpose in life?

That’s where the career coach comes in the picture. They are someone who will help their clients to find their life purpose, what they came on the planet Earth to do. They will understand in which professional moment the person is and guide them to either find their ideal career or better adapt to the career they have already chosen. It will help the clients to find their gifts and will offer them tools to make these gifts professionally useful. They will help their clients to feel happy and complete in their career.

What does a career coach do?

A coach is basically someone who will ask you the right questions to help you reflect on a particular issue or on your life in general and will offer you tools to deal with your internal and external issues.

A Career Coach is the coach who does the same work but focusing on your professional life, helping you identify where you are now, where you want to go and the path it will take to get there.

They will help you find out which your values and natural talents ​​are and how to align your work with them. They will also help you set goals and take specific actions that will bring you the professional results you desire.

They will teach you that a job search is actually a self-promotion process and if you want to promote yourself you need to know who you are and what you stand for. It is career coach’s job to help you create the clear and compelling message you need to spread online, on paper and in person.

A career coach will build a special job search strategy for you, identifying job targets and designing a networking action plan for you. They will teach you how to optimize your social media platforms so you can get the results you want.

They will also help you identify your worth and build the self-confidence needed to get your career advancement.

They will show you how your work can be used for a greater purpose, giving meaning to what you do and to your life.

Do I need a career coach?

A career coach can be useful at every point of someone’s professional path, but people who tend to call upon those professionals are those who:

– Are tired of getting normal 9 to 5 jobs and want to start their own business

– Feel trapped, dissatisfied with their work life but don’t know what else they can do

– Know they have particular skills but don’t know what to do with them

– Feel overwhelmed with work, school, family and need to find life balance

– Know what want to do but don’t know how to get there

– Need effective interview skills

– Need a well-crafted resume and help with social media such as LinkedIn

– Need to build networking skills

– Are going through career transitions and need guidance

– Want to increase their salary and learn how to not undersell themselves

– Are struggling with fear and self-doubt and need to grow self-confidence

– Are searching for a career that brings them pleasure and fulfillment.

Benefits of a career coach

There are many benefits, some of them include:

– Discovering what you are passionate about and how to bring your passions into your career

– Balance between work, school and personal life

– Gain of interview, networking and social media skills

– Clarity about your career trajectory and about the steps you need to take next

– A well-crafted resume and powerful social media platforms

– Discovering new aspects of your personality and that you are gifted in a special way

– Healing for financial problems, illnesses and anguishes

– Gain of self-esteem and self-confidence

– Discovering in what kind of work environment you want to live and what kind of work would make you feel satisfied

– Change of negative behaviors and patterns that no longer serve you

– A higher perspective of your professional life and career

– Feeling that you have found your life purpose and that your professional life is aligning with it.

How to find a career coach

Finding a good career coach is like dating as it is going to require that you take the time and interview a handful of candidates until you find the right fit.

The most important thing you must do is prioritize your objectives.

What is most important to you right now?

What are your immediate goals?

Each coach has a different set of skills and specialties and you will want to find the person who best fits your needs.

Career coaching reviews

Dan is an excellent Career Counselor! I was at a crossroad in my career path and he gave me the confidence I needed to explore new avenues of employment. Through assessments and guided conversation he helped me find my strengths and interests. In our sessions he helped me to explore my options and make informed career decisions. Dan is especially gifted in the area of networking and giving hands on tools to obtain job opportunities. His help in rewriting my resume was invaluable. Dan is an excellent fit for anyone on a career journey!

Sarah has boundless energy and a passion for helping people reach their goals, whether it is their career or personal goals. She doesn’t give up on people and her drive and determination, together with her wicked sense of humor, is infectious! She inspires and encourages people in her unique style and way to get you out of your comfort zone and give it a go!

Highly recommend!! Alice the Career Coach is so inspiring sharing amazing insights and tips for any job seeker looking to find their dream job! The information on her website, podcasts, youtube videos is very accessible and a lot of valuable information shared to get you on track with your career change! Thank you Alice!

Positive. Calming. Measured. Strategically smart. Jane is the perfect coach. I could not recommend her highly enough. She was just who I needed at a critical time in my career.

Ashley has many years of experience and is committed and professional in her career and image coaching. She constantly keeps herself current with job market conditions and search techniques available. I highly recommend Jane to help anyone who wants a higher chance of getting that ideal job!

