Celebrity Life Coach

Welcome to The Coaching Institute.

celebrity life coachMy name is Sam Miller and as a celebrity life coach, I have been working with musicians, actors, athletes, and politicians on helping them achieve their personal and professional goals faster.

Lets face it…

Being a celebrity is not easy.

When it comes to things such as:

  • Making tough decisions with your career
  • Managing your finances
  • Keeping a healthy work-life balance
  • Pushing yourself to succeed
  • Dealing with fake people
  • Staying productive
  • Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone

And so on.

It can cause a great deal of stress, anxiety, and feeling overwhelmed.

I’m never surprised when I hear the latest story of a celebrity dealing with depression, addiction, or suicide because that life is not easy.

Sure, it has its perks.

But it also requires a great deal of discipline and maturity to manage it all.

As your coach, I can help you…

  1. Improve your work-life balance so that you stop feeling stressed out and are more fulfilled from your work
  2. Find clarity and make tough decisions in your life so you can get unstuck and move forward
  3. Develop better habits so that you have more structure and discipline in your life
  4. Set and achieve goals so you will have a better sense of achievement and know that your life is moving in the right direction
  5. Get organized and manage your time more effectively so you can get better results from your day and be held accountable
  6. Change your mindset and put an end to self doubt so that you think more positively about your life
  7. Build your self confidence so you stop letting industry news or failures get you down
  8. Develop better relationships and friendships that leave you feeling more fulfilled
  9. Get self motivated and stop procrastinating so you take action in life and be more productive
  10. Overcome depression and anxiety so you can experience more inner peace and joy
  11. Learn to believe in yourself so you never give up and keep going when things get tough

And more.

If you are interested in learning more about me and my services, go here.

What is a celebrity life coach?

A celebrity life coach is someone who works directly with actors, athletes, musicians, politicians, and people who are in the spotlight. They are specifically trained to have to deal with the many challenges that celebrities face including busy schedules and the stresses that come with being a public figure.

What does a celebrity life coach do?

This type of coach can help someone who is overwhelmed with the burden of having to manage a hectic lifestyle find balance and well-being. All too often many people who are in the limelight tend to get stressed out because of all the things they must deal with.

The goal of a celebrity life coach is not only to help you find balance in all of the chaos, but to help you become your best self so that it can translate into all areas of your life and work.

Your coach will not only focus on helping you achieve your goals, but they will work with you to uncover the underlying negative beliefs and self talk that can be holding you back from achieving your desired results.

How does celebrity life coaching work?

Generally speaking, your coach can either:

A. Work with you virtually or online via phone, email, text, or Skype

B. Travel with you and be there by your side

Some clients like to check in with their coach on a weekly basis while others like to have them around daily depending on what is currently happening in their life.

A celebrity life coach understands that things in your life fluctuate quickly and that they need to be highly flexible to accommodate your ever-changing schedule.

Do I need a celebrity life coach?

If you are struggling with any of the following, then you definitely want to consider working with an expert:

  • Addictions – If you are struggling with alcohol, drugs, food, or technology
  • Anxiety – Feeling overwhelmed and having a hard time breathing or staying calm
  • Confidence – Because of the stresses that come with putting your work out in the public, it can be easy to lose your confidence
  • Decisions – If you have a hard time finding clarity on making tough decisions
  • Depression – If you are feeling sad or lost and need a way to help get your life back on track
  • Divorce – If you need help dealing with a breakup and transition
  • Loneliness – Very often many celebrities feel isolated and have a hard time dealing with the public
  • Love – If you are having a hard time finding intimacy and true love with a partner
  • Relationships – If you are having a hard time with friends or peers in your life
  • Stress – Help you manage the overwhelming burdens that come with being a public figure

Benefits of a celebrity life coach

  • Provides you absolute privacy and secrecy ensuring that no information being discussed is ever shared with the public especially media and news outlets.
  • Helps you manage the overwhelming burden of having to deal with a hectic life
  • Supports you in finding clarity when tough decisions need to be made
  • Can help you build confidence when you may otherwise feel like giving up
  • Give you a new perspective on things happening in your life
  • Challenge you to find the courage to face your fears
  • Remove all distractions so you can focus on what is most important for you
  • Help you increase your self awareness and gain a better understanding of yourself
  • Provide you feedback on how to improve in certain areas of your life
  • Give you guidance on what steps you need to take to move forward
  • Help you put an end to negative self-talk and self sabotage
  • Help you to stop procrastinating and create better habits
  • Help you become more productive
  • Get to the root cause of what is holding you back

How to find a celebrity life coach

When trying to get or hire a celebrity life coach, it’s important to run a proper interview process so you can ensure that they are the right fit for you.

Some questions you may want to ask yourself are:

1. Can they accommodate my schedule?

Many coaches can have a hard time accommodating a celebrities schedule only because they tend to like to plan their work hours in advance. This can be challenging for many public figures since they need someone who can be highly flexible.

2. Can I trust them?

It goes without saying that a great deal of trust is going to be given to your coach given the nature of the type of work you do and therefore it is essential that you find someone who you truly believe you can trust.

3. Do they fit my personality?

Because you will be spending a significant amount of time with your coach, it’s important to find someone who you can connect with on multiple levels so that you get along seamlessly.

4. Are they sincere?

Because of the nature of your situation, you need to make sure you find someone who is truly genuine about the work they are doing and not just trying to leach off of your success.

Celebrity life coach reviews

Carrie is the type of person with whom you have an instant connection. Her caring is apparent the first time you speak with her.

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed working with Carrie for the last couple years. Not only has she helped me continue to be accountable for my life choices in a completely positive way, she has aided me in prioritizing my personal and familial ambitions while motivating me to accomplish them, (some of which have been on my to-do list for YEARS!)

The sense of accomplishment and validation that Carrie has facilitated for me is priceless and immeasurable! She’s fostered an internal strength of which I greatly needed to be reminded.

As a client of Carrie’s, I’m confident that I will attain many more long-time goals, as well as continue focusing on being the absolute best ME that I can be!

No words can describe the gratitude I have for this beautiful being that has helped so many people in this world to do, be, and become. Thank you Lisa! Your 12 week program is amazing, and worth everything.

Krista has been a godsend! I wanted to start a business to teach other medical specialist the art of cosmetic tattooing. The challenge always was how to reach those individuals with medical backgrounds and artistic backgrounds. Krista was a great teacher. She set up my business page and taught me how to do social media. I will always be grateful to her.

For the past two months I’ve trained with David and it has been an awesome experience so far. I’ve had trainers in the past, but none with as much knowledge and experience as David. He pushes you to be the healthiest person you can be. I recommend him to anyone who needs the extra push in meeting their health (and body) goals, you will not be disappointed!

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Life Coaches In Philadelphia PA

Are you looking for a life coach in Philadelphia Pennsylvania?

Our free matchmaking service will help you find, hire, and get a personal, private, or individual expert in your area:

Best Life Coach Philadelphia

philadelphia life coachReady to up the ownership of your recovery, life and expression? I would love to have you in my private coaching community so that I can spend time with you, hear your areas of opportunity and help you up-level where it counts! See below. Philadelphia life coaching is a holistic online community for men & women in recovery who know they are meant for so much more and want to continue their inner work to live their potential. As human beings we are imperfect, and compassion for self is understanding and accepting that. We all deserve love, and we can only receive as much love from others as we give to ourselves. The more we nourish ourselves with compassion, the more ability we will have to share it with others.

230 South Broad St Philadelphia, PA 19102

life coach philadelphiaIt’s often easier to pay attention + accolades to others than it is to pay them to ourselves, though the latter is imperative to wholeness. Honor your passage in this life. Honor everything you’ve ever done … your toughest challenges, the incredible things you’ve had to overcome. Take stock + take credit. You got you here. Embody that. It’s not about selling yourself, outwardly. It’s about standing for yourself, internally.

104 S 20th St Philadelphia, PA 19103

I just completed a coaching workshop with a bunch of colleagues committed to helping people change their lives. Not bad. We focused on two prominent tools in the Fearless Living repertoire. The Wheel of Fear, that identifies the *one fear* that ultimately triggers you. [yeah, one] And the anecdote, the Wheel of Freedom, that identifies your essential nature … that part of you that brings you back into your wholeness, that part of you that makes you feel alive and enveloped in freedom and at home in the skin you’re in. This work is part of a few real good things that have changed my life. If you ask me about it, I’ll tell you about it.

1430 Walnut St Philadelphia, PA 19102

For many who struggle with addiction, physical dependence is a daily reality, and a debilitating illness. However, like so many illnesses, it can be treated and overcome. But to do so, it is important to understand what it is, first. For many people who struggle with addiction, and are transitioning into sobriety, the sober lifestyle does not come naturally. The idea that you can have fun while sober – that life is far more enjoyable while sober – is usually quite distant for many in their first few months of recovery. A sober mindset will translate to a fulfilling sober life.

21 South 11th St Philadelphia, PA 19107

Prepare yourself for the best life you can imagine! There are six different mental skills included in this bundle that will provide you with the tools necessary to build a strong foundation for academic, social and mental health success in life and your career. Making and maintaining friend, time management and organizational skills, managing a bully, building confidence and assertiveness as well as improving communication skills. The coaching program is designed with educational background knowledge about developing your brain as well as easy to understand exercises and discussion points for you and your partner to talk about. 

30 S 15th St Philadelphia, PA 19102

Perfectionism is paralyzing, not to mention a lot ton more work than melting into yourself + life, as is. Perfectionism kept me hiding when I thought I didn’t measure up + putting life on hold until I could get it just right. It’s too exhausting. I’m a lot more fun to be around when I’m tripping over my laces + I get back up. Get up. Reflect the true you. I’m not saying that you can’t coach if you’re not fully healed. But, the actual act of really working on your own life, to really put yourself a task, to become your own greatest advocate is an essential skill, an essential pathway for you to actually learn and remember what your clients are going through.

1701 Walnut St Philadelphia, PA 19103

Have you ever believed that there is something wrong with you? Have you ever believed that your imperfections were in your way? What if all of that could change? What would you like to let go and learn to love about yourself?Learning the art of layered questions is essential to move from a good Coach to a Great Coach to a Master Coach. Without understanding the purpose open-ended questions versus close-ended questions or knowing how to stay in the flow that exists in the moment or anchoring and expanding your client’s ah-ha’s into their entire life, your influence, impact and confidence will be thwarted.

2401 Walnut St Philadelphia, PA 19103

Stigma is negative belief or form of disgrace, often rooted in misinformation and a very common in the topic of addiction. While science helps us navigate addiction from a more sympathetic and compassionate point of view, myths and misconceptions fuel a false understanding of what addiction is, particularly its relationship to choice.An integral part of overcoming addiction is always having friends and family to rely on when you really need to. Being able to dial a number or head to a specific place and just recuperate and try to stay clean can take a lot of pressure off the situation.

1010 N Hancock St Philadelphia, PA 19123

Remember that these feelings are temporary. My grandmother and mother loved to use the expression, “This too shall pass.” It is true for both positive and negative experiences. When I am feeling down, I remind myself that this too shall pass. When I am feeling good, I remember that this too shall pass. This gives me perspective on my current experience and a greater appreciation for life.

1221 Locust St Philadelphia, PA 19107

What are we supposed to do with this when we are experiencing the roller coaster of emotions that life brings? We have to start making it okay to feel. We have to stop being afraid of our feelings, both good and bad. Because when we feel great, we think, Is it okay that I’m so happy when so many people are struggling? And when we feel awful we think, What’s wrong with me? It’s time to understand that this is what it’s like to be human. We feel good, we feel bad, and everything in between. Accepting our own emotions is half the battle. Having some self-compassion will allow us to also accept other people as they are.

2001 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19103

Life Coach Philadelphia Reviews

Hiring Niki as my success coach was the smartest move I could have made! In just a few sessions I had a clear idea of what my business model would look like. She helped me move from being stuck as a “general health coach” to a wellness coach specializing in women’s weight management. She helped me turn my story into my #1 strength and the growth I have experienced since has been phenomenal.

