Interview Questions To Ask A Life Coach

life coach interview questions

Are you ready to find a life coach?

Here are some questions you can ask potential candidates during your interview to make sure you find the right fit:

1. What specific areas do you focus on?

It’s important to find someone who is an expert in a specific area or two because you want someone who has dedicated enough time so they have learned the subtle nuances of each area.

2. Is there any area you don’t focus on?

Ideally you want the coach to answer yes and tell you which areas they don’t focus on. Someone who is a generalist is not someone who has become an expert in a specific area.

3. How long have you been coaching?

Depending on the type of coach you are looking for and what your budget is, you want someone with a minimum of two years.

This does not mean that someone new to coaching can’t support you. But you should not be paying a premium for someone new to the practice.

4. How many clients have you worked with during this time?

On average, most good coaches will see between ten to twenty clients a month. Since most coaching sessions last three months, then a coach can work with at least forty clients a year.

Since you want someone with at least two years experience, then eighty to a hundred clients is a good number to start off with.

5. Why did you decide to become a life coach?

This is a very important question because it will asses their level of authenticity and dedication.

Once they share with you their “why?”, it will either resonate with you or not.

6. What do you love about coaching the most?

Because coaching can be a long-term relationship, you want to find someone who exudes passion and a high level of enthusiasm.

7. What is the biggest challenge you helped one of your clients through?

Depending on how difficult your situation is, this interview question will help you determine whether or not they will be able to handle your type of situation is.

8. What is the biggest obstacle you have overcome in your own life?

It’s important to get a sense of how a coach handles issues in their own life.

No…a coach is not perfect nor should you expect them to be.

This is really just about seeing how they respond or react in their own life to their challenges.

9. What frustrates you the most about your clients?

Pay attention closely to the answer to this question because if they respond with issues that you may exude, then they will not be a good fit for you.

Also, this is a good way to see how compassionate, patient, and understanding they are.

10. What types of clients do you most like to work with?

This is similar to the previous question but looks at it more from a positive point of view.

11. How would you describe your approach to coaching?

When trying to find a life coach, you want to get a sense of their approach and philosophy. You want to get a sense of how they view the coaching relationship and what it means to them as every coach has their own unique perspective.

12. Do you offer online coaching?

If you are a busy person and find it difficult to spend time driving to an office, then you will want to find a online life coach.

13. Have you been accredited through the ICF?

The International Coach Federation ensures that coaches have, at the very least, gone through a specific amount of training that they have qualified.

If someone is not accredited by the ICF, this does not mean they are not a good coach for you. It just means that they have taken another path and it is up to you to discern whether or not they are a good fit for you.

14. Where did you get your training?

Some schools offer training programs that take place over the weekend and are what some in the industry consider “Cookie Cutter Schools”.

Ideally you want to find someone who has gone through a proper certification program.

15. What are your favorite three self-help books?

This is a great way to glean the personality of your coach and what virtues they believe are the most essential in their approach.

16. What skills or experience have you gained outside of coaching do you integrate with your practice?

It’s good to find a coach who has developed other skills outside of coaching that are complimentary to their practice. This way they bring more experience to the table that can support you.

17. What do you expect to transpire from each coaching session?

The answer to this question will help you gain a better understanding of how they expect to see a coaching session to unfold.

This will allow you to get a peek into what your sessions will look like.

18. What can I expect from you after our coaching session?

Some coaches will provide a summary of the session and others may even follow up with you while others may not do anything until the next session.

19. What do you expect from me during and after our coaching session?

Setting expectations is paramount to the success of any relationship and you want to make sure you have a clear understanding of what your coach will expect from you.

20. Have you worked with any clients in the past that are going through something similar as I am?

After you have answered all of the coaches questions that will help them get a better understanding of your situation, this is a good question to follow up with so you can assess their level of experience with your type of situation.

21. Do you allow sessions to be re-scheduled? If so, what is your policy?

Lets face it, we are all busy and sometimes things come up that may make it difficult for you to make your session.