When you need to put a critical part of your life in a safe pair of hands, the first thing you’ll do is ask a professional in that industry who they would use in order to gain expertise and inside knowledge. Tonya and I worked together as career coaches 15 years ago. Not only was I impressed with her ability, I also heard countless clients praise her as their coach and the results they had achieved with her. In the time since we were colleagues, I have turned to Tonya for career coaching when I’ve needed assistance with my career. She is consistently great at what she does, helps you quickly get to the issues that are holding you back, and works with you to put together a roadmap with practical tools to enable you to move forward. And she does it with empathy, motivation, intelligence and kindness. I have recommended Jane to a number of friends and colleagues and I highly recommended her to you.

Stephanie was exactly what I needed! Her kind words of encouragement & keeping me accountable towards my goals was the confidence boost I needed! She is genuinely passionate about her work & this always shines through.

I had the privilege of recently attending a career confidence workshop chaired by Dawn and I was overwhelmed by her expertise, knowledge and attentive to the needs of the workshop participants. You have nothing to lose but everything to gain. Engage Jane in helping you navigate through to a fresh career, from preparing a resume, application and interview process. She is an enthusiastic, professional and knowledgeable career coach who will strive for YOUR success.

One of Ron’s many gifts is his ability to actively listen and synthesize. Every time I speak with him I’m astonished by his patience, approachable tone and ability to synthesize complex problems down to actionable steps. Ron and I initially met while we were working together a few years back. I knew right away he was someone I needed to stay connected with due to his wealth of life and professional experience. Recently, he has helped me navigate my fear and anxious of moving out of state to pursue real estate investing. His encouragement and resource mapping has helped me shrink the change and reappraise my emotions from fear to excitement and motivation.

John is invested in your success! I have known him for several years and I can attest that he is great mentor and coach when it comes to career counseling. Whether you are a recent graduate or a seasoned career professional, Mike offers down to earth guidance when it comes to planning your career and growing your leadership skills.

Stacy is an exceptional talented coach she leads and support people to get the best out of them. Such a great business partner you can rely on to enrich performance. If you want to have a great career coach you should contact her. She is one of the best, highly recommend. She is honest helpful and adore her work.

Carlas program was amazing with step by step processes for job hunting and getting automated that I would have never figured out on my own. It demystified the confusion and blocks I was having and got me moving again. So grateful for everything I learned, and still learning in her grad community too.

They always say if you don’t know what you are doing, work with someone that does. Sheila is amazing and has taught me so much. Not just with the job industry but also applicable lifestyle improvement information. She is such a positive and radiant individual that will motivate you while being your mentor. Knowledgeable expert that can definitively help launch/solve your career needs.

Kate was so wonderful to work with she taught me so much, I learned things It would have taken me years to figure out testing with my own job search. I am so thankful for her and the work she does.

A fantastic career and life coach; Dan understands how to maximize potential and motivate to achieve your goals who is a lot of fun to work with!

Business Coach

Here is everything you need to know about how a business coach can support you:

What is a business coach?

A business coach is someone who wants to improve your game! They want to understand in what situation your business is and to think about strategies to accelerate your business success.

They are a professional who is experienced in the field, whether in their own business or in business of others. With this experience and expertise they get you focused on what is critical to you and to your business and teach you to take actions that lead you and your business to evolve.

They know that your business is not just your product or your service but also – and mostly – the marketing of your product or service. They will help you to achieve much more in much less time by working smarter, not harder.

They are someone who has the qualifications, affiliations and certifications that demonstrate that they have passed industry-standard selection criteria and were trained in the needed skills to be a good business coach.

They are also naturally inquisitive and daring, motivating their clients to step out of the comfort zone and helping them with that, giving them the support they need to do so.

A business coach can help the Business Owner, the Senior Executive, the CEO, the Managing Director, the Entrepreneurs and the Leader to set better goals, reach them faster, make better decisions and improve their relationships in the business and improve the business itself.

What does a business coach do?

They will help you in your business’ development by initially discovering the potential of the business and then setting goals and strategic plans to achieve the desired results.

They work both one-to-one and with groups. Your best employees can also benefit from the business coach. Those who feel valued and challenged are less likely to want to quit their jobs and are also more productive. The opportunity for growth and personal development are great reasons and great incentive for your star employees to continue working for your business, which guarantees you more success.