This woman has saved my life. I do not know where I would be without her 12 week program. Lisa is not only my mentor and my coach but she has become part of my breakthrough family. Thank you for making me feel like I finally belong.

Niki helped me understand the basics of program-building so that I can create customizable protocols to fit the unique needs of my clients, while also offering standard programs for those in need of general help. The versatility that I am able to manage in my business today has helped me branch out tremendously, while still sticking to my niche and expertise.

An awareness I just had listening to you was that I’m not as committed to accepting change as I’d like to have believed I was. There’s a part of me that still feels entitled (hard to admit because I have a lot of judgment about entitlement in general) to my victim story. Its like, ok, I accept that change has to happen here but, why…. And in asking why, I’m not in acceptance. I’m putting myself into my story for a period of time before eventually coming out of it and into acceptance of the change. So, I create needless suffering for myself. I need to cut that out

It has been my pleasure to have had Carrie as a coach and supporter as we have shared this journey towards a more conscious and empowered life. She is as authentic a human being as I have ever known and creates an environment that truly encourages open and honest communication. With her encouragement, I have achieved a level of clarity and balance in my life that has exceeded my expectations. Carrie is a very calming influence, while providing an invigorating stream of motivation. She has been instrumental in helping me pave a path to success in all areas of my life. I am honored to have Carrie as my coach and enthusiastically recommend her.

ANJ changed my life. If you’re struggling with food and body this is the place to be. The staff is wonderful, friendly and encouraging in every way. A New Journey is a world class organization and I highly recommend it.

There’s so much for which to be grateful to Niki! My biggest takeaways: 1) Great things happen when you invest in growth and you do the work; 2) It takes a powerful coach to help us understand our true desires and how to “live” our purpose; and 3) You are your product and how you market yourself will make a HUGE difference in your income! Thank you for your amazingness, Niki!

I spent about 4 months at Philly life coaching and would recommend this program to anyone seeking treatment. They have your best interest at heart (even when it doesn’t feel that way). I am in recovery thanks to all of the support and tools I gained during my experience.

Niki is amazing!!!!! I was looking to build a business that I loved that fit with my family lifestyle and she helped me do just that! I am so grateful for her open minded approach to coaching. I want you to know that if you want to know the TRUTH, you are in the right place!!!! Thank you Niki

Out of some choices I made in my life and then events happening that are just sad life experiences, followed by many things that were just not my true choice or want that harmed many people I loved and many I didn’t even know. My life felt like walking down a very dark hallway, many closed doors, yet everything seemed so wrong and so dark. Casa was a door at an end of a long hallway for me that was cracked open with a bit of a light that shined on the ground where my head was hung. I told myself, open it just one more time and see. It was a beautiful garden with lots of colors and light, a new beginning….. HOPE.

Life Coaching has saved my life on multiple occasions. They have never given up on me and have never turned me away when I was in need. When I was at my absolute lowest point in life they are the only people I could turn to. I wouldn’t be half the person I am today without this facility and their amazing staff. I can’t even truly put into words how grateful I am for what they’ve done for me. If you are questioning which treatment center is right for you or a loved one, please look no further. This facility is magic.

I have a really difficult time with change. I also understand that nothing changes if nothing changes. I feel stuck because I am so stubborn about what matters I can change, but don’t. My living environment is terrible and it needs to change somehow. My mental and physical health are suffering because I am not committed to making a change. I need more help with regard to cleaning my apartment so it is free of bugs.

Niki is kind, generous, and smart, and is a phenomenal coach! She stretched me to start my health coaching business & helped me land my first client! She supported me and held me accountable to do the things to grow my business the right way. She is very responsive and dependable. She is a NO BS/EXCUSES coach! She helped me break through your fears and gain confidence. Niki taught me how to hold my clients to a higher vision and not take their excuses. She believes in you all the way and holds a vision for you that you cannot quite see yet. Niki will help you ditch the excuses and get the results you want! I highly recommend Niki to any coach ready to RISE UP, start living their truth, and create the successful business they desire!

I am a referring clinician that has worked with Rosewood many times. All my experiences with them have been great. They communicate with outside treatment providers, offer top notch clinical care and judgment, and really care about their clients. I would not hesitate to send my own family member to Rosewood, and I refer there without hesitation.

I typically only write reviews if they are positive, so I held off on writing anything. However, I feel compelled to say something because my experience in this program was pretty disappointing. I do want to say that there are staff members that are good at their jobs and programs work differently for different people.

Because I came from out of state I was living in the transitional living. I found the manager of the house pretty immature. In the house and at the actual center none of the staff do much to help you adjust to living in the house. At all my other treatment centers I actually felt welcomed and like the staff cared about helping me become comfortable.

My insurance cut me early from this program. On my last day, I asked to speak with my life coach, and she was entirely unhelpful. She blew me off because she needed to go to a staff member’s “rock ceremony” (goodbye ceremony for when someone leaves). No, it was not a meeting or for a session with another client. I understand that she was saying goodbye to one of her coworkers, but with everywhere else I’ve been I’ve experienced staff who are professional and see their client’s needs as a priority.

Life Coaching Information

Types Of Life Coaches

Life Coaches In Phoenix AZ

Are you looking for a life coach in Phoenix Arizona?

Our free matchmaking service will help you find, hire, and get a personal, private, or individual expert in your area:

Best Life Coach Phoenix

phoenix life coachHave you ever wondered why your life has plateaued or stalled? Or why you and your team feel stuck? Well, let me tell you what I learned and how having the right perspective can change everything. This coaching program is certainly on point…constantly judging your wellness by the research can definitely be misleading at best and totally confusing at worst. What if we just got in touch with what our bodies were telling us?

221 E Indianola Ave Phoenix, AZ 85012

life coach phoenixJust great info from experts that practice what they teach on the subject of living La Vida Wellness. It’s a great podcast for newbies to wellness, long term devotees and professionals, because I find if I get one gem, it can change my life. I’m offering a PERK; Any of the people who I invite that go through and listen to all 9 episodes I will offer a complimentary Discovery Session ($250.00 value). I’ll be spending 50-60 minutes focused on you and how to integrate the Ageless Reset into your everyday life.

1415 N 7th Ave Phoenix, AZ 85007

Different addictions happen at different levels I think, it depends what your body is lacking too, I think in a sense we all have addictions, good or bad. It would be wonderful to always to have perfect moderation if good and bad! We need a little bad to help build up certain tolerance I think, my personal thoughts. Remember to check in with your body. It’s so easy to forget our body when we are caught up in our minds. Find a moment to stop, breathe (let out a sound or sigh on the out-breathe), repeat 5x (or more). Notice, what is different? Now, how do you feel?

2390 E Camelback Rd Phoenix, AZ 85016

As a Transformational Life & Wellness Coach, I have totally hitched my professional & personal development trailer to Carey & Stacey’s Holistic MBA and if you know what’s good for you and your holistic business, you’ll watch this free video series…I dare you. Unfortunately as this amazing young man points out, our education system doesn’t value happiness, health & wellness and this is exactly what I help people with as a Transformation Coach. I wanna be like this kid when I grow up.

515 E Grant St Phoenix, AZ 85004

There are many things to consider when you want to improve your life and health. Understanding what to eat. What is healthy, what is unhealthy? What does your unique body want and how can you use nutrients to heal your body and benefit your energy, weight, and life? Our emotional relationship with food. Overeating, emotional eating, experiencing guilt around our food choices and our bodies and feeling like food has total power over you. Contact Phoenix life coaching to learn more about how we can help you.

2828 N Central Ave Phoenix, AZ 85004

Self-care has never been easier since I’ve been expecting. I go on these walks when stress arises to alleviate passing that tension on to her. On a walk awhile back, I kept repeating to myself “become so silent … become so silent …” almost unconsciously + then the rest I wrote above followed. Active Resting has been a thing I continue to work on. Purposed Silence has become a thing + in that silence, I find I often learn so much more than the times my mouth is moving. Try it. And then try it again because your head will try to tell you that you didn’t do it right when really, there is no right.

1729 E Osborn Rd Phoenix, AZ 85016

When we avoid going for our dreams because we are afraid to fail, our creativity gets stifled, our passion goes underground and our light dims. We lose part of ourselves. And slowly that failure feels like it’s guaranteed. But it’s not. Fear of failure may not feel like a choice. But it is. It absolute is. I know I have said it many times, but loving yourself is the greatest gift you can EVER give yourself. In this Phoenix life coaching service, I have a homework assignment for you. Do this and I promise you…you will begin to appreciate yourself even more and your life will change for the better.

7135 E Camelback Rd Scottsdale, AZ 85251

Have you ever been to a connection event where you deeply connect with other humans? I share my experience here and why it was so powerful for me. If you’re interested in exploring the second, and feeling more freedom around food I am opening up 10 spots a month in my schedule to share an awesome FREE visualization with you. What do you need to do? Choose a 30 minute time slot from the link below and hop on the phone with me.

4250 Drinkwater Blvd Scottsdale, AZ 85251

I’m getting super vulnerable and sharing an experience that I’ve been hiding for a long time. Why am I doing this?  Because I believe sharing and opening is a vehicle to heal and release shame. Because I believe that any of you who see yourself reflected in my experience will begin to heal too.
Because I want to live totally authentically and transparently. Because I believe this conversation is POWERFUL and ready to be birthed. Being a coach to help people change their lives is what I am dedicated to doing and want to support you as best as I can.

1 N 1st St Phoenix, AZ 85004

The word “deserve” means to do something worthy of reward or punishment. There’s an element of having “earned” something or having to “justify” something. That’s nonsense. Who then judges what we’ve done and determines it’s enough to *now* deserve what we want or determines the need to work *just one more week* to be fully deserving of our desire? We don’t have to earn what we want. We can just want it. We don’t have to justify what we desire. We can just desire it. We don’t have to earn love, our place in the world, our choices or our preferences. We are worthy of wanting and desiring because we are worthy, because we are alive.

2 N Central Ave Phoenix, AZ 85004

Life Coach Phoenix Reviews

This is the amazing story of an amazing human who decided to use his free will and personal responsibility productively (with the help of others…nobody makes it alone). I love stories of inspiration and overcoming of adversity! This guy is totally amazing. Ordinary people doing extraordinary things. Please pass share this with others. You just never know what challenges people are having in their lives and a story like this one can help them hang on and hang in there.

When one of my clients began working with me, asking for what she wanted was beyond her. In fact, when asked what she wanted – in any sense – for herself, for her marriage, for dinner, she didn’t know because she’d never ‘gone in’ to ask. Now she’s discovering she wants to leave her current job to support the kind of mother she wants to be. Yesterday when we talked, she kept saying’ “I deserve this … I deserve this …” and I stopped her.

I recently discovered Lisa through her you tube videos and am now devouring her books. I watched one video on co-dependency and narcissistic abuse and it was like a light bulb was turned on in my mind. You have to know it to get it and she really knows it! They’ve been so helpful.

One of my mentors, Rhonda Britten, says, “You can have perfection or connection, but you can’t have both.” Definitely true for me. Perfectionism kept me flailing around in my head, completely separated from the person or place in front of me. Someone would be talking to me, I’d see their mouth moving, but I couldn’t hear anything they were saying because my head was too loud. That said, I also realize it was incredibly brilliant on my part to develop the survival tactic of perfectionism at such a young age. It was necessary and as I continue to release the old remains of perfectionism today, I also acknowledge myself for having developed it in the first place. We are survivalists. Kudos to you for walking through + away from whatever you have. Give yourself credit and then go let life be messy. It is and it’s a lot more fun that way.

Most of my friends are entrepreneurs of some type and that means that they have to do marketing. If you want to know what’s working today, from someone who actually has the proof in the pudding, check out this very short review. Btw, I’ve never used coaching before and this is a pretty awesome way to get your message out there in this ADD world. Enjoy.

I suffered from anxiety and depression throughout my life and didn’t even know that it was the result of narcissistic abuse by my own mother..i watched Lisa’s videos and immediately signed up for her 12 week breakthrough program.i must say that this program saved my life from the hell within my own mind.The way Lisa takes you through the program kind of wipes out those dank energies weighing you down..Lisa is my guide and I’m forever grateful to her.so i highly recommend her to anyone who has one through childhood abuse and wants to connect to his/her inner child.thank u Lisa.

