Should I Hire A Life Coach?

hire life coach

Are you wondering if you should hire a life coach?

Here are 11 questions you need to ask yourself before spending any of your hard earned money.

1. Are you open to change?

Generally speaking, people become settled with their current circumstances because its much easier.

Change requires not only hard work, but the willingness to be open to new ideas.

People who tend to be stuck in a rut get there because they are close-minded and lock themselves in a box.

So before you hire a life coach, make sure you are really open to seeing the world and yourself in a whole new way.

You need to be willing to try new ideas and perspectives.

2. Are you ready to be honest and vulnerable?

Chances are, if you are having a difficult time in your life then you may not be looking at yourself honestly.

It takes courage to look at your shortcomings and be honest with yourself that you may have a lot of qualities that need some work.

Most of us have our masks on where we try to project a better image of ourselves for other people to see.

The problem with this is that you end up believing that that is who you are when in reality, you are not that person at all.

During the coaching process, you will need to be vulnerable and take a step back and look at yourself honestly.

No coach can help you if you keep trying to pretend to be something you are not.

3. Are you ready for a journey?

Ask any personal trainer or gym manager and they will tell you the same thing…

People are really excited in the beginning. But once they see how much work is involved they lose their enthusiasm within a few weeks.

Whatever challenges you are facing, they were developed over many years.

You have probably been living your life on autopilot allowing “issues” to pile up and sweeping them under the rug.

So no…

You won’t be able to magically fix everything overnight that took you years to create.

Before you hire a life coach, make sure you are in for the long haul.

As the saying goes: “Life is a marathon, not a sprint.

4. Are you ready to face your fears?

One of the biggest reasons people have a hard time changing their life is because it is going to force you to face your fears.

  • Fear of the unknown
  • Fear of change
  • Fear of failure
  • Fear of rejection
  • Fear of not being good enough

The way motivation works is that you will always move towards what you define as being more pleasurable and move away from what you define as being more painful.

Because you will need to face your fears, subconsciously you will define the experience as being painful and this is where self sabotage can get the best of you.

So before you hire a life coach, make sure you are ready to face your fears.

5. Are you ready to step up and become a better version of yourself?

Going after what you want in life and accomplishing your goals is going to require you to become a different person.

You will need to step up and become your “bigger self”.

This is scary for many people because they get settled and comfortable with where they are.

You will now being stepping out of your comfort zone where you are going to need to act and behave as a different person.

This takes courage.

6. Are you ready to be held accountable?

No more excuses.

No more playing the victim role.

No more blaming your circumstances on something or someone else.

It’s time for you to take full responsibility for your life.

If you are going to work with a coach then you will need to be ready to be held accountable for all your choices and actions.

7. Are you ready to be more focused?

When you begin to take inventory of your life situation and look at what you have been doing, you will quickly see that you have not been very focused.

Generally speaking, individuals who find themselves in a place in their life where they are unsatisfied or unfulfilled do so because they are terrible at time management.

Either they are wasting time on the web or don’t use their time as effectively as they could be.

Working with a life coach is going to force you to have to be more diligent with how you use your time:

  • Instead of watching videos you need to be working on your project
  • Instead of chatting with friends on social media you need to be at the gym
  • Instead of being lazy at your house you need to be organizing and cleaning

8. Are you ready to take massive action?

After you get clear on what it is you want to create in your life, now you are going to need to take massive action.

This is going to require that you stop stalling and start moving forward.

Each day you are going to need to attack your goals head on.

People who are successful get to where they are because they obsess over it. It’s all they think about because they want it so bad.

So before you hire a life coach make sure you are ready to take massive action to the best of your ability.

9. Are you ready to be more disciplined?

One of the most important traits successful people nurture each day is self-discipline.

Your life is made up of small little choices you are making each and every second and your life situation is nothing more than the sum total of these choices.

Everything you choose to believe, think, say, or act upon have a direct impact on the results you are experiencing in life.

This means that you are going to need to become more self-aware and exude more discipline in your choices and behaviors if you truly want to see your life improve.

10. Are you ready to make mistakes?

Another common fear people have is making mistakes. Living your life to the fullest is going to require trial and error.

One of the best ways for you to discover who you are and what you want is by first discovering who you are not and what you don’t want.

This means you are going to need to be open to testing many paths until you find what works best for you.

Some days will be good.

Others won’t.

But as long as you learn from your mistakes, then you are always moving forward.

11. Are you ready to invest time and money into yourself?

For some reason, people have a hard time spending money on their own education and self improvement.

They have no problem wasting money on frivolous meals or entertainment.

But when it comes to taking a course, getting a book, or hiring a life coach, they cringe at the idea of having to spend money.

Yes, your personal growth costs time and money.

You need to be ready to invest in yourself.

Successful people have spent tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and millions of dollars on their education and growth.

So if you want to hire a life coach, be ready to spend money.

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