They will help you to grow in management skills so you can learn effective management, including team management.

They will teach you how to be a better leader, making you much more efficient in dealing with your people and getting better results from them. This will bring more success for you.

They will train you to identify which aspects of your leadership role need more attention. If you, for example, step into the role of the superman and you think you should do everything for everyone all the time, a coach will help you to see what tasks can be delegated and teach you to work only with what is most important for your business and for you at that specific moment.

Find out the strengths and the weaknesses of the company and its operations.

Talking to you and, listening to you and asking you the right questions, the business coach finds out which your professional goals are and creates plans for you to achieve them.

They provide you with tools to handle stress, pressure and adversity on a day to day life. You will learn how to deal with your emotions and how to use them to evolve instead of being dominated and crashed by them.

They will also help you to improve your self-confidence. This is not a natural characteristic for all leaders, but it is essential for good leadership. Self-confidence is not an innate characteristic but can be learned. The business coach will help you to identify your skills, abilities and strengths, which will increase your self-confidence.

By analyzing your performance, they will better understand it and tell you how and where you can improve, which actions you could take that would bring you better results, and which behaviors you could practice that will help you to thrive.

So by putting you and your business in perspective, analyzing where and what can be improved, what needs to be fixed and by opening doors, the business coach is the best ally to help your business to grow and to blossom.

Do I need a business coach?

Next are the reasons why all business owners should consider business coaching:

– Your business is not bringing the profits that justify your efforts

– You have fallen out of love with your business

– You feel overwhelmed with work, not knowing how to manage your time and your tasks

– You have a lot of experience with business but for a long time you have not invested in you

-You cannot balance your professional life and your personal life, take a break for you is out of the question

– Fear of leaving your comfort zone

– Lacking mental clarity, creativity and focus

– Feel trapped, dissatisfied with your business and has forgotten its mission

– You do not feel ready to start your business, even though you already have everything in mind

– You feel lost and do not know where your business is going anymore

– You work hard but finally want to learn how to work smarter.

Benefits of a business coach

Here are some of the benefits that a business coach would bring you:

– A new and fresh perspective which can bring dynamism, innovation and drive to your business

– Development of better strategies to deal with your business, with your team and with the adversities that may arise along the way

– The ability to make better ‘people’ decisions

– More critical and creative thinking

– View your business from a higher perspective

– Improve your focus and the focus of your team, in order to achieve better results

– Gain of self-confidence and leadership skills

– Growth for your networking opportunities

-A better understanding of when it’s really worth getting out of your safety zone and taking risks

– Better alignment with the mission within the business and with your life purpose

-Better understanding of where your business is in the present moment, creating the opportunity to change what it takes to set a new direction for the future.

How to find a business coach

Its important to clearly understand what your immediate objectives are and what it is you want to accomplish before you hire a coach. There are many professionals that are available and each have a specific set of specialty skills so you will need to take the time to write down exactly what it is you want to accomplish and then determine three main factors or characteristics you want from a coach.

Then it is important you interview at least three prospects before making any sort of decision.

Business coaching reviews

I’m a huge fan of Steve’s work. I discovered him only recently and I’ve already changed so much about how I run my business because of what he teaches. I now feel so much more excited and passionate not only about my business but about marketing it. I’ve also read his book which is jam-packed with brilliant ideas to more deeply connect with people through your content and I’m using several of those already. More recently I had a call with George and in only 30 minutes, he helped me to see several simple shifts I could make in my business that would not only free up more time and space but also generate more income. I truly believe that every business owner who wants to do business with integrity needs to get to know his work.

Lucky me, finding such a grounded and genuine business coach to learn from at my own pace. I love how there is enough space and time to learn, try out and digest what I am learning from George’s workshop on content creation, even if I am just a beginner. I find his approach to sharing his content with us so generous and transparent – such a relief, compared to most marketing out there. I will be back for more when I am ready – and I know that is totally fine! Blessings.

Brings simplicity to complexity, while addressing key areas like a curious and joyful acupuncturist with precision needles. I’ve found his coaching to be exactly what I’ve needed for my business.