I found Carrie at one of the lowest points in my life. I was struggling with leaving my 19 year marriage to a man who was quietly leading a double life. I was struggling with the guilt of what separation and divorce would do to my young children. Carrie gently helped me see that I was profoundly disconnected from myself and didn’t trust my own instincts. She guided me through seeing how relying on my thoughts, rationalizations and ego was keeping me stuck. Going deeper to connect with my heart, instincts and truth, and lingering in that space was where I would find my power and peace. Then, I have found that sound decisions and actions follow from that place. To quote Carrie, ‘..try to remember that all of your POWER is inside, and where we get into the FALSE SELF of pain, fear, and anger is trying to live a life based on power from other sources.’ My light bulb moment was when she explained that traditional therapy often can get you nowhere because you are working with your mind and thoughts, not your feelings and inner connection. Carrie took these concepts, and my specific struggles and in just a few sessions, transformed them into practical, doable steps for me. I have an inner calm and confidence for the first time in my life and a growing sense that I and my children will be just fine in our new life going forward.

Christina thank you so much for this kind review! I absolutely love coaching you and I know that your Lularoe business is going to be a HUGE SUCCESS because you are so committed to embracing the BEST version of you!

I have been working with Niki since January and she is amazing!!! If you are looking for a personal transformation in your health and well-being, book a coaching session with her now! It is the best investment you will ever make in yourself. Her coaching style is unique and effective, and I plan to be a client for a long time. She is truly helping me move into my best vision of myself!

Nothing short of a miracle finding Lisa! I never knew I could fundamentally change the way I do LIFE!!! And I have never known such inner peace, even in the face of conflict, I am more able to be present to my feelings. My reacting needs some polish…smoothing the rough edges of the old patterns. Lisa A. Romano gets 5 stars review times 1 million!!!

In short, Krista is awesome!
I met her via a webinar and was a total skeptic at first (it’s ok, she knows this). But, there must’ve been enough of a glimmer of something there for me because I began following her on FB and the more I followed, the more connected I started to feel to her.  About 2 months after that webinar I decided to message her for a chat because I found myself to be filled with so much positive & inspirational energy, but not knowing what to do with it all. So, I chatted with her and things began to unfold in such a kick-ass way! (I was practically on Cloud 9 after our first chat.) To say that I’m looking forward to future chats is an understatement. I love how independent, caring, genuine, inspirational and real she is! And, I’m honored to call her my Life Coach in Phoenix.

I loved working with Niki! I learned so many mindset tricks and techniques that I will continue to use over and over. I recommend working with her 110%! BTW I created 9,000 worth of contracts from 2 conversations, this in only one month of working together!! Thank you Niki!

Thanks so much Kim; that means a lot coming from someone like you. We have to catch up and give hubby (love saying that…you guys were made for each other) our love.

Life Coaching Information

Types Of Life Coaches

Life Coaches In Orange County CA

Are you looking for a life coach in Orange County (OC) California?

Our free matchmaking service will help you find, hire, and get a personal, private, or individual expert in your area:

Best Life Coach Orange County

orange county life coachIs there a part of you that doesn’t want to heal? It’s important to honor and acknowledge the different parts of yourself. Though there is a part that wants change, often the part of ourselves that doesn’t is stronger. To heal, you want to be working towards alignment with the different aspects of yourself. There’s been many times in my process that I felt mentally and emotionally resolved when my body did not. I used to leave my body behind. I knew I needed to work the mental and emotional levels to get some stability for myself. Then came in spirituality and the physical level (aka my body) was always last on the the list. Over the years, I’ve been more mindful to have all the levels on board for my total healing. I love visualization energy coming together and integrating all parts of myself. And I was even able to bring on board the part of me that didn’t want to heal for a long time with my intention to heal through my OC life coaching program.

1621 Alton Pkwy Irvine, CA 92606

life coach orange countyDon’t forget to recharge, my fellow Compassion Warriors! Know when you need to reschedule or take the day off. There are days and moments where you definitely need to take some time for you (without guilt). Perhaps you can’t get out of bed—emotionally or physically. If so, it is okay to reschedule with a friend in need or take a personal day. You have to take care of yourself first. As compassionate warriors, we have to give from abundance rather than depletion. When we are depleted by our own life experiences, it is even more important to fill ourselves up first. What are some ways that you like to recharge?

204 E 4th St Santa Ana, CA 92701

Virtually every time I keynote, coach or lead I get the request to deliver my self-bullying message to girls, tweens and teens. And even more so, I get the request to lead a mother/daughter workshop. Today I’m delighted and overjoyed to announce that I’m fulfilling that request! Together, we’ve created a powerful one day workshop that combines her self-love and media literacy work with my self-bullying and Inner Mean Girl/Inner Wisdom work. This combination is sure to create a profound impact in the lives of women and girls alike.

1691 Kettering St Irvine, CA 92614

We are taught to do things the way other people think they should be done. To follow the rules. To make ourselves fit in. To be a part of the tribe. And in that we loose sight of who we truly are. We loose sight of what turns us on, what keeps us going, what lights our soul. We loose the very things that make us unique. We loose access to our genius.It’s your GENIUS that holds the keys to all that you desire and more than you can imagine. Each of us has it within us. The ones you see who are truly thriving, are the ones who have RECLAIMED their GENIUS and have chosen to walk the path of the unknown, the dark path (that can sometimes feel lonely) in order to live in their genius. Your genius looks like all the money you require to support your growth. Your genius looks like working with soul mate clients who light you up. Your genius looks like feeling freedom from the emotions and programming that ensured you. Your genius is you. Claim it now. You are the only one who holds the key. Contact me to learn more about my Orange County life coaching program.

270 Baker St E Costa Mesa, CA 92626

I’ve enjoyed working with teens and parents of teens for 15 years! It has definitely kept me young, which I appreciate! I believe teens are significantly misunderstood by most adults. I believe when adults understand teens, and why teens do the things they do, the relationship between teens and adults improves. As school approaches, past experience has shown me that teens and their parents typically have increasing relationship upset towards the end of summer. Parents are ready for teens to go back to school; and teens don’t want to go back to school, but they are likely bored and acting out from that boredom at this point in the summer. I am accepting new clients! I believe I can help you get through the end of summer and the beginning of the school year with less tension. Email me for your complementary coaching session in Orange County.

4590 MacArthur Blvd Newport Beach, CA 92660

In the Inner Wisdom Mastery coaching program we are in the month of friends/family/sisterhood and we are eliminating the toxic people from our life. Creating beautiful boundaries is essential to having a fulfilling life. Letting go of energy vampires can be challenging, but is so worth it. My clients and I are living examples of turning our Dream Projects into reality. You’ll hear our personal stories of dream projects that started as a seedling and blossomed into more than we could have imagined. We’ll also invite you to get absolute clarity and claim your own Dream Project.

234 E 17th St Costa Mesa, CA 92627

Self-care is a discipline because it’s not something you do once in awhile when the world gets crazy. It’s what you do every day, every week, month in and month out. It’s taking care of yourself in a way that doesn’t require you to “indulge” in order to restore balance. It’s making the commitment to stay healthy and balanced as a regular practice. This kind of discipline can lead to confidence, empowerment, and help you attain your goals. Sometimes we just have to let go and allow whatever is meant to be to be. Trust that it will all work out. It just may not always look like the way you pictured.

3420 Bristol St Costa Mesa, CA 92626

If you’re single and don’t meet enough people, I’ll help you attract the highest quality people online and show you how to successfully flirt in “real life”. If you’re online dating and you don’t find anybody you meet to be desirable, I’ll illustrate how you can create more opportunities to connect wherever you go. If you’re dating and don’t get second dates with the men you like the most, I’ll coach you on understanding how you come across to the opposite sex. If you’re in a relationship with an unsuitable partner, I’ll introduce a new decision-making process designed to empower you and break your old patterns. If you’re taking a break after a disappointing relationship experience, I’ll show you how to heal, think positively, and learn to date with confidence once again. Regardless of where you are on the relationship spectrum, I can help you get better results.

3333 Michelson Dr Irvine, CA 92612

No matter what your unique style of coaching is, the one thing all coaches have in common is the desire to get transformational results for their clients. Transformation results aren’t always easy to come by though and it has nothing to do with your coaching skills. One of the most common roadblocks Coaches encounter is that it’s often challenging to keep clients motivated to implement changes, especially between coaching sessions. That’s why it’s important to have some sort of accountability tool in place that allows for support and communication between sessions.

112 E Amerige Ave Fullerton, CA 92832

A life coaching program is a perfect place to go when you desperately need help staying clean and want every assurance that there will be no temptation around you. In the case of recovery, making positive life changes – specific ones – could actually boost your chances of a successful recovery from addiction, and help you carve out a life free from drugs. To overcome self-doubt about getting sober and staying sober, it’s important to see how doubt and addiction are entwined, to give you a better idea of what you’re fighting for mentally. There is a reason depression and addiction are so powerfully intertwined, and it has a lot to do with the brain, how it reacts to drug use, and how addiction promotes and feeds on a painful cycle of negative thinking.

3200 Park Center Dr Costa Mesa, CA 92626

Life Coach Orange County Reviews

Amy Ahlers vast knowledge about women and the ways we sabotage ourselves as well as how to create heart-centered businesses will rock your life when you get in her orbit. She always delivers with enthusiasm that is contagious and touches your heart. Can’t say enough about how her wisdom and spirit have changed the way I operate in the world. – Carlie

Never having worked with a life coach before, I was unsure of what to expect and what I would gain from this kind of service. Now, I can’t imagine my life without Krista! She is part therapist, part personal cheerleader, and part self-help guru. She has been working with me on finding balance between work and home as well as exploring what truly brings me joy in life. She’s opened my eyes to my heart’s desires and is providing me the tools I need to help fulfill them. She has a very calming presence and I felt a kinship with her right away! I look forward to our sessions and always feel recharged afterwards. She has quickly become an integral part of my support system. She’s 100% authentic (which is hard to come by these days) and I feel like she genuinely wants to see me do better in the areas I feel I’m struggling in. If you’re looking for a life coach, I highly recommend Krista Kathleen!

Hi To all the Sentient beings..I Honor you and love you all..from the bottom to the top of my heart. I want to talk about freedom..not the kind you hear in this world. Race, Love, Relligion, any and all sexual protocol..the freedom I’m talking about is personal freedom..freedom from imprisonment of your own brain..thinking and programing..yes imprisonment..locked up and throw away the key..and all along I thought I deserved it..broken and unfixable..that was me..lost and locked up..and no key. 61 years of imprisonment..I couldn’t even kill myself..I was to afraid and believe me I wanted out of this pain. I want you to feel what I’m saying..I want to touch your hearts and pain..I am telling you this program works..Lisa A Romano..what a name..my heart feels like its going to burst..with gratitude and love for you and saving my life..YES I did the work but you created the program..and NOW I AM FREE!!!! I love you and I ain’t never never going back..I feel like I am running for my life.. in a good way..and I can free to be ME..I truly love ME ! And to all my co-hearts I am truly grateful for you and sharing your life with me..And to Lisa’s little angels thank you, thank you, thank you.. I have some time left to live and make a difference in my life and this world..And I am..and I’m going to have fun doing it too..LOL..I’m not even done with the program yet I have 2 more weeks..I had something to say..and I know the next two weeks are going to be nothing but awesome.. Love to all.. Kim

I was introduced to her work through an instructor at Upper Iowa University and have been a faithful follower since. I was bullied by peers, parents and others and her words heal and offer hope.

I have been working with Carrie since March 2017 and it has been the best investment I have made for myself. I have learned new skills in dealing with life, relationships and mostly learning to love myself. If you are looking for life changes and you feel stuck or you want to understand why you think or do the things you do I highly recommend Carrie!

