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Best Life Coach Portland
I sort of despise goals, though I do love a result. I could always see the big picture, I just couldn’t figure out how to track back from the finish line to narrow down what action to take today to get there. So naturally, I’d give up. Then I learned a new way + it worked. It doesn’t require beating yourself into submission – hooray! In fact, it’s practical + manageable. Wanna come sit in my living room, eat snacks + learn to set + secure goals that build your confidence at the same time? Then let’s schedule your first free life coaching session.
2420 NE Sandy Blvd Portland, OR 97232
Are you healing from the loss of a relationship? If you are…Life coaching in Portland can help. Write a letter to the person who has hurt you, left you, or betrayed you. Write as quickly as you can. Do not think about what you are writing. Let all of your feelings come up. When you are done, put it in a safe place where no one can find it. Now, do it again. And again. And again. Write until there is nothing left to say, positive or negative. Now, take all of your letters, bundle them together, and burn them. If that is impractical, tearing them up in tiny, tiny bits will have the same effect.
1355 NW Everett St Portland, OR 97209
Carey’s commitment to herself, her family, her Tribe and her career are just a few things that make this Portland life coaching service top notch. It’s taken 2 years and 9 months to recover from severe depression and I’m still on the journey to feeling fully healthy, strong and energetic again. I’m down 45 pounds and only 20 more to go. My commitment to fitness and health gets stronger every day, because this mama’s body is going to look and feel. If you’re a new mom wondering when or if you’ll ever feel strong or rested or anything at all like your former self again, take heart. You will win. Not immediately, but definitely.
511 SW 10th Ave Portland, OR 97205
As you burn or rip them up, you might want to say a blessing to send them on their way, such as, “I am grateful for all I have learned. I am grateful for all this relationship has given me. I am grateful for who I am becoming. I let go of our attachment. I release everything with love. I am willing to see the love.” Trust me you will feel so much better afterward. I’ve often wanted things to unfold within two time frames: Now or Yesterday. If it wasn’t happening now, I was afraid it wasn’t going to happen at all, so I’d stick my hand in, force an outcome and most times f- things up. It’s like wanting to experience a flower full bloom, but instead of standing back and letting it come into its fullness, I want to pluck and pull all the petals out to get it done.
4949 SW Macadam Ave Portland, OR 97239
If you have a positive attitude and constantly
4784 SE 17th Ave Portland, OR 97202
A new beginning is on your horizon but you must have the courage to push through. Declare your struggles over. Declare your enemies defeated. Declare yourself victorious. Do this with passion. Your own self-talk is a very powerful tool in cultivating your belief system and ultimately your results. If you are defeated in your thoughts you will be defeated in your life. If you are a champion in your thoughts – your success is inevitable. Life coaching is more than just about accomplishing a set of goals. Its about breaking through all your doubt and fears too. Call us today to learn more about our services.
240 N Broadway St Portland, OR 97227
In my life it hasn’t been all roses, but with God there to help me through a lot of tough situation this site brings back old memories..
1302 SE Mlk Jr Blvd Portland, OR 97214
When you make a mistake, don’t look back at it long. Take the reason of the thing into your mind and then look forward. Mistakes are lessons of wisdom. The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power. Do yourself a favor and learn how to walk away. When a connection starts to fade, learn how to let it go. When a person starts to mistreat you, learn how to move on to something and someone better. Don’t waste your energy trying to force something that isn’t meant to be, because the truth is…for every one person who doesn’t value you – there are tons more waiting to love you better!
220 NW 8th Ave Portland, OR 97209
Sometimes what our current challenges need most is time. Many things resolve themselves without our doing. When I stand back and let things take their natural course, a solution often unfolds within the process. I don’t have to search for an answer, dig for an outcome, or pluck and pull the petals out. Time provides. Let things be. Let things breathe. I wonder sometimes, what if there was nothing to solve? I’ve learned gratitude is a process to shift energy + perspective. The more I appreciate, the more I find there is to appreciate + the longer I practice gratitude, as with anything else, the more profound my relationship to it becomes. These days, I’m experiencing gratitude as a sense of awe. Not so much for the *things* I have, but for the way those things have found their way into my life. It’s miraculous. My life is a miracle. The way it is unfolding is a miracle.
700 SW 5th Ave Portland, OR 97204
It’s power and strength to be positive and happy; every day is a special gift from God -and our lives are so very precious! I believe its a choice to choose to be happy because it comes from within;- it is our gift to God for being thankful for all He does for us each and every day! .. even when times get tough we choose to give thanks and look at the good side of everything; because God even takes our dark times and uses them for our good. When we let the goodness of God’s spirit work in us -we are letting our light shine to others too. So even when I’m having a tough day I choose to be positive and happy!
Life Coach Portland Reviews
I followed my intuition to work with Niki as my coach…I absolutely
Thank God I am always joyous His joy is always my strength! He bring me so much joy peace love and Hope I might not be happy all the time but I do have an enter strength that makes my heart glad and I know that Jesus Christ is always with me and therefore I am happy He always help me see good instead of bad side of all thing! This is something that The Holy Spirit does in your life, when you invites Him To come In ,He’s a free gift! you can’t buy him He just want you surrender and say here I am! take my life and do something with, I pray God will bless you as you get to know your maker! who made heaven and earth and all that you see and all that, that you cant see, that what the bible says!
Very much inspirational and sometimes when we are going through tough battles out of our control; we tend to lose focus. But the other day I was scrolling and this page popped up from a share and it brought me back to who I really am. Thank you
I have been blessed with the opportunity to become a part of this wonderful facility. We are here to offer hope and new beginnings to those seeking recovery. I am in awe of the amazing people I get to work with daily, and the capacity of love and care at Portland life coaching is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. I love you guys and I am so grateful to be a member of this family.
In the times of today in America, so much can pull your spirit and we need to do all we can to encourage ourselves and others to be positive. It is this positive energy which can get us through.I haven’t done the course as unfortunately I can’t afford to however, Lisa’s material is the one thing currently helping me break through a terrible time. I find myself nodding along to the videos and actively using her information. Thank you so much
I think its perfect,my glass is now always half full,never half empty. I’m going to be sure that I read that on a daily basis when I do my Daily Bible Reading, it sure sounds like a upper to me ,,,,thx for this Kelly
I just want to say that your work has saved me! I’m degreed in psychology and have 15 years experience in the field, but none of that taught me what you have. I’m greatly enjoying your “you tube” videos and you have no doubt become my mentor. You have an amazing understanding in many areas and an amazing way to convey that understanding. Thank you so much.
Thank you so much for having me as a guest Candy Barone. The focus of the show is to talk about the power of choice as a leader, and to bring a more meaningful conversation around the emotional intelligence (EQ) of leadership. Watch in the link below to learn more about how Compassion and Grief play important roles.
Miranda Dawn has been working with me since the beginning of this year as my project manager, assistant and fairy godmother! I am so lucky to have her in my life and the music they create is so aligned with the work I do and we do together. Aaron and I have been listening to their new album over and over, and it makes all of our road trips that much more special! Love you Miranda Dawn! Congratulations!!
I worked with Ariel in her 6-Figure Mindset Coaching Salon. The mindset informatio
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- What is a life coach?
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- Are life coaches worth it?
- How much does life coaching cost?
- How to choose a life coach
- Interview questions to ask a life coach