Rob is an incredibly generous, empowering, and spiritually-driven coach, mentor, and teacher — and moreover, he is all about marketing that is in keeping with our highest values and integrity. Check him out!!

Dan has awesome content to get you and your business up and running with your whole heart! Being in one of his groups adds an even deeper layer to that content and is helping me not only create and feel good about what I do but to be doing it in a sustainable manner.

When I find myself getting swept into common marketing culture I only need to watch a video of Dan to find my authentic center. He is truly a leader in being a good human and treating your customers as the precious gifts that they are. I highly recommend him to anyone with a desire to bring kindness to their community while making a living providing a service.

Truly a great coach and consultant, thank you for that! What I learned in our sessions will be very helpful for me moving forward with my marketing! I learned so much. It was great to see the live examples of how to move through everything. I’m going to start playing around with this today! Thank you very much!

Bob is a wonderful person focused on helping people to find their authentic marketing voice. He practices what he teaches. He leads by example. He certainly knows what he is talking about, and I would highly recommend him as a Business Coach. He is caring, honest, supportive, and funny! I have the chance to be part of his Coaching and Consulting Group and love it. He created a wonderful support system to help you take the steps you need to attract more clients.

I highly recommend Jim’s training’s and coaching; he’s the most informed, fluid, observant, authentic and hands-on mentor I’ve come across. Whatever stage you’re at with your online OR offline business he’s the go-to person for the most up-to-date info, he’s inclusive, generous, supportive, honest and kind. What more could you ask for? Oh, he’s also pretty enlightened.

I’ve only so far engaged with his free content, but what he shares there is inspiring and grounding. It both helps me see what’s possible for my business and also helps me align to how I want to show up in my life. His work draws me forward into being the kind of entrepreneur, and person, I know I truly am. Thank you, Sam!

Ben is the real deal! He not only knows how to take your business to the next level, he does it with authentic, intelligent, honest step by step instructions. As a coach he goes above and beyond what he says he will deliver. It is an honor and a privilege to work with him.

I had set up LinkedIn several years ago but never paid much attention to it. It was basically just an online resume. Since I am self-employed and not looking for a job, it did nothing for me. In my coaching sessions I learned to re-position myself to better support my current objectives. I replaced my content with a much better title, headline and summary and I created a background I never had before using Canva, as he suggested.
I already used Hootsuite to automatically post my mini-blog posts to Twitter. Now I am automatically posting the same to LinkedIn with no additional effort and gaining readers. Since reading the articles referenced in my blog requires LinkedIn readers to link back to my website, I am already seeing a measurable increase in traffic. Both of my books are now emphasized on LinkedIn and I am seeing an uptick in book sales. Overall, I am extremely pleased with what I learned through my coaching and consulting purchase.

Pau is one of the most heartfelt business coaches I’ve had the chance to work with (and I’ve worked with many in the “heart-centered business” space). The other big-name coaches I’ve worked with felt like they were putting a “heart-centered costume” on top of mainstream (manipulative) business/marketing techniques. His approach starts from the ground up based on being of real service to people. Not only is his content amazing, but the WAY HE IS BEING in his work inspires me every day to see how I can be more generous and service-focused in my business. I’m so grateful to have his wisdom and his example in my life so I can infuse it into every area of our work!

See also: Life and Business Coach

Life Coach Certification & Training

A complete guide to life coaching certification & training with a list of accredited schools costs & requirements necessary to become certified:

What is a life coach?

Life Coaching is a process that takes place in a strong and collaborative relationship between a trained certified coach and a person who seeks to achieve a goal and to improve their life in some way. It’s considered a relationship because it relies heavily on both the coach and the client’s personal investment to make the process work.

A Life Coach is someone who has been trained to ask the right questions, to offer the appropriate tools, and to guide the client to maximize their potential and to achieve their long-desired results. To do this, they have been educated and continually seek to improve themselves in order to create greater outcomes with their clients.

Certified Life Coaches use a range of tools to challenge their clients to change their lives for the better. They have learned how to do that in specialized schools that need to achieve high standards of operation to be considered adequate in the work of training these professionals.

These schools provide the necessary tools and skills for their students to enhance their emphatic skills of interpersonal intelligence to go around helping people to live a fulfilled and happier life.

What does a life coach do?