When I knew I needed a “life coach,” it was in a moment of fog, frustration and vulnerability. I knew myself well enough to know that I wasn’t as incapable as I felt at that time. I simply had lost my connection to that capable side of myself. From my initial consultation with Carrie, I felt comfortable that she was the partner I needed to guide me back to my better, more powerful self. She didn’t profess to have the treasure map of my mind but she did communicate her goals for our relationship as a coach so clearly that I knew I’d found what I was looking for. Carrie is damn good at what she does.

I have only been working with Krista for a short time but I already fee SUCH a difference with my outlook on things! I’m feeling more confident in my decisions and actions, I let things go a little easier now. Krista always sends a detailed report of what we went over and how I can best work through things which is awesome because my memory is completely SHOT so having that recap is wonderful. There will be some homework but it is so much for the benefit of YOU that it doesn’t even feel like homework. I can’t WAIT to dig deeper in our upcoming sessions!!!
I always wanted a life coach but always felt it was way out of my price range. Krista is SO affordable I thought it was too good to be true! And payment is super easy too!

I think it becomes difficult because there are some who can’t and there are some who can, and they are both trying to get each other to see it their way, when the solution might be that each have to respect what works for the other.

Yes, it is interesting. You know that part of my story is that I could not be with someone who used substances. I was newly recovered and clear I didn’t want a partner who came home with beer on the breath or high. So it was a matter of me being clear first of what is or isn’t acceptable for me and honoring that.

I started working with Niki in June and WOW do I feel like a new and improved me! Niki offered unwavering support and insight during my transition/leap from corporate to solopreneur. Everything I had hoped to achieve by working with her happened…and more. I went from being afraid and scripted in my online videos to doing them consistently and from the heart. I went from being unclear in my offering and programs to CLEAR; and her patience as I stumbled here was always encouraging and and empowering. Niki is a wildly intuitive, high vibe, high serving kind of coach. She lit a fire under me that continues to burn and I am forever thankful for the opportunity to work with her.

I have been in her shoes. Tried to stay because my bio clock was ticking. In the end I had to leave and having done so may have missed out on having kids by staying too long. It hurts but enough time has passed that I do not feel it will be the end of the world if I do not find mr right one for me and have a family in my early fourties. I knew that pressure yo have kids and have the clock tick when especially in my case there was no chance he would want a child too well. I hope she finds an available guy she connects with before time runs out.

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Life Coaches In Miami FL

Are you looking for a life coach in Miami Florida?

Our free matchmaking service will help you find, hire, and get a personal, private, or individual expert in your area:

Best Life Coach Miami

miami life coachThis trip has been amazing. Amazingly hard at times. Amazingly effortless and in total flow other times. And I’m growing and living a dream that most people will never allow themselves to live, and you want to know the best part? I created this for myself. I chose to keep going even when things were hard, scary, and uncomfortable. I decided i wouldn’t accept anything less than consciously creating my life, on my terms. So don’t give up. Don’t be afraid because you think you can’t afford it. That’s such bullshit. Because the truth is you can’t afford not to live your own life, the way you know you want it to be. All aspects of it. Stop hiding and decide to go all in. Because when you do, you’ll get more than you could have asked for.

400 NW 26th St Miami, FL 33127

life coach miamiI’m giving you permission to treat your body well, and in fact, to make it a priority! I know your taking care of yourself on the inside, take care of yourself on the outside as well. As far back as Biblical times people knew that spa treatments enhance and awaken a woman’s feminine power. Take time to pamper and prioritize yourself and your well being. The real key to manifesting is giving yourself permission to be you, so take a moment today to love and celebrate yourself! As a Miami life coach I am dedicated to guiding you along to true health and wellness.

1101 Brickell Ave Miami, FL 33131

If financial stability or affluence feels elusive this is the episode for you. On life coaching Miami I shared my story about being the heiress to the H&R Block fortune, losing it all when I discovered my previous husband’s gambling addiction and my road to becoming the world’s leading authority on women, wealth and power. Listen to my interview on the Catalyst Conversations podcast to find out why your money struggles aren’t really about money and how to change your money mindset now, don’t forget to sign up to our free consultation to see if we are good fit.

888 Biscayne Blvd Miami, FL 33132

I’ll share 4 simple steps to transform your thinking, and your behavior, so you effortlessly become a Powerful Woman who can Create and Sustain Wealth. This call will be full of action steps and exercises you can do NOW to uncover what’s blocking you from creating Wealth & Well-Being. I’ll also include some amazing insights from my new body of work—reWIRE and I’ll be making an exciting announcement at the end of the call. Reserve your spot here.

2222 Ponce De Leon Blvd Miami, FL 33134

Our very health & lives depend on changing our relationship to time. You can’t find time or make more time. Time is not lost and there is no time kitchen. Elevate out of the time trap + activate your feminine power to create space. You are doing enough. In fact, you are doing more than you can even see. So how about you take the pressure off + start feeling the truth that your presence alone has super power. You can’t make more time. There is no ‘time kitchen’. Time can’t be found. Because it’s not lost. But you do have the feminine super power to create space. Just like a mother would do for her child, claim the space you need to get what you need.

990 Biscayne Blvd Miami, FL 33132

The truth is, I’ve been enjoying this “slow” time. In fact, I needed it. The past few months have brought about a lot of changes for me, as I’ve taken on more of a partner role in Miami life coaching and much of my attention has gone towards that. So things are just different around here, in a good way. I’ve been doing some soul searching about what is next for my own personal brand and I’m excited to create some new offerings for you all. And yes, you can bet they will be around living and working on the road, seriously up leveling your belief in yourself and a new conversation on mindset, money, and meaning!

5790 Sunset Dr Miami, FL 33143

I am so excited! A longtime dream is about to come true. I’m creating a safe place for women to talk openly and authentically about wealth and power. Registration is officially open for The Wealth Connection—an exclusive, online community of women who come together to support each other in taking our next big leap…not just financially, but to become the powerful women we’re meant to be. It’s been proven women flourish financially in groups with other women. I want to give you a safe place to talk openly and authentically about money and power.

2999 NE 191st St Miami, FL 33180

Digestion is one of the most common topics I discuss with my coaching clients, and your diet plays a major role in the function of it.Both fruits and vegetables are known for their fiber content, but there are some key veggies that have a “special” effect on digestion. Did you know that probiotics can also benefit your heart health? Some studies have shown that probiotics can reduce cholesterol, blood pressure and inflammation. In my health and life coaching program I will teach you everything you need to know about how to take back your life and health. Contact me to learn more about my life coaching services.

3250 NE 1st Ave Miami, FL 33137

Do you have so much to share and give, but get stuck in overwhelm, fear of the tech, a dislike of marketing, or just feel shy? I’m excited to introduce you to Destinee Berman. (She is the online strategist behind some of today’s most successful program launches in the spiritual space–think Ashley Turner, Gloria Latham, Debra Silverman.) Destinee’s hosting a FREE masterclass: “Bringing Your Spiritual Wisdom Online.” Let me help you zero in on the essence of what’s standing in your way and give you the tools for getting ahead financially and personally. Learn how you can work with me in my ReWIRE Mentorship program. I am accepting 5 new members for the life coaching group.

3301 NE 1st Ave Miami, FL 33137

Take time to celebrate your significant other. Take time for each other, don’t wait for an anniversary make everyday a special occasion. Relationships are Everything in this modern day and age and sometimes we forget that, so just making the people in our life realize how important they are to us and how special they are is part of being a queen is, it is part of being feminine to get what really matters in life and what’s really important. I will help you discover your Purpose & Design your Dream Career so BEING YOU is the best thing in Your Life Again! Don’t miss out on this trans-formative opportunity this is the last chance to upgrade to the retreat. For more information and to register please contact us.

7950 NW 53rd St Miami, FL 33166

Life Coach Miami Reviews

I’m belated in sharing how tremendously Niki helped me when I left my job this summer to start my own health coaching business. Her no-BS, down to earth approach is exactly what I needed to get clear on my vision, as well as the limiting beliefs I needed to work through in order to get there. Niki is fiercely supportive and honest, and believes in her clients 100%. Highly recommend working with Niki if you need clarity and accountability to take big, bold action and make life happen!

After many years of thinking about doing it, I finally made the decision to engage a life coach. At the time, I was confused which way was up. After a few years of unexpected events in my life, I had regained some stability, but I was still feeling lost. I wasn’t sure what was next, and I was full of fear, which was holding me back. I was stuck, not making progress in certain areas of my life. I had forgotten how to get connected and listen to who I was and what I wanted. The most devastating for me was that I had lost the ability to trust myself and my individuality.

From my first conversation with Carrie, I was elated at the journey that I was about to embark on. Carrie brings a warm yet high energy that immediately allows you to feel that you have a trusted confidant on your side who is ready to get you moving forward. She also has a gift for delivering that kind of “tough love” that allows you to really look deep inside, and question and challenge that fear, and those negative words and emotions that hold so many of us back from living the lives we are meant to live.

With Carrie’s guidance, I’ve come out the other side. I have experienced a shift of coming back to my true self. And I’m carrying with me that amazing feeling that this is just the beginning, and that my future is abundant with opportunity. And when I need them, the right tools and strategies that Carrie has armed me with are available to me to move forward with confidence and in my knowing — always.

My first encounter with NS was the cookbook – my copy is already well-worn. The recipes are so delicious and inventive but totally accessible. Digging into the website and blog, are invaluable tips on meal planning and prep, more fabulous recipes, and fresh nutrition information. To say that NS jump started my journey to clean, healthy nutrition is no exaggeration. NS makes “healthy” luxurious and inspiring.

life changing all for the better, I love Lisa, & her voice , where she was brought up & all, resonated with me, she has a calming authentic voice, her meditations are soothing and insightful. I just took the 12 week breakthrough coach course, when I started, I was staying in a tent, and than a hotel, to rented room in India, from ramifications of being co dependent w/ medical issues, Lyme, escaping abuse from a narc family,than back in USA to hotels in summer time, $$$,, using wifi at McDonald’s, when money was depleting, I was going to be homeless, I was going to go camping alone, and than.. now I am renting a room in a nice home, that is conducive to healing, all within 12 weeks! proud to say I am a success story and I encourage anyone dealing with co-dependency, dysfunctional upbringing to take any of Lisa courses, something Powerful will occur for you , I am sure. It is designed in a way that is nurturing and encouraging, easy pace, just meets you where you are at. I am forever changed for the better, so grateful, I am blown away, in a good way!

I started working with Niki in June and WOW do I feel like a new and improved me! Niki offered unwavering support and insight during my transition/leap from corporate to solopreneur. Everything I had hoped to achieve by working with her happened…and more. I went from being afraid and scripted in my online videos to doing them consistently and from the heart. I went from being unclear in my offering and programs to CLEAR; and her patience as I stumbled here was always encouraging and and empowering. Niki is a wildly intuitive, high vibe, high serving kind of coach. She lit a fire under me that continues to burn and I am forever thankful for the opportunity to work with her.

Niki is an amazing coach. I did her 6-figure mindset program. It was worth every penny! Niki says it like it is and really helps you to get out of your own way and propel your business forward by doing the inner work to shift your mindset. She’s awesome! I highly recommend working with her!

McKel is extremely knowledgeable about health and wellness. She has gotten me hooked on my new morning Turmeric Lattes (delish) and keeps me up to date on the health and wellness scene. I keep her Nutrition Stripped book on my desk for quick references!

I thank God everyday that I found Lisa! For 50 years I didn’t know what was wrong or how to fix it. I listen to her videos and meditations every morning. I own all her books. Her book Quantum Tools to Help You Heal Your Life is an absolute must read for everyone on earth. She shares so freely and helps so many! Thank you Lisa!

Krista is an amazing and powerful woman. I met Krista through a lularoe webinar with my team. She did a webinar for our team and I found it really inspiring. Something about that night spoke to me, so I reached out to Krista. I quickly realized that she is exactly what was missing in my life. I was starting to feel overwhelmed and struggling with boundaries, work/balance and finding time for myself. I have been working with Krista for a little over a month, and I have joined her fearless female entrepreneurs marketing Facebook group. (Which is really helpful for entrepreneurs. The group is filled with powerful woman and great marketing tips ) Since I started working with her I have seen a huge change in myself and have not felt so overwhelmed. I have found time for myself and felt ok about it instead of feeling guilty to say “no”. She is very knowledgeable and passionate about what she does: Thank you Krista for being my life coach.

