Want to learn how to find your passion in life?
In this article you will learn:
1. 3 simple steps on how to get started
2. The difference between “career passion” and “hobby passion”
3. How I turned my passion into a 6-figure career
Step 1 – Keep It Simple & Have Fun
First and foremost, don’t let this overwhelm you.
All too often people feel stressed out about figuring out what they should do with their life that it becomes this heavy burden that it actually detours you from finding your passion in life.
Take a deep breath.
Have fun.
And let it come through you naturally.
Step 2 – Follow Your Excitement
With all of the self improvement and new age rhetoric you hear out there about “following your passion”, what most people don’t talk about are the actual mechanics of how this all works.
Rather than thinking of some big project or career (which in actuality is jumping too far ahead), you need to focus on small steps that you can immediately take that will set up a scenario for one of the X-Factors that I teach: synchronicity.
It’s through synchronicity that will allow the pieces of the puzzle to all start to come together.
When you look at the story of any successful person, you will see that it was some small tinkering such as reading a book, taking a class, or something that seemed “insignificant” that led to their ultimate success.
Steve Jobs (founder of Apple computers) took a calligraphy class that later on inspired him to start Apple.
He had no idea that the class would lead to Apple computers.
He was just excited about beauty and art and took the class.
When he was in the class, he got the idea that computers need to be as beautiful as calligraphy.
So what you need to do is ask yourself this question:
What excites me right now?
Then do that and when that is over follow your next excitement and then the next one and so on.
Have fun and play like a little child.
Have you ever seen kids play with one toy to the next?
A child will be fully present in the moment playing their game until they are done with it and then will quickly move on to the next thing without even thinking about it.
Kids are naturally in tune with what excites them.
You need to rekindle that relationship with your inner child and play with one thing to the next and see what comes up for you along the way.
Step 3 – Focus On A Theme
Once you have found something that excites you, then focus on that theme:
- Sports
- Music
- Art
- Business
- Travel
- Philanthropy
- Teaching
Whatever it is that excites you, it will be part of an overarching theme that you can connect it with that will help you learn how to discover your passion in life.
The truth is that many of you are probably already doing something that is your passion but because of how society defines a “career,” you have (without knowing it) discounted it not realizing that you already found it but have minimized it thinking that “There is no way I could make money from doing this.”
You would be amazed at how much your subconscious rules your life without even knowing it.
As someone who spent over ten years in advertising, trust me, your mind can be controlled a lot easier than you think.
Work vs Hobby
As you begin this process, it’s important to pay attention if any of these things feel more like your “work/career path” or if they are a “personal hobby”.
There is nothing wrong with creating your work life around your hobby.
Your career does not necessarily have to be “your life”.
It can just be something that you enjoy doing but mostly serves paying the bills while you have other things that fulfill you.
I have a friend who loves to surf. That is all he wants to do.
He is not interested in becoming a professional or getting sponsored or anything like that.
He wants to surf every day and do it on his terms.
So he moved down to Costa Rica, got a job as a waiter (at night time) so that he can surf all day.
He lives a very simple life but is extremely happy.
In his world, he is successful.
This is why it is important that you have a clear understanding of what success means to you.
Have you defined what “success” means to you?
Do not listen to what others define as being successful, listen to your heart and do what works for you.
If that means making a lot of money and working a high paying corporate job then so be it.
But make sure it’s true for you and that you are not seeking outside validation or doing things because of what you think is expected of you.
How I Turned My Passion Into A 6-Figure Career
As a young teenager I was a mess: suicidal, depressed, overweight, angry, lost, confused, and so on.
But at the age of 14 I found my first passion: DJ’ing.
I “tinkered” for a couple of years and when I was 16 years old, got the opportunity (through synchronicity) to produce an event with a friend of mine.
I had no idea what I was doing and had zero education or experience with event production, marketing, operations, management, etc.
I just followed my passion and learnt as I went.
For the course of ten years I produced events and also published a music magazine.
When I left the industry, not only did I have a great time doing it, but I had learned so much along the way and positioned myself to become a VP at a media company where I made a nice 6-figure income.
And all of this happened because I just followed my passion.
Want me to help you find your passion as your coach?
Contact me below so we can schedule a free consult.
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