A Life Coach advises, encourages and guides their clients on their varied issues, both personal and professional. This can include, but is not limited to, specific personal life changes such as habits or beliefs, relationship problems, specific professional projects, emotional independence, spiritual evolution, better physical health, better financial health… There are several reasons why a person seeks the service of a Life Coach.

The coaching process consists basically in analyzing the specific issue of the client, identifying and overcoming possible obstacles and drawing a plan based on the person’s preferences so that they can achieve their goal and make changes or shifts in their life.

Often the client comes to the professional without even knowing what exactly they want to change in their life, just feeling they are dissatisfied. So it’s up to the Coach to clear the area and find, in partnership with the client, what exactly this one wants and needs.

There may also have situations in which the person has the belief, for example, that they need a romantic relationship to be happy and complete. It is also the coach’s role to use their coach expertise to modify goals as needed. In that case it would be up to him to show the person that, actually, they need first to feel happy and complete to, only after that, build a healthy relationship with someone.

The process of coaching is also – and especially – a process of self-knowledge and self-discovery. It is the Coach’s job to encourage clients to self-analyze, reflect on their deepest desires and understand where they came from, why they exist. This process empowers the client and improves their self-esteem and self-love, which generates the strength, the essential power to achieve good results with Coaching and in life.

How much money can you make as a life coach?

To understand what the average salary of a life coach is, you first need to understand that there are many factors that need to be considered. There’s no doubt that the Coaching industry is thriving. In 2012, there were approximately 47,500 professional coaches on the market that bring in a combined $2 billion in revenue. Perhaps this boom is due to the insecurity caused by the recent times economy, perhaps by the increasing demand of people in pursuit of their purposes in life, fact is that the profession is finally and definitely gaining respect.

As the Coach is a self-employed professional, meaning they own their own business, it’s them who decide how much they will charge for their hour. And that number will change a lot, according to some specific factors like the area of ​​expertise, skills, other services provided and experience.

After deciding that they want to pursue coach’s career, the essential thing to do is to discover the subarea in which they intend to act. Many, trying desperately not to lose any potential client, end up becoming generalists, while clients seek out experts, professionals who understand exactly what context and moment of life they are in.

The coaching industry is divided into basically three areas of practice: executive coaching, business coaching and life coaching. Choosing a specialty puts the professional in an expert position, which puts them above the competition, guaranteeing a greater income.

In addition, diversifying income is also very relevant for anyone looking to thrive financially in this industry. Giving lectures and seminars, writing books, offering trainings, creating online programs, exploring social networks, there are several ways to make money as a Coach.

Speaking in numbers and about average salary of those professionals, a coach can earn from $25 per hour to $300+ per hour, depending on their experience and their abilities. A coach coming out of a certification program charges typically from $ 100 to $ 150 per hour. Per month, it can vary from $ 200 to $ 10,000, depending on the services offered. From $zero to $15,000+ to speak at an event.

Of course, these numbers depend on the coach’s demand, experience, ability, expertise and skill. To achieve success in this career requires talent, professional training, the courage to put yourself out there, seeking strategies to sell your services, and the skill to grow and flourish as an entrepreneur.

Life coach legal requirements

Many people choose to be Life Coach as the first and only profession and many Life Coaches have a background in another profession. It is very common Life Coaches with backgrounds in mental health or counseling, for example. Unlike other professions, however, there are no legal standards required to become a life coach, but you’ll want the certification provided by the International Coach Federation.

The ICF offers three levels of coach credentials. The first of these is the Associate Certified Coach, which requires at least 60 hours of training and 100 hours of experience as a Coach. The second is the “Professional Certified Coach”, which requires at least 125 hours of training and 500 hours of experience. And the third, the “Master Certified Coach”, title that only those who have a minimum of 200 hours of training and 2500 hours of experience can boast.

The truth is that the coaching industry is still poorly regulated despite its tremendous growth. While no formal education is required to be Life Coach, accredited coaches are already much more valuable on the market. Such certifications are offered by the International Coach Federation to any interested professional, not only Life Coaches and there are, currently, over 150 ICF Accredited Coach Training Programs in the world.

Life coach certification accredited

A few years ago if you decided to call yourself a Life Coach two things could happen: either the person would not know what you were talking about, or they would have a vague idea in mind and be sure that you were someone esoteric doing mystical and mysterious work. Rare were the people who really knew what the Life Coach work was about.