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Life Coaches In Portland OR

Are you looking for a life coach in Portland Oregon?

Our free matchmaking service will help you find, hire, and get a personal, private, or individual expert in your area:

Best Life Coach Portland

portland life coachI sort of despise goals, though I do love a result. I could always see the big picture, I just couldn’t figure out how to track back from the finish line to narrow down what action to take today to get there. So naturally, I’d give up. Then I learned a new way + it worked. It doesn’t require beating yourself into submission – hooray! In fact, it’s practical + manageable. Wanna come sit in my living room, eat snacks + learn to set + secure goals that build your confidence at the same time? Then let’s schedule your first free life coaching session.

2420 NE Sandy Blvd Portland, OR 97232

life coach portlandAre you healing from the loss of a relationship? If you are…Life coaching in Portland can help. Write a letter to the person who has hurt you, left you, or betrayed you. Write as quickly as you can. Do not think about what you are writing. Let all of your feelings come up. When you are done, put it in a safe place where no one can find it. Now, do it again. And again. And again. Write until there is nothing left to say, positive or negative. Now, take all of your letters, bundle them together, and burn them. If that is impractical, tearing them up in tiny, tiny bits will have the same effect.

1355 NW Everett St Portland, OR 97209

Carey’s commitment to herself, her family, her Tribe and her career are just a few things that make this Portland life coaching service top notch. It’s taken 2 years and 9 months to recover from severe depression and I’m still on the journey to feeling fully healthy, strong and energetic again. I’m down 45 pounds and only 20 more to go. My commitment to fitness and health gets stronger every day, because this mama’s body is going to look and feel. If you’re a new mom wondering when or if you’ll ever feel strong or rested or anything at all like your former self again, take heart. You will win. Not immediately, but definitely.

511 SW 10th Ave Portland, OR 97205

As you burn or rip them up, you might want to say a blessing to send them on their way, such as, “I am grateful for all I have learned. I am grateful for all this relationship has given me. I am grateful for who I am becoming. I let go of our attachment. I release everything with love. I am willing to see the love.” Trust me you will feel so much better afterward. I’ve often wanted things to unfold within two time frames: Now or Yesterday. If it wasn’t happening now, I was afraid it wasn’t going to happen at all, so I’d stick my hand in, force an outcome and most times f- things up. It’s like wanting to experience a flower full bloom, but instead of standing back and letting it come into its fullness, I want to pluck and pull all the petals out to get it done.

4949 SW Macadam Ave Portland, OR 97239

If you have a positive attitude and constantly strive to give your best effort, eventually you will overcome your immediate problems and find you are ready for greater challenges. All roads that lead to success have to pass through hard work boulevard at some point. Stay positive, work hare, make it happen. I learned that who doesn’t look for you, doesn’t miss you and who doesn’t miss you doesn’t care for you… that destiny determines who enters your life but you decide who stays… that the truth hurts only once and a lie every time you remember it. There are three things in life that leave and never return: words, time and opportunities… therefore, value whoever values you and don’t treat as a priority whoever treats you as an option.

4784 SE 17th Ave Portland, OR 97202

A new beginning is on your horizon but you must have the courage to push through. Declare your struggles over. Declare your enemies defeated. Declare yourself victorious. Do this with passion. Your own self-talk is a very powerful tool in cultivating your belief system and ultimately your results. If you are defeated in your thoughts you will be defeated in your life. If you are a champion in your thoughts – your success is inevitable. Life coaching is more than just about accomplishing a set of goals. Its about breaking through all your doubt and fears too. Call us today to learn more about our services.

240 N Broadway St Portland, OR 97227

In my life it hasn’t been all roses, but with God there to help me through a lot of tough situation this site brings back old memories... being positive just wasn’t for me during those negative years. But it will be work for me to turn things around with the help of God using others to do what they do best to counter act this negative thinking...thank God for all those wonderful people who continue to be obedient to God when He summons them to give a word to get someone on track again etc…

1302 SE Mlk Jr Blvd Portland, OR 97214

When you make a mistake, don’t look back at it long. Take the reason of the thing into your mind and then look forward. Mistakes are lessons of wisdom. The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power. Do yourself a favor and learn how to walk away. When a connection starts to fade, learn how to let it go. When a person starts to mistreat you, learn how to move on to something and someone better. Don’t waste your energy trying to force something that isn’t meant to be, because the truth is…for every one person who doesn’t value you – there are tons more waiting to love you better!

220 NW 8th Ave Portland, OR 97209

Sometimes what our current challenges need most is time. Many things resolve themselves without our doing. When I stand back and let things take their natural course, a solution often unfolds within the process. I don’t have to search for an answer, dig for an outcome, or pluck and pull the petals out. Time provides. Let things be. Let things breathe. I wonder sometimes, what if there was nothing to solve? I’ve learned gratitude is a process to shift energy + perspective. The more I appreciate, the more I find there is to appreciate + the longer I practice gratitude, as with anything else, the more profound my relationship to it becomes. These days, I’m experiencing gratitude as a sense of awe. Not so much for the *things* I have, but for the way those things have found their way into my life. It’s miraculous. My life is a miracle. The way it is unfolding is a miracle.

700 SW 5th Ave Portland, OR 97204

It’s power and strength to be positive and happy; every day is a special gift from God -and our lives are so very precious! I believe its a choice to choose to be happy because it comes from within;- it is our gift to God for being thankful for all He does for us each and every day! .. even when times get tough we choose to give thanks and look at the good side of everything; because God even takes our dark times and uses them for our good. When we let the goodness of God’s spirit work in us -we are letting our light shine to others too. So even when I’m having a tough day I choose to be positive and happy!

329 NE Couch St Portland, OR 97232

Life Coach Portland Reviews

I followed my intuition to work with Niki as my coach…I absolutely made the right decision and am so grateful!! I have gained so much insight about myself, my beliefs and how I’m choosing to be living to be on a higher vibration that I desire, which is shifting things in my life and the journey I am on in such beautiful,powerful ways and so much more is yet to come as I continue this work! This is shifting who I am within myself and who I’m being in this world, and bringing me to another level in being a masterful coach to be in beautiful service to others. Niki is unwavering in her convictions, beautifully intuitive, supportivewith full heart and fierce fire, down-to-earth and refreshingly real, and has powerful life coaching methods that are invaluable! She has helped me to finally realize I can have and be more in my life by shifting my beliefs and thoughts, and stepping into this and doing inner work has been phenomenal and life-changing for me, and it has brought me farther in my personal journey than I ever have been before. I cannot recommend Niki more highly to help you step into the version of you that you desire!

Thank God I am always joyous His joy is always my strength! He bring me so much joy peace love and Hope I might not be happy all the time but I do have an enter strength that makes my heart glad and I know that Jesus Christ is always with me and therefore I am happy He always help me see good instead of bad side of all thing! This is something that The Holy Spirit does in your life, when you invites Him To come In ,He’s a free gift! you can’t buy him He just want you surrender and say here I am! take my life and do something with, I pray God will bless you as you get to know your maker! who made heaven and earth and all that you see and all that, that you cant see, that what the bible says! 

Very much inspirational and sometimes when we are going through tough battles out of our control; we tend to lose focus. But the other day I was scrolling and this page popped up from a share and it brought me back to who I really am. Thank you

I have been blessed with the opportunity to become a part of this wonderful facility. We are here to offer hope and new beginnings to those seeking recovery. I am in awe of the amazing people I get to work with daily, and the capacity of love and care at Portland life coaching is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. I love you guys and I am so grateful to be a member of this family.

In the times of today in America, so much can pull your spirit and we need to do all we can to encourage ourselves and others to be positive. It is this positive energy which can get us through.I haven’t done the course as unfortunately I can’t afford to however, Lisa’s material is the one thing currently helping me break through a terrible time. I find myself nodding along to the videos and actively using her information. Thank you so much

I think its perfect,my glass is now always half full,never half empty. I’m going to be sure that I read that on a daily basis when I do my Daily Bible Reading, it sure sounds like a upper to me ,,,,thx for this Kelly

I just want to say that your work has saved me! I’m degreed in psychology and have 15 years experience in the field, but none of that taught me what you have. I’m greatly enjoying your “you tube” videos and you have no doubt become my mentor. You have an amazing understanding in many areas and an amazing way to convey that understanding. Thank you so much.

Thank you so much for having me as a guest Candy Barone. The focus of the show is to talk about the power of choice as a leader, and to bring a more meaningful conversation around the emotional intelligence (EQ) of leadership. Watch in the link below to learn more about how Compassion and Grief play important roles.

Miranda Dawn has been working with me since the beginning of this year as my project manager, assistant and fairy godmother! I am so lucky to have her in my life and the music they create is so aligned with the work I do and we do together. Aaron and I have been listening to their new album over and over, and it makes all of our road trips that much more special! Love you Miranda Dawn! Congratulations!!

I worked with Ariel in her 6-Figure Mindset Coaching Salon. The mindset information she gave was powerful and really helpful to jump start me in my coaching business and to get out of my own way. She went above and beyond in our 1:1 sessions, staying on the call longer than planned, making to-do videos for me to help with technology and logistics. She inspired and helped me with new programs to offer my clients. She really cares about her clients and their success. I strongly recommend her to anyone ready to go… she will support you, stretch you and call you out like no other. She is exactly what I needed.

Life Coaching Information

Types Of Life Coaches

Life Coaches In Austin TX

Are you looking for a life coach in Austin Texas?

Our free matchmaking service will help you find, hire, and get a personal, private, or individual expert in your area:

Best Life Coach Austin

austin life coachPain and hardships are temporary. We go through them, survive, and we hope to learn from it. The beauty is how we can become better after the pain and hardships. Your dreams can become a reality when you believe you are worthy. Dreams do come true. Believe it. When we have kids, it helps us become better because they look to us for the hope and promise of their future. Becoming a better spouse and working on your marriage will allow your child to view marriage in a more positive and hopeful light.

201 W 5th St Austin, TX 78701

life coach austinChildren will always have a lot of questions, and the older they are, the deeper those questions will get. Be prepared to answer questions about what the problem is, where you’re going, how you might change, and when and how they can visit you. Dr. Robert Weathers explains to you the way out of shame (and addiction)! Do you have any questions or thoughts? Please contact us to discover how our Austin life coaching program can support you and your family through these difficult times.

98 San Jacinto Blvd Austin, TX 78701

Can you relate to this? I am struggling to separate and allow you to test your wings. I am afraid I already know that you can fly. I am scared to death that you will fly away, far away and never want to nest again. If so, you’re not alone. I know it’s hard, be patient, they will grow up and get over this ‘pushing you away’ thing that hurts so bad. They love you and they’re able to push you away because they know that no matter what they can always come back to you. Need to talk? Get help by setting up a free consultation for your first coaching session.

1250 Capital Of Texas Hwy Austin, TX 78746

I’ve been working with someone on life coaching for abut 1.5 years and this week he had a breakthrough that he can NOT moderate. He can’t moderate food. He can’t moderate drinking. He can’t moderate smoking. Some people can! And he realized that he can not. He had the awareness that he wasn’t reaching his life goals because his over-eating and substance use get in the way. It’s like a few steps forward and 5 steps back. It just wasn’t working. He then said, “I wish we would have had this conversation a year ago.” To which I replied, “You wouldn’t have been able to receive it sooner. It took what it took.” Is there a life-changing realization or breakthrough available to you today? Is there something that is no longer working for you that you need to acknowledge and let go of? What might you do differently today so that your tomorrow can be different as well?

701 Brazos St Austin, TX 78701

Something with a new life and history, we are afforded a new beginning to truly change our lives. We, too, are more beautiful and unique as a result of our broken-mended parts. And for me, the process of repairing often begins with grieving. Expressing grief is like spiritual Kintsukuroi—it’s the healing gold that makes us stronger and more radiant.” Are you healing from loss and or a broken heart? Join me for my Life Coaching Recovery Workshop in Austin. This intimate, interactive workshop is a safe place to examine what you’ve been taught about loss, to explore your beliefs about grief, and to guide you moving forward in your life with hope.

