Are Life Coaches Worth It?

are life coaches worth it

Here is why a life coach is, and is not worth it…

Find Clarity

One of the biggest challenges in people’s lives is that they lack clarity.

Every day people are going out into the world and moving in a direction without having a clear understanding of who they are, what they want, or where they are going.

Because of this, people wake up one day feeling like “something is missing” or that “I should be further along in my life by now”.

Those individuals who feel a void or are frustrated with their life situation do so because they lack clarity and end up spinning their wheels moving in the wrong direction.

Or they get stuck by “paralysis by analysis” where they are lost in their head overthinking things.

A life coach can help you be objective by acting as a sounding board to provide you the space to get clear on what it is you actually want.

Get Direction

When it comes to moving forward and achieving your goals, you are going to need a map.

Imagine if you set sail on the high sees without a map. You would have no idea which way to turn.

A life coach can help you get to where you want to go much faster because they have the experience and insights to show you which way to turn or pivot when you need to adjust on your path.

Time Management

People who are stuck in their life are usually ones who are wasting time and are being unproductive.

By working with a life coach, it is going to force you to make better use of your time ensuring that you squeeze out the most productivity from each hour of the day.

People generally see up to three times the amount of productivity when they begin working with a coach.


Most people who don’t accomplish their goals do so because they lack accountability.

One of the most common things people do is procrastinate and put things off until tomorrow.

Laziness is inherit in all of us and it is an easy default mechanism when you don’t have any one to answer to.

Just think about when you were in school and would put off assignments until the last minute only to rush everything the day before because you knew you were going to have to answer to your teacher.

By having a coach you are going to be held accountable forcing you to become committed to tasks at hand.

More Enjoyable

Having someone involved while you go through the process of self improvement makes the journey more enjoyable.

Rather than you being all by yourself, you will now have someone who is along the ride with you.

As the saying goes, “The journey is the goal” and by having someone to share it with you will make the process much easier.

Increase Your Quality of Life

Life is a precious gift and each day you spend on this planet should be spent filled with joy.

All to often people settle for less because they have set low standards for themselves.

But by working with a life coach, you are now going to improve certain aspects of your life that will have a major impact on your happiness.

Become More Energized

Just look around at the people in your environment and you will see that most are lethargic and sleep walking.

People lack enthusiasm and are suffering from low energy because they are miserable in their circumstances.

When you finally accomplish your goals and become your best self, you will have tapped into a new source of energy that will be much better than coffee or any stimulant on the market.

Alleviate Your Stress & Anxiety

Stress and anxiety are one of the main causes of why so many people feel depressed and agitated.

Sadly, so many of these individuals settle for some type of drug to help numb them of these feelings rather than using it as a signpost that they need to do something about their life.

When you finally take control of your life and direct it (rather than letting it direct you), your stresses and anxiety will be alleviated giving you a better sense of inner peace, calmness, and overall well-being.

Boost Your Confidence & Self-Esteem

People who take action, get things done, and accomplish their goals have more confidence and high self-esteem.

When you finally are able to start manifesting things into your life, you will see your level of confidence and self-worth skyrocket.

Better Relationships

Whether you are having a hard time with your family, don’t like the friends you have, or are having a hard time finding true love, a life coach can help you understand why your relationships are out of balance and what you need to do to attract better people into your life.

The people you surround yourself play a vital role in your happiness and well-being so it is important that you invest the time (and money) to make sure you are surrounding yourself with good people.

Improve Your Finances

It goes without saying that the number one cause of stress and anxiety are people’s poor skills of money management.

Yes…we all want to make more money.

However, making more won’t necessarily solve your problems.

Sometimes it can be your understanding of money and how you manage it.

So while a coach can help you learn how to make more money, they can also help learn how to manage it more effectively.

A good life coach is only not worth it if you are not…

  • Open to change and new ways of thinking
  • Willing to be honest with yourself and your coach
  • Ready to be held accountable
  • Willing to take action and do the necessary work


A life coach is not going to live your life for you.

They can only support you as much as you are willing to be supported.

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