Over time, more people have seen the Life Coaches’ work, more coaches have emerged, and nowadays Life Coaching is already considered a serious and respected profession. Most people already know what it is all about and pretty much everyone has heard about the profession.

The problem is that with this recent boom of Life Coaching industry, many people who are simply empathic, possessors of strong interpersonal intelligence and leadership traits, good ears and good advice to give could decide to wake up and call themselves a coach. It’s like waking up one day and naming yourself a doctor just because you know how to do some wound dressings.

The profession has not yet been regulated to the point where it is forbidden for you to call yourself Life Coach without being certified by a licensed school. Anyone may call themselves a Life Coach and many potential clients can hire a service from an unlicensed Life Coach.

Of course these unlicensed coaches can help their clients in some way, many have studied a lot on the subject and already possess valuable skills and tools. The point is that a coach who attended licensed school programs is potentially a professional incomparably superior to those who are self-taught or licensed by non accredited schools.

But what’s so special about licensed schools?

The International Coach Federation certification makes all the difference. ICF is the global pioneer organization in the field, its mission is to lead the global advancement of coaching profession, and facilitate a community formed by these professionals. They offer the knowledge and support that coaches need and, above all, set the standards required for a school to be accredited.

To become an Accredited Coach Training Program (ACTP), the program must achieve the standards set by the International Coach Federation and they are rigorous. According to the ICF accreditation guidelines, each Accredited Coach Training Program must offer at least 125 hours of coach skills training, competency and code of ethics training, six sessions in observation by an experienced coach while you coach clients, at least 6 observed-coaching sessions with an experienced coach, a comprehensive final exam, and of course, credentialed trainers by the ICF.

That’s why to get your education from an accredited school makes all the difference.

Life coach certification cost

To give you an idea, the average cost in the Accredited Coach Training Program ranges from $1,500 to $10,000, and may cost even more. Those are costs of tuition only, not included books, supplies, materials and other fees. This number varies greatly depending on some factors such as location, whether the program is online or presidential, length of training and the area of ​​specialization in which it is intended to act.

Yes, it will cost a significant amount of money to graduate as a Life Coach but, keeping in mind that the earning potential as a life coach is upwards of $100,000 a year, the investment will be worth it. It only takes you to be sure of what you want for your professional life and the wisdom of patiently researching the Life Coach School on which it is worth investing.

What can you do with a life coach certification?

Just as you would not do your knee surgery with a self-taught doctor and would not take care of your teeth with a dentist who has never been to college, more and more potential clients are seeking for certified coaches.

Years ago it was common for people to consult with unaccredited coaches simply because the other option was much more remote. With the natural evolution and growth of Coaching as an increasingly regulated profession, now the well informed clients are looking for accredited coaches simply because they know those professionals are well prepared to help them with their issues.

By choosing a program with ICF-accreditation you will be equipped with the tools, knowledge and skills to achieve the best possible results with your clients. You will be really prepared to deal with the different types of personalities and with the specific obstacles of each client of yours. In addition, you will boost your credibility in the market due to your credentials and thus will attract more people interested in your work.

Something really important that your life coach certification provides you with is the permanent status of membership of the International Coach Federation, which gives you access to publications and research, discounts on events and conferences, as well as keeping you in touch with other professionals in the area. That facilitates partnerships and opens many doors with numerous opportunities for you.

Every life coach is someone who, first and foremost, has as their life purpose to touch someone’s life and make it flourish and thrive. Having a certification provided by a good accredited school, more than a diploma, more than a status, more than any benefit, it gives you the certainty that you have sought the best you could for your training. You can go to the world well aware of your value as a professional, knowing that you will really make a difference in many people’s lives.

Life coach certification reviews

It is a privilege to be part of this family and community of world changers! More than the quantity, they are after the heart and the quality of the people that they produce. This profession is really life changing! I am excited to learn more from this family of world changers and continue to bring change wherever I will be.

As a DreamBuilder Coach, certified by the Life Mastery Institute, I am so proud to be part of such a beautiful and life-transformational program! Mary Morrissey is the real deal, and so is her staff!

One of the most professional educational organizations I’ve had the pleasure of collaborating with. I received my Credentials 7 plus years ago. They’re supportive, inspirational, and warm hearted individuals. I highly recommend The Life Coach Training Institute.