1700 S Lamar Blvd Austin, TX 78704

Do you know what your Core Fear is? How do you even find your core fear? That’s what Fearless Living is here for. To help you on your journey to becoming more fearless. How powerful you are. Live in the present and allow it to come forth. Dear Coach, Don’t be a chicken. Go for it! Do the thing you must do to look at yourself in the mirror. It’s time to remove the word STRESS from your vocabulary! Instead of using the word “stress” replace the word with the feeling you are feeling at the moment.”Most coaches are solution focused when that actually limits their ability to change their client’s lives. Solutions are only important to the problem, not the soul.”

501 N I H 35 Austin, TX 78702

Fear’s number-one job is to keep you safe. It wants to guard you against any negative feelings that would confirm your worst fear—that you are not good enough. Staying stuck in fear perpetuates your inability to accept yourself. Yet deep down, we want to own our power and strength and courage. We want to see our innocence. We want to know we’re okay just as we are. In order to do that, we must embrace the fullness of who we are, and that includes every little piece of us. Find out how Fearless you really are at our Austin life coaching program. Contact us to learn more!

500 E St John Ave Austin, TX 78752

Without clarity, your conversations will always be compromised. You must be willing to face your own fears, hesitations, worries, concerns, uncomfortableness in order to be of greater service to your clients, your lovers, your friends. You must do so to become a channel for miracles. Focus on seeing the possibilities rather than focusing on the limitations. Have you given something up that you loved to do? I use to sing ALL the time. I even took lessons. And I LOVED it. But after the death of my parents…I stopped. I gave it up because it just kept becoming harder to do.

2700 W Anderson Ln Austin, TX 78757

So I have this misconception of time. I think I can do any one task in 10 minutes. Fold all the laundry? 10 minutes. Get ready to leave the house? 10 minutes. Compose, review, edit + send a meaningful email? 10 minutes. In reality, none of those things happens in less than 30, at best. So, I tend to operate at two speeds … rushed or racing. I’ve worked to change this over the years, but fell away + easily let it go. I’m trying again because I don’t want to raise a child in a rushed, chaotic environment. I know what that feels like + it does not feel good.

411 West Monroe St Austin, TX 78704

A deeply rooted, old pattern, this change feels like one of the toughest things I’ve ever done, so I’m choosing to practice this: Rather than measuring my performance, I am measuring my efforts. Not *how* am I doing, but am I working toward it or not? The *how* really doesn’t matter. I’m bound to fluff up. That’s part of the process + confirmation that I’m “in the game.” What’s most important to me is the desire of my heart + that is to change for the better … for me, for her, for us. When you put someone else’s needs above your own, you will pay for it by a decrease in self-esteem. All needs are equal. All wants are equal. All desires are equal. Honoring yourself will stop the lies of people-pleasing. Clients tell me all the time, “If I had more confidence, I would take more risks.” But that’s not how it works. Confidence is a result of taking risks. You don’t get it any other way. Find out how fearless you really are by signing up to our next coaching workshop that will transform your self limiting beliefs and turn your life around.

8920 Business Park Dr Austin, TX 78759

Life Coach Austin Reviews

I have had the distinct pleasure of coming to know Jax as a person and as a professional; Jax has an aptitude for listening, validation, and gentle suggestion with humor! One of the most valuable assets one could derive from a counseling relationship with Jax is that she is undeniably relatable and real; with Jax, what you see is what you get…she has her trials and triumphs and is not afraid to let you know she is human too!

Danielle has a clear passion for the work she does. Plus she’s innovative and hilarious. Her approach to therapy makes it really accessible which is so vital. I wish I’d been able to see her for support through my awkward teenage years! I love her personality and style as she shares her knowledge about teen issues. I find that she is easy to connect with, open minded, and genuine which instantly made me feel comfortable with her.

Jennifer encompasses grace and confidence. She has a wealth of experiences; stemming from her Arts/Dance degree, performance background and knowledge of health from teaching & coaching Pilates. She has been both employee and employer, working for others, then owning and managing her own Pilates studio. Jennifer is sure to ignite your inner passion and assist you with making smarter & brighter decisions on your life’s journey!

I did something new this new year. No resolutions + no plan. So far, it’s been the most enjoyable first week of any new year I’ve ever had. SO freeing. Things will come to me to work on over the year, they always do + I’ll work on them as they arise … or maybe a few months later. This year, I want to chill out + enjoy the sweet + easy things life brings, so I’m wishing for you what I’m reminding me. May your new year be filled with excitement + joy. Keep it light, work on you + be so kind to yourself. Ultimately, I think *that* is what makes the world a better place … being kind to ourselves … ripple effect + whatnot. Hating ourselves is too much to bear so we tend to project that sht outward, making everyone else wrong. I think if we’d work to clean up our own act, we’d make a bigger dent toward wholeness + connectedness. It’s rarely them, you know. Start with you.

I have learned more in the last month about myself than in the last 20 years thanks to the videos Lisa has put on YouTube. She is a beautiful person inside and out and the changes I have made in my life reflect the beauty she shares to all. I have finally found the answers I have been looking for and know that the rest of my life will be so much better. Thank you Lisa. Love and Light!

It is difficult for me to put into words exactly how instrumental Carrie has been in my journey to uncovering success and happiness. i initially engaged with Carrie as a Life Coach to help me find my career path, and gain the strength to make necessary changes and difficult decisions that I was too afraid to make. While helping me walk through the fear of the unknown, Carrie gently guided me to a place where I began to uncover other areas in which my soul yearned for attention and love.

Rhonda and the Fearless Living Institute have been honestly – LIFE-CHANGING – for me. I have learned how to find my inner voice that is calm and fearless so that I can make decisions that lead me to becoming a better me, accomplishing goals, and live a fulfilling life. Thank you Rhonda!

Carrie exudes an incredible energy, full of warmth and love, but with a guidance that is results-oriented. She is honest and raw, while delivering every bit of coaching with loving energy. Carrie truly has a gift, and I am honored that she has shared it with me to help me better my self and my life.

The path I find myself on is a very different one than I would have thought, but it is undoubtedly the right one. I feel so fortunate to have been able to have Carrie in my life to help me uncover who I am, as I don’t know how long it would have taken me alone to get here. To say that Carrie has changed my life would be quite an understatement. If you are contemplating working with a Life Coach, stop contemplating and call Carrie immediately. You will wonder why you didn’t do it sooner, and I promise you will never look back!

Despite only meeting Krista for a few days, I immediately felt we had a meaningful connection and wanted her to be a part of my development as an entrepreneur. We met at an empowering workshop for women where I was a speaker, when the event finished the room was opened up to anyone else wanting to say a few words and Krista jumped at the challenge. The way she spoke off the cuff was a true testament to her passion and knowledge around her work. The whole room felt an immediate affiliation with her and what she is striving to achieve, her energy and enthusiasm shined through both in her words and her expressions. We arranged to have a call a few days later and Krista over video chat did not disappoint, I can attest to the fact that the same level of compassion, connection and genuine desire to serve as a life coach shines through (a very difficult skill to learn – Krista is simply a natural) I am very excited to see what the future holds for us working together, thank you Krista and such a pleasure to meet you!

Life Coaching Information

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Life Coaches In Boston MA

Are you looking for a life coach in Boston Massachusetts?

Our free matchmaking service will help you find, hire, and get a personal, private, or individual expert in your area:

Best Life Coach Boston

boston life coachUnderstanding the difference between what you as a parent and millennial’s value is a key element in the treatment process. Staying focused on my long term goals and not giving into impulsive emotions, reaching out to people, taking my meds, and doing the right thing (which usually isn’t the easy thing). What goals are calling your name? I love how the word of God is connected in our expression through our goals. When something we don’t like happens the first thing we want to know is who’s fault is this? Join us right now for this provocative coaching session. The real reason why we do it even though it doesn’t feel good, and how to break the destruction cycle and get what you really want. Plus we’ll talk about how this relates to becoming a powerful coach. This is Real Talk. Fasten your seat belt for a radical paradigm shift!

30 Newbury St Boston, MA 02116

life coach bostonWhat if work wasn’t just something you had to “get through”? What if you could be paid GENEROUSLY just to be YOU…and to contribute your unique gifts to the world? What if you could create a life that was so juicy and expansive that every day felt like a dream? For me living life to the fullest is all-encompassing of the ways we feed ourselves in life, with food, experiences, connection and joy. Here’s what felt true for me. Honoring and releasing emotional eating patterns that no longer serve you. Openness and exploration around what works for your unique body. Honoring of self care and food as a way of nurturing yourself and your body. Self Acceptance – trust and appreciation of your body as it is and for your emotions as they flow in and out of you. Prioritizing all facets of health including – Cultivating joy, connecting with others, spirituality, physical activity, stress, sacred femininity and living an authentically aligned life. Embodying a voracious hunger for life, creativity, and adventure (however that looks for each unique individual). Connection with one’s bold authenticity, leadership and voice.

201 Washington St Boston, MA 02108

Creating that safe and positive environment is so important, loved hearing you share that! I’m so particular about my sacred space these days! I’ve got strong physical and emotional boundaries.I am not running from my problems. My health is becoming restored. I feel peace and tranquility. I am feeling many things that I had become numb to.What’s working? And what might you do differently?In this free workbook, I share the 22 principles of Spiritual Psychology and how I used them to change my thinking, feelings and behaviors.

745 Atlantic Ave Boston, MA 02111

No matter our age, when our expectations aren’t aligned with our reality, it can create pain and personal criticism. This disconnect between our reality and our expectations of reality is where self-compassion must be born. We must relate kindly to ourselves so we can relate kindlier to others. When I find myself in self-criticism, asking myself if I am enough, I return to this concept of loving myself. I am enough as I am. When I honor my pain, my compassion grows…all the painful experiences I’ve felt give me more compassion for others. While I dread having to go through it in the moment, I am grateful for the losses of my life and even the pain, because they allow me to relate more deeply with others. 

1 Broadway Cambridge, MA 02142

In this special life coaching and yoga session we will co-create with the sacred plant medicine Cacao– pure Mayan chocolate, which is a gentle heart chakra opener. It is through connecting to the heart that we gain access to our deepest desires and longings, to unconditional love, compassion, and forgiveness, and to the quantum field of all possibility. Our sacred coaching ceremony will set the stage for a powerful inner journey using the guided meditation practice of Yoga Nidra. The word “nidra” means sleep, and is a conscious dreaming technique from the Tantric Yoga tradition. It gently guides us to shifting old blocks and patterns in the subconscious and nervous system so that we can dream and create new realities. In this life coaching session we will come together to clear out blocks, heal our hearts, elevate our energetic vibration, and reconnect to our collective truth as divine beings.

50 Milk St Boston, MA 02109

When you think about healthy living and eating, what comes up? Restriction? Deprivation? Dogma? Does it feel light or heavy in your body? My previous experience with losing weight and “getting healthy” felt SO constricting, restrictive, and heavy. I felt like I had to give up something, and basically live the rest of my life subscribing to someone else’s dogmatic idea of what was “good” and “bad”. That never worked for me (at least not in the long term). In this New Year I am so excited to bring you, what I’ve identified as the 4 fundamentals for creating a “healthy life” that sticks, and they are Mind, Body, Food and Fun. Contact me to learn more about this coaching session.

177 Huntington Ave Boston, MA 02115

Join us for a powerful life coaching session to send healing love and positive energy to all families. Rather than inviting anger and frustration, we will be sending positive intentions and manifestations to create a world United in love through community healing. Led by the beautiful Boston life coach, enjoy a guided meditation drumming and visualization for the greater good of all. You don’t need to have ANY experience! Come as you are and have a great time! Call to schedule your free info session and discover why our program is so unique, comprehensive & life-changing!

292 Newbury St Boston, MA 02115

As my life and heart have transformed over the years so has my passion and business. I love yummy, healthy food and I’ve been more and more drawn to supporting people around healing emotional eating (this was and is my personal challenge). If you’ve enjoyed being a part of my page, I invite you to come be a part of my new adventure and focus: Holistic Goddess coaching. I am so excited to work with Goddesses and to support them in healing their emotional relationship with food so they can experience FREEDOM around eating. What’s SO amazing about healing our emotional relationship with food, is once we begin to “Eat like a Goddess” we begin to show up everywhere else in our lives like Goddesses. If this message speaks to you please contact me to learn more.