So make sure you have a clear understanding of their re-scheduling policy.

22. How much do you charge and what types of packages do you offer?

This one is pretty straight forward as you now just want to get a sense of their pricing.

We highly recommend that you interview at least three coaches before you select one.

With that said, feel free to speak with more until you find the right person. Never settle as this can lead you toward a bad experience.

After your consultation and you finish asking your questions, sit with the answers for a couple of days. Generally speaking you should know within 48 hours whether or not “It feels right”.

Need help finding a life coach?

Our free matchmaking service will connect you with the right professional.

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Life Coaching Books

If you are interested in life coaching, here is a list of some of the best books you should read:

Books On Becoming A Life Coach

How To Be Your Own Life Coach Books

Self Help Books

Motivation Books

Develop Good Habits Books

Personal Transformation Books

Success Books

Life Coaching Articles

Is a Life Coach Worth the Money?

What Can Coaches Do for You?

7 Questions to Ask When Choosing a Life Coach

10 Questions for Picking Your Perfect Life Coach

First-class coaching

Life coaching for mental health recovery: the emerging practice of recovery coaching

5 Things To Look For In A Life Coach

Should You Hire A Life Coach?

The 7 Questions a Life Coach Asks to Get to the Bottom of Your Passion

How to Interview a Potential Life or Career Coach

Life Coaching: Better Than Therapy?

Eight Questions To Ask Your Coach Or Mentor

56 Secrets Life Coaches Won’t Tell You for Free

What are people expecting from a life coach?

Life Coaches for the Entrepreneurial Set

What does a ‘life coach’ do? Are life coaches necessary?

The effectiveness of wellness coaching for improving quality of life

How to Be Your Own Life Coach

Life Coach Job Profile

Can life coaching improve health outcomes?

Getting ‘unstuck’: Does your life need a coach?

When is a life coach worth the price?

How to Be Your Own Life Coach

Legal Requirements for Life Coaching

Coaching articles from

U.S. Personal Coaching Industry Tops $1 Billion, and Growing

Coaching articles from HuffingtonPost

Do you need a coach

The Rising Popularity of Life Coaching

Top 10 professional life coaching myths

Why Some Health Insurers Are Getting Into The Life-Coaching Business

Life Coaching for the Soul

Ask a Life Coach: How to Handle Changing Jobs, Breaking Up and Other Transitions

In Search of a Life Coach

This life coach used rugby to beat depression

What Is Life Coaching And Does It Work?

A Fall Into Life Coaching: Bob Gordon’s Journey to Becoming a Life Coach

Life coaching articles by

Lessons from a life coach: how to get what you want, now

Life Coaching In The Digital Age

Lessons From a Life Coach

12 Life Coaches Give You Their Best Career Advice

50,000 Life Coaches Can’t Be Wrong – Inside the industry that’s making therapy obsolete

‘Life coaching’ sets advisers apart from robo-competitors

Coaching Definition & Meaning

A coach can mean many things to many people.

The ICF defines a coach in the the following way:

Partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.

Merriam Webster defines a coach in this way:

“An advisor who helps people make decisions, set and reach goals, or deal with problems .

Wikipedia defines a coach in this way:

Coaching is a form of development in which a person called a coach supports a learner or client in achieving a specific personal or professional goal by providing training and guidance.

Over the years coaching has evolved and many of the lines that used to exist for coaches are now being blurred.

While some in the industry feel it is important for coaches to remain true to the original structure of the methodology, many are now blending other practices into their coaching.

For example, many therapists and counselors are now providing coaching because they see how it can benefit their clients.

Because coaching focuses on helping the client move forward with their life, it only makes sense that if a counselor or therapist are going to help their client address an old emotional wound or trauma, that they also have the capability to provide some coaching.

On the other hand, many coaches are now being trained in other modalities such as hypnotherapy, NLP, Reiki, Emotional Freedom Technique, biofeedback, meditation, yoga, and other alternative modalities that coaches are now using to support their clients.