Life Mastery Institute is a living example as an organization, of what they teach. The consistency of professionalism, caring, generosity of time, products, and customer support is superior. Each and every staff person lives the company’s mission statement. Life Mastery Institute is a transformational, educational, and service oriented company that is Life enhancing.

Life coach training is a great experience for anyone who enjoys learning and helping others. Just like anything in life you have to work at it if you want to succeed. I love the fact that these ladies are women of their word and will coach you along every step of the way. Thank you!

Just this weekend I got certified as a Life Coach. The staff (Andrea, LaKendra, & Cherese) & the individuals I took the course with were nothing but amazing.. I didn’t know what to fully expect going in. But this whole experience was very informative and fulfilling.. I look forward to my future of being a Life Coach!!!

I just became a Dream Builder Coach / Life Mastery Consultant – when I entered the room 6 days ago, I honestly didn’t know what to expect – when I left the room 6 days later – I knew my life would NEVER BE THE SAME! I feel like a brand new creature! I feel like a new creation – I FEEL GOOD! Mary Morrissey is the real deal – she is truly a TRANSFORMATIONAL COACH! I thank God that I followed my intuition and took a chance on me! I am looking forward to my future because I know what it looks like!!!!!! Thank you Mary!

A Life-changing experience and high quality training. I felt totally comfortable starting my activity right after (I was a social worker before). I never regretted coming all the way from Italy to do it!

My experience with the Life Coach Training Institute has been amazing! I was trained having the one on one session which really allowed me to understand and share my personal skill set and even touch on areas of better growth. I extended a special thank you for my trainers who are approachable, compassionate and professional leaders.

I’ve been an International Head Coach / Trainer since 2005/6 and have yet to see a more comprehensive student friendly course which offers an easy to follow empowering programme which you can then use with your own clients to achieve phenomenal results, as well as flexibility and superb business support materials.

WOW! I just moved from Boston to Seattle to be part of this program and was super well received here. Richard and his facilitators are amazing! I’m learning a ton and feeling the love from my new awesome “family” in Seattle. I highly recommend the program if you’re looking into becoming a Certified Life Coach. Thank you guys for all the support and fantastic energy in class!

This program far surpassed my expectations. The facilitators are all master coaches and incredibly professional, dynamic and knowledgeable. The cohort of students were all high quality individuals sharing the same collective calling to steward the remembering of our own inner wisdom to live a life that is congruent with our hearts deepest callings.

I just graduated last night and still amped up about it. This institute was amazing. Any questions that I ever had were answered promptly and thoroughly. Paul hit a grand slam with this. I look forward to furthering my education with these wonderful people.

Cindy was wonderful and very passionate about equipping me to become an awesome Life Coach. She has years of experience in coaching and partnering with others to achieve their life goals. My classmates were full of knowledge, love, compassion, empathy, and dedicated with assisting others meet their life goals.

SLCT has become a second home. The love and warmth that fills that room is unexplainable. Richard, Jenny and Sherra put in the time and guidance to help you sift through the muck so that you can stand and be at your highest self and then shine your light onto others. I recommend this training full heartedly, to better yourself and become an amazing coach!!

At the age of 47 it seemed somewhat daunting and unsettling taking a decision to move on from 25+ years of corporate management with a desire to become a life coach. However, in choosing to train with and become certified by New Insights Life Coach Training, I only briefly look back, and only with pride, on how far I’ve come, as my vision is now firmly focused on my life purpose which I found on this journey to become a Certified New Insights Life Coach. The New Insights Life Coach Training program stretched much beyond my expectations and far beyond any other Life Coach training program I have researched. The quality, structure and support are unmatched. I don’t say lightly that I will forever be grateful for the transformational discovery and personal development that New Insights have enabled me to achieve. I am now equipped with knowledge, skills and confidence to live my own best life and look forward to serving and helping many many others to do the same. With immense gratitude.

I have watched New Insights over the years before enrolling this year as trainee coach. This is an excellent company which values quality and consistency. The course I am doing is real value for money and I get so much more than I bargained for. Thank you so much for being such an inspiration. It is a pleasure to be affiliated with this company. I have only had 5 star service so far and if I could I would give you 6 stars! 🙂 May our relationship be a long and happy one!