151 Tremont St Boston, MA 02111

This intimate, interactive life coaching workshop in Boston is a safe place to examine what you’ve been taught about loss, to explore your beliefs about grief, and to guide you moving forward in your life with hope. You’ll learn how to identify past losses, find out what’s incomplete, and teach you how to get complete with those losses, so you can go on to lead a complete and happy life. This is for you if you have experienced loss of any kind, and you are feeling like your pain is getting in the way of you living your life fully. We don’t tell you what loss will bring you here, but we will be here for you no matter what loss you have experienced. This 2-day coaching program is a weekend full of feeling, connection, love, and hope.
Because it’s never too soon to heal your broken heart.

265 Franklin St Boston, MA 02110

I don’t know about you, but one of the hardest things I’ve had to deal with in my business and personal life has been setting boundaries. Funny thing is this is also one of the biggest things my Solo-entrepreneur clients want me to coach them on. Once one of my coaches help me get clear on what boundaries are and the most effective way to set them, it changed my whole perspective as well as my clients. We Solo-entrepreneurs always want to go to the next level in every area of our lives and many times we think we need to make huge changes. I’ll share why we only need most of the time to do small powerful shifts that will make big changes that last.

115 Broad St Boston, MA 02110

Life Coach Boston Reviews

I feel it a huge privilege and great fortune to have Lisa entering my life. I find her to be a truly remarkable woman with her very effective meditation programs, which made a profound positive change in my being. I imagine such programs and her diligent knowledge and experience of the matter are indeed desperately needed by many people on this Earth. I couldn’t recommend her method more to victims of all kinds of abuse and bullying, I only express my huge gratitude for being just one of many folks out there who has greatly benefited from Lisa’ s loving energy, in its nourishing of essential personal awakening and recovery. Much love and light to you Lisa and your family, with grateful thank you.

I sought out Carrie because I was struggling professionally and needed some tools to help me define future goals. What I experienced was a very warm, compassionate coach who not only helped me change my internal conversation around my career but also supported me through some challenges parenting my young child. I’ll admit that I was dubious about the effectiveness of working together over the phone at first, but it was actually a great experience, and I can still hear her frank yet encouraging voice in my ear when I need it!

I have worked with Krista for a few months now, and it has literally changed my life. I had recently split from my business partner (and sister) and things did not end well. I also had quit my day job before the split, and was very anxious and lost. So much to do I wasn’t good at doing any of it! Krista specifically helped me with finding my inner confidence, emotionally separate from my sister and learn to have barriers to not be taken advantage of, learn balance between my home (mother of 4) and work life (work at home), and how to properly set priorities so the important things got done first. I went from having my worst sales month in my best to now being on track for my highest ever! I attribute that to Krista!! Set up a chat as I KNOW she can help you like she did me!

Caring, compassionate, and honest. She respects each individual process, but guides the person into the next possible steps. Absolutely amazing!

I acknowledge you for having this awareness and sharing it here. So many people could create a shift for themselves if they took deeper responsibility for their thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Freedom lies here! I love that you are moving beyond “recovery” from substances. This is about so much more. It’s about how you relate to yourself in all areas!

Well, I drank too much during the party I went to and I am not happy with myself for doing so. I also got high and missed seeing a friend I haven’t seen in years. However, I had a good time and was able to perform with the band. I got lots of compliments. It helps my self-esteem to feel capable of playing something that people will like. I still chose to get drunk and I am disappointed with myself.

Beautifully designed and the staff were so very friendly. My daughter had a blast at her first coaching class and we will be back to this charming neighborhood studio.

My favorite place to be I began taking coaching classes here when it first opened, fell in love with so many of the aerial and mat classes offered, then decided to start taking  trainings and deepen my practice. Everyone has been so supportive and inspiring along my journey and I can’t imagine my life without the role this center has played!

Rasul knows how to help you tap into your most powerful self and will coach you to clarity, action, and purpose! He comes from his heart and is absolutely fun to work with! He is a true inspiration! His compassion, listening skills, openness and willingness to help is just beaming from him! He is a master in what he does and a felt so honored to be coached by him!

Life Coaching Information

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Life Coaches In San Francisco CA

Are you looking for a life coach in San Francisco California?

Our free matchmaking service will help you find, hire, and get a personal, private, or individual expert in your area:

Best Life Coach San Francisco

san francisco life coachThinking of others and giving back feels good and helps us get out of our own heads. Take time to do something for someone less fortunate, it will help you feel more grateful for what you have AND you’re making someone feel loved- priceless. Be kind to yourself, love yourself, know your self worth. In the end you will attract those that will give it back to you. Ida is an amazing life coach who heals with her gentle and kind heart. She is a true professional. I highly recommend Ida to anyone who needs guidance on how to tackle their obstacles and improve their quality of life. She makes you feel safe, comfortable and understood. She has a calmness and sense of peace that rubs off of you when you’re with her. Very mindful, very present.

2193 Fillmore St San Francisco, CA 94115

sf life coachWe become uncomfortable sometimes when others cry so we encourage them to “stop crying.” This shuts the person down and doesn’t allow them to freely express resulting in pent up emotions. This can result in more sadness, loneliness, and anger. Instead use one of these simple statements. By doing so you can help create more peace, healing, and love in the process. It’s ok to cry as depression exists everywhere. Rich. Poor. Famous or not. It’s like any other mental or physical illness. It can affect anyone anywhere. Seek help if you’re not feeling well. The right support can make a world of a difference. If you know someone suffering, reach out and be that support.

739 Bryant St San Francisco, CA 94107

Providing court approved, licensed mental health, and drug and alcohol counseling and coaching services in SF for over 25 years call us today to set up appointment. Having awareness of what’s happening in our bodies and how we feel can be valuable. The key is to listen, notice, and become aware non judgmentally. Once we are aware, it will allow us to move to the next step of self care. It also allows for space to just be still and notice which can relieve some anxiety. The struggle is real, but make productive decisions when overcoming your obstacles to success, take a listen to this man talk about the decisions his father made and what it got him.

845 Market St San Francisco, CA 94103

The gift of sobriety is something special. It can give you the ability to express yourself in so many different ways! Let us help you achieve sobriety. Recovery should be your number one priority. Here at SF Coaching & Counseling, we help make your recovery possible. Every day is a new chance to become your best self! Live in the present and trust the process.Addiction does not discriminate whether you are rich, poor, young, old, or a celebrity! With the recent tragic deaths of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain, it is essential that we come together and continue to talk about this epidemic! Please contact us to learn more about our services.

1540 Market St San Francisco, CA 94102

The struggle is real, but make productive decisions when overcoming your obstacles to success, take a listen to this man talk about the decisions his father made and what it got him. Never give up hope, no matter what life throws at you, here’s a story of a guy who threw back all the way to the world series and became a champion, never give up hope! Something to remember when communicating with others in your personal relationships. As a fellow professional I have the utmost respect for my clients. She is well educated, professional, and always acts in the best interest of her clients. Sam is caring and compassionate, ethical and trustworthy. I would recommend contacting us if you are looking for a good therapist or life coach.

1885 Mission St San Francisco, CA 94103

Bay Area Counseling & Coaching Center provides individual, child, family and group psychotherapy and life coaching in San Francisco. I have worked with her in day treatment and witnessed her healing therapeutic relationship with clients. She has an incredible way of helping people understand themselves and their issues and take the difficult steps to change dysfunctional thinking and acting. Any person walking this Earth would be privileged to sit down with a professional who is as knowledgeable, experienced and most importantly as human as this one is.

100 Pine St San Francisco, CA 94111

It has taken me almost 20 years to admit I have a problem and get help. The help I have got so far from SCC and their program will never be able to be re-payed. I owe my life to this program. It has brought me back and let me be me again. They don’t beat you down to bring you up. They bring you up from jump street and genuinely care. All the way from the higher ups to the employee and the bottom. They care. They love you till you can love yourself and beyond. When your upset they make sure you get out of your head in a positive manner. I love everything about this program.

649 Irving St San Francisco, CA 94122

SF Bay Coaching specializes in treating a wide variety of addictions and underlying psychological issues. By treating the whole person and approach our life coaching is hands down the best place I’ve been to for recovery! I have never seen a more family like place where the staff shows such love, kindness and respect for the clients as well as each other!! They are serious about the program they offer and truly want the best for their clients!  The amount of time and care they put into their clients and staff is outstanding! This place saved my life as well as many others! They stay connected to their clients and staff like they are truly part of the family! I could go on and on about the amazing experience I had there and continue to have with my family.

77 Geary St San Francisco, CA 94108

Just because you hit rock bottom, doesn’t mean you have to stay there. Let us help you get sober to build a wonderful life. In active addiction, I was constantly uncomfortable. I wasn’t comfortable in any setting, with any people and most certainly not by myself; being alone was the worst. I couldn’t really describe how I felt. I just thought that society was cruel and I was unlucky and doomed. If I only had this, then I would live in peace. If I only were there, I would be free. These are the lies my thinking brought me. It was a lonely, excruciating existence and I never want to go back to not knowing what real peace feels like.

180 Sansome St San Francisco, CA 94104

Recovery brought me that peace that I was seeking. That freedom that I so desperately wanted but never knew I could achieve. I did whatever I could to get it. It took some time but I started being honest and working through my issues; problems that I thought no-one else had. It turns out more people could relate to me than I could possibly imagine. I began to discover who I really am. I built meaningful relationships. It was way more than any material item I could possess. I was even able to figure out that I had a purpose. I wasn’t the useless, hopeless waste of space I always thought I was. Today, that purpose helps people just like me. Today, I make a difference.

415 Jackson St San Francisco, CA 94111

Life Coach San Francisco Reviews

I’ve come to realize it wasn’t the mask that fell over time that was a deception, …but the one she wore at the beginning. I did not divorce the same woman I married. I wrote them over 8 years hoping it would help…shared my heart…he sent them all back to me with the signed divorce papers…he told me once he keeps things…use against me…nothing to use…just my thanks and gratitude for your help.

She is the most caring, loving and emphatic person I know. Her SF life coaching program, video’s and support are the best if you are looking to improve your life. She is straight forward, and no nonsense, but she will do everything she can to help you achieve you at your best. The work she gives you is not easy, and you will have to be willing to do the work. But what she promises, she delivers. She will be in my heart always.

I have known this SF Life Coach for over 10 years. She is a truly knowledgeable professional who will provide “tough love” guidance if needed or a listening ear to provide methods for support and improvement for the various challenges her clients may face in their individual lives.

Becca is a knowledgeable clinician with extensive experience. She is very easy to talk to and talented at what she does. She has a gift for working with people and making people feel comfortable. I would highly recommend her!

Ever since I saw the first video everything rang true in my head. I’m unemployed and can’t afford her therapy, but at least now I have some info to hold on to and stop blaming myself. It’s not me, it’s my programming!

Lisa’s 12 week program changed my life. I am so thankful for her work, and for the kindness and friendship of my classmates. I am a more peaceful, more aware, and happier than I have ever been in my life. I feel that I am a better mother to my two girls because I have learned to love my own inner child.

Carrie is absolutely an unbelievably talented life coach in San Francisco! She’s helped me not only with my dream of being an Entrepreneur but also helped looked at all aspects of my life. I’m vibrating at a higher level and manifesting my BIG DREAMS and Carrie was a very important piece of my journey to this beautiful life I️ have. Don’t waste a minute contacting her!

Beverly helped me work through my eating disorders and helped me to focus on what I really want for my life. I have so much clarity now in my life and I finally feel ‘unstuck’. Thank you Beverly

When I first talked to Krista 4 months ago, I have just decided to turn my hobby into a business. I was unsure, scared shitless and worried I was putting myself and my family on some sort of financial burden. During our first call, she told me that if I don’t treat my business like a business, nobody else will. It was then a lightbulb went off and I knew I needed her to help guide my way. It has only been 3 months, but I have seen my business grow in ways I didn’t think was possible. Her guidance has help me gain confidence in my craft and in myself. Its unbelievable how much personal growth and financial growth can happen in such a short time. I know I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for her coaching.

