Need help finding a job you love?
In this article you are going to learn the exact process of how to choose a career path.
In it, you will discover why:
1. It’s important to define your own success
2. Having a clear understanding of your lifestyle is so critical
3. You should be an expert in your industry
4. Being passionate about your industry is crucial
5. You need to find something that accentuates your natural talents
6. You need to pick a career where you will be appreciated
+ more!
1. Define Your Own Success
Before you go out and choose a career path, it’s important that you take the time to determine what success means to you.
Chances are, you have been bombarded with messages from your parents, family, society, and friends about what success means.
Generally speaking, it looks like this:
> High paying job
> Big house
> Kids
> Nice car
> Two or three week vacation
You know, the “American Dream.”
While this may work for some people, now more than ever people are waking up to the fact that making a lot of money and working crazy hours for it does not equate to being happy in life.
The first question you must ask yourself is this:
1. What do I want?
2. What makes me happy?
3. What does success look like to me?
2. Create A Lifestyle You Love
The biggest mistake most people make when they choose a career path is that they tend to just focus on survival needs (i.e. making money).
Very seldom do people actually take the time to think about the lifestyle they want to live.
And I am not just talking about your comfort level and stuff you can buy with money.
I am talking about how you spend your time each day.
Many people assume that when they choose a career path that they automatically have to succumb to the 9 to 5 Monday through Friday regimen.
This is not true.
There are many creative ways to develop your career that compliments your lifestyle.
It all comes down to what you want.
So spend some time thinking about what you want your day to day life to look like first.
3. Become An Expert
When choosing your career path, it’s important that you have the mindset of becoming the best at what you do.
The only way you will be able to create leverage and have more negotiating power with the company you work with is by establishing yourself as an expert in your field.
This means you are going to have to eat, sleep, and breathe the information that makes up this industry.
Therefore, it’s very important you choose the right career path to ensure it is authentic to who you are.
The last thing you want to do is become an expert at something you really don’t care about (which makes up more than half our society and is why so many people are miserable).
By increasing your perceived value, this will allow you to increase your earnings, work less, work flexible hours, and the company will treat you with more respect.
High level team members want to surround themselves with other people who are at their level or at a higher level.
Therefore it’s important that you be perceived as their equal. And the best way to do that is by establishing yourself as an expert.
4. Love Your Industry
When you choose a career path, you will now become part of an industry.
The people who make up this industry are now your community and tribe.
You will be seeing them at conferences, talking with them via email, and constantly engaging with these people about your subject matter.
Since you are going to spend more time with them then you will your own family, shouldn’t you care about the industry you are a part of?
Your industry is part of a collective group on this planet that is producing a product or service that (hopefully) is improving our society.
Just look at all of the industries out there and you will see they all have a common message and “vibe” about them.
Whatever career path you decide on, make sure you love that industry because it will become your second family.
5. Tap Into Your Natural Talents
When you are trying to figure out how to choose a career path, it’s important that whatever you do taps into your natural talents.
Each one of us has a set of special talents and its important that your job accentuate those talents and give you an opportunity to improve upon them.
This does not mean you will not have to learn anything new because you will.
But rather than trying to force yourself to become something you are not, just be your natural self and find something that aligns with your existing set of skills.
6. Be Appreciated & Acknowledged
Whatever you do, make sure you find something where you will be appreciated and acknowledged.
As human beings, we all need to feel love and respect. Without it, we will become miserable human beings.
Notice how unhappy people are at work?
That’s because they are doing something they hate or not being appreciated for the work they do.
Having to go to a job day in and day out where you are never acknowledged or appreciated will make you feel awful no matter how much they pay you.
Want me to help you find your career path as your coach?
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