Beverley’s genuine, compassionate and understanding approach have been instrumental in my recovery! She has easily understandable tools and techniques that have helped me to STAY sober. It’s truly been my pleasure. I’ve been missing your humor and mindfulness! Looking forward to you adding your experience here.

Finally a temperate morning here in beautiful San Francisco and it’s inner time out in the beautiful garden (temps have been unbearable) so I am so so so grateful to just stretch sit back and listen…I am listening to what has been going on, what my concerns are and most importantly stretching into what I want to feel regularly and for the next place we go to live!!

Jason was recommended to me by a friend as an ICF certified coach. I needed some coaching sessions as part of my own coach training. I got so much more than I expected. Carrie’s insight into personality, motivation, and emotional states is exceptional. On numerous occasions she helped my move thru blocks that were hindering my ability to move forward in my work and life. I’m happy to recommend Carrie as a coach who gets results. (but only if you are willing to change to go to the next level of performance).

It looks like most of the people who give LV high marks are those who work there. My experience with this coaching service is very different. I want share it so others can be warned and fall in the same scam. Back in Jan my wife entered the office in San Francisco, supposedly for Alcohol dependency. After about 10 days they concluded that she did not have that problem. With telling me she was transferred to Oakland, there is where the nightmare begins, I have not seen my wife for about 3 months, but I do get information of how much the insurance has paid. As of the end of March, SF life coaching has billed the insurance about $ 120,000 and she is worse than when she went in. Last week the insurance informed me that the treatment was not producing any benefits and will not pay anymore. I wonder if the insurance would have done that would have continued the treatment at a cost of $ 10,000 per week
They are so greedy that they would not let such ” Gold mine ” go away. Last week they began a new treatment with a new therapist.
The worst part is that they have change a loving wife into a monster who does not want to see me, has blocked my phone number and want to divorce me. It really sad that an organization that is supposed to bring hope to persons who suffer and their families would such disregard for the life of people in Agony, all for the love of money. You may ask what am I doing to rescue my wife. With the help of the SB police department and other state offices I hope to recur my wife before it is too late.

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Life Coaches In Houston TX

Are you looking for a life coach in Houston Texas?

Our free matchmaking service will help you find, hire, and get a personal, private, or individual expert in your area:

Best Life Coach Houston

houston life coachIf you have thought about doing a life coaching program, this is the time to jump in and enjoy an intimate boutique class and a sensational journey into a higher quality of life! Limited to 10 people you will enjoy a sense of comradery and be a part of a team as you transform yourself and extend your boundaries; you will achieve more then you can believe. Here’s how addiction affects the body – and why sobriety can get your health back on track.

2502 La Branch St Houston, TX 77004

life ocach houstonA Beautiful Journey was established to offer education and support to teens and parents of teens as a life coaching service in Houston Texas. At A Beautiful Journey, we add badass creativity and humor to the therapeutic process. We are not afraid of a challenge, the word ‘can’t’ or ‘no’ and we are certainly not afraid of hard work. We love misfits, trouble makers, sarcastic geniuses and those that think outside of the box; and we love swear words. We say this because when you combine a challenge, trouble makers, creative thinking, the word ‘can’t’ and hard work, typically swear words are inevitable. Our motto: BE BOLD & BE BADASS!!! We have a positive sense of humor here at A Beautiful Journey, LLC; laughter neutralizes frustration and helps us heal.

720 Rusk St Houston, TX 77002

The road to recovery can be hard, but help is here and you are not alone in your struggle. Become a part of our recovery community today! Keep working on your discipline, build up your hobbies, goals and relationships, and make sure that even outside of clinics and sober homes you have access to people who can help you stay sober when you desperately need their help. In time, you will stop worrying about the temptations, and instead just live your life and live it well.

5850 San Felipe St Houston, TX 77057

A relapse occurs when someone who is in recovery uses drugs again. There are many ways to describe relapses, and many of them involve words like “fail” or “end”. Yet a relapse is neither a failure, nor an ending. There are plenty of amazing and beautiful countries all over the globe where alcohol isn’t that big of a deal, even deep into the night and way into the small hours of the morning.It is said across the globe that the first step in recovery towards getting sober and staying sober is accepting that you have a problem – and naming it.

2617 Bissonnet St Houston, TX 77005

What I love about Jax is that she is so real and honest, while kind and compassionate at the same time. Her passion is to create a safe place for healing for your teen, and she is the person to get the job done. She can help them move from a place of low self-esteem and anxiety to a place of confidence and self-acceptance. She effectively helps women navigate the challenges life throws at them as well. She’s an awesome therapist and person, and it doesn’t hurt that she’ll have you laughing along the way. Check out her videos and you’ll see what I’m talking about!

2101 CityWest Blvd Houston, TX 77042

Elite Coaching Services in Houston is a private practice that provides clinical services to individuals, couples and families. When a parent shames and yells at their child, they are inflicting a deep and typically lifelong emotional wound – one which is accidental, inherited, and typically inflicted without malice. Every parent loves their child. Partly, this is because a child is a kind of “extension of the self” for the parent — the child literally starts as a mini-version of his parents — and he is loved and protected absolutely.

118 Vintage Park Blvd Houston, TX 77070

When a child misbehaves or needs to be disciplined, a parent will use language and methods to pull him back, but these methods will be closely related to the ones that they learned to speak from their own parents — and which are still echoing within them via their inner mental voice. And if a parent has inherited a harshly self-negative inner voice, then when push comes to shove, this is the voice that will come blurting out towards the child, and usually behind closed doors. Because when a parent is stressed or anxious toward their child — this literal extension of their own “self” — their verbal force will come out in the same language that they use when they are berating themselves internally.

150 W Sam Houston Pkwy N Houston, TX 77024

In other words, when you hear a parent yelling at their child in a deeply harsh manner, you are getting an accidental peek into how that parent actually talks to himself internally — you are literally hearing the harsh attacks they use on themselves internally — and you only hear it out loud, because this “child extension” of their self that they are yelling at… happens to be in a separate physical body. This also implies that a parent’s harsh negativity is not applied out of malice, but from a kind of unwitting fairness. The child is is being given the exact same treatment that the parent gives himself internally. And when a parent’s inner treatment is harshly self-negative, this self-punishment is simply passed on from parent to child, like any other language or physical trait.

2500 Yale St Houston, TX 77008

This is what you are hearing when you hear a parent yell, and this is why it is inherited. It is not the parent’s fault – it is no one’s fault – it is simply an artifact of inheritance for any given family. Fortunately, this wounding of one’s own children can be prevented and fixed, using a series of protective measures to protect your child from the emotional pain of this unwittingly inherited wound. Here is the link to the First Protective Measure, which you can use to self-assess and quickly fix this problem for your own child — it is an extremely effective and easy technique, and is explained in a 9-minute audio briefing so you can listen from anywhere.

405 Main St Houston, TX 77002

You will be able do it immediately with your child, even as soon as you finish the briefing. I guarantee that by the end of this short session, you will have a powerful, yet straightforward technique to protect and immunize your child from this lifelong source of emotional pain and wounding. Grief is both real and measurable. Scientists now know that the death or your father or mother will forever alter your brain chemistry and may also have physical effects. I feel mental health is not given the attention it deserves! Please schedule your free consultation to learn more about how coaching can work for you.

700 Louisiana St Houston, TX 77002

Life Coach Houston Reviews

Ever since I saw the first video everything rang true in my head. I’m unemployed and can’t afford her therapy, but at least now I have some info to hold on to and stop blaming myself. It’s not me, it’s my programming!

After meeting the staff and touring the facility, I was super impressed with the staff’s passion and concern for the clients. There is an overall client dedication and that set the tone for LV. I appreciate that both Eating disorders and addictions can be supported. This is a special place.

I can not say enough good things about Carrie. I’m over 50 and have never had a problem taking care of myself. A friend recommended that I get some help about 4 months ago since I couldn’t focus on anything productive. I wasn’t eating properly, wasn’t exercising and couldn’t work. Therefore, I turned to Carrie during an extremely low point in my life. Carrie is a very supportive and caring person. Together we identified what was causing my mind to “spin” rather than focus. Sessions with Carrie and working on the “homework” showed positive results almost immediately. It isn’t simple and takes work, but with help from someone like Carrie it’s a very doable journey.

Thank you so much Emi for this awesome review! I loved having you in my coaching warrior program this year. Can’t wait to see the incredible things you achieve in your coaching business.

Recently I connected with Krista for a “Let’s Chat” video call. As a new coach, I had plenty of inquires for Krista. She allowed me to ask all my questions, answered them thoroughly and truly took an interest in me and my business. I didn’t feel like a number with her, but someone Krista truly wanted to connect with and serve. Afterwards, she followed up with me and provided me links/resources for my success. I am amazed at how open and helpful she is. I haven’t followed anyone or been on another website where I was able to engage so closely with a coach and get help on the fly as I have found in Krista. Thank you for your support…always! I’m thankful our paths crossed and I look forward to our continued connections.

I started working with Carrie about a year ago. I had recently quit my last job, decided on a career change, and was completely unsure of where I was to go from there. I was living in a constant state of fear. I instantly connected with her as she opened up my eyes to the reality I had created for myself. She showed me grace, compassion and told me hard truths that I needed to hear in order to regain confidence and power from within. She has been my confidant and guide throughout the entire career change process, helping me open doors of possibilities I never even thought I had available before, but that had been there all along. She has been guiding me in gaining self-confidence, trusting and believing in myself even against all of the limitations created by my mind. I have been able to face deep aspects of myself I would never have faced without her guidance, support, compassion and truth. She has taught me necessary tools and perspectives that I can use on a daily basis, so that I feel empowered and become an active participant in creating necessary changes in my life. It has not been easy, but with her guidance I have learned to love all parts of myself, to face those parts that I wished to have kept hidden from the world and myself, those that I wished weren’t mine. I used to view my heart guidance as faulty, as flawed, as too emotional, and she has helped me reconnect within my heart and see beyond these illusions. I have felt more freedom creating from my heart, than from my ego’s control. Words truly don’t express the impact she has had on my life for the better. I am so blessed I felt called to seek her out.

I would highly recommend Carrie! If you are looking for true, lasting change in your life, whether professional or personal, you have found your guide! She has an innate talent in knowing what it is exactly you need from each session with her. She provides life-altering advice and perspectives that allow you to see beyond the limitations of the mind, and become the true co-creator of your life that you have always been.

Beverly is an extraordinary human being. If you’re looking for a compassionate, honest, and experienced coach, look no further. I promise that she will support you without judgment and your life will improve by knowing her and allowing her into your life. She is an amazing person! Have had her support for a while through many challenges like depression and anxiety. It seems like she always knows what to say.

I have known Terica for a very long time as a friend and co-worker. No matter my problems or how far away she is, she listens, gives advice and helps me process. She has helped changes the way I see the world in a very positive way and helped me to understand the world around me. She has been a huge part in making me the women I am today.

Self-compassion means relating kindly to yourself. Acknowledging your own story and honoring your grief journey are part of that, so don’t diminish what you are going through.

If you feel like you want to help make some kind of difference because you want to live in a more loving, more connected, more peaceful world… but you don’t know how, here’s what I suggest: 1) Be kinder to yourself. It may sound counter-intuitive that we need to be nice to ourselves to change the world; however, when we are nicer to ourselves, we tend to be able to kinder and more patient with others. 2) Give people the benefit of the doubt. Remember, everyone has a story. So when someone isn’t kind or friendly, try to be kind, as we rarely know what someone has going on beneath the surface. 3) Find ways that you can contribute to causes you care about. You can’t change everything, but you can change some things. Even if it feels small, remember that “small hinges swing big doors.” What will you do today?

If you are a family struggling with your loved ones addiction, I’d like to recommend that you connect with Lynn Mackin from Family Recovery Connection. She is a great resource and coach that can support you through your process!

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