We here at The Coaching Institute define personal and professional coaches as people who…

  • Have dedicated their lives to personal development and well-being
  • Are experts in a certain area of life or business that can be beneficial to others
  • Help you identify your goals and achieve them
  • Hold you accountable on your commitments
  • Support you when you feel stuck or overwhelmed
  • Can provide guidance when difficult decisions need to be made
  • Inspire and motivate you to become your best self

Simply put, the goal of any coach is to help you accomplish something that would otherwise be too difficult to do on your own.

Because there are many areas of expertise that a coach can support their clients such as relationships, finances, business, health, fitness, marketing, parenting, and so on, these days the meaning of a coach is a blend of someone who is an expert , mentor, and consultant who uses coaching techniques and methods to support their client in gaining clarity and achieving a goal.

See also: What is a life coach?


How To Find A Life Coach

Want to learn how to find a life coach that can help you achieve your goals faster and get better results with your career, finances, relationships, health, and more?

Welcome to The Coaching Institute where we have a network of 100 vetted  premium coaches from around the world.

These individuals meet the highest standards in accreditation and work with executives, celebrities, athletes, college students, and working professionals.

Our team of certified coaches can help you…

  1. Find clarity and make tough decisions in your life so you can get unstuck and move forward
  2. Develop better habits so that you have more structure and discipline in your life
  3. Set and achieve goals so you will have a better sense of achievement and know that your life is moving in the right direction
  4. Get organized and manage your time more effectively so you can get better results from your day and be held accountable
  5. Change your mindset and put an end to self doubt so that you think more positively about your life
  6. Make more money so you can live a lifestyle that you deserve
  7. Build your self confidence so you stop settling for less than you deserve and go after what you want in life
  8. Develop better relationships and friendships that leave you feeling fulfilled
  9. Get self motivated and stop procrastinating so you take action in life and be more productive
  10. Discover your life purpose and passion so you have a sense of meaning
  11. Overcome depression and anxiety so you can experience more inner peace and joy
  12. Find your dream job or improve your current career so you wake up each day excited to go to work
  13. Learn to believe in yourself so you never give up and keep going when things get tough

Want to be matched with the right coach for you?

With over 100 certified experts in our network, we can connect you with the perfect individual who suits your personality and meets your specific needs.

Just fill out a brief survey so we can learn more about you and your needs and our staff will contact you within one business day.

Go here to get started.

Find A Life Coach Resources

Do I need a life coach?

Before you go out and spend a lot of time and money on finding a life coach, it is a good idea to assess whether or not you actually need one.

The first thing you need to understand is what a life coach is and is not.

They are someone who can help you…

  • Gain clarity on important issues in your life such as your career, finances, relationships, health, business, and overall well-being
  • Challenge you to overcome self-limiting beliefs & negative thought patterns that are holding you back
  • Be held more accountable for the things you are committing to accomplish so that you don’t give up when you get burnt out
  • Face your fears in a safe and comfortable way so that you don’t feel overwhelmed
  • Make better decisions that align with your purpose and vision so that you don’t get off track
  • Stay more focused and disciplined on the tasks that really drive the most results so that you don’t waste time
  • Overcome obstacles that can be slowing down your progress in life
  • Develop better habits and rituals so that you will create more momentum and faster results
  • Transition through difficult moments in your life by helping you see things from a different perspective
  • Stay motivated and inspired when you would otherwise feel hopeless or lethargic
  • Find peace and serenity when going through difficult challenges that can make you feel heavy or stressed out

A life coach will not…

  • Diagnose or treat any disease or ailments such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, ADHD, bipolar disorder, panic attacks, obesity, and so on
  • Give you a prescription for any type of drug or medication
  • Provide any types of talk therapies that deal with past traumatic emotional issues or wounds that only a trained psychologist or psychiatrist would provide
  • Take on the responsibility of living your life for you by making decisions that you should be making

Is coaching right for me?

One of the most common mistakes that people make when they try to find a life coach is that they think that as soon as they get one, everything in their life will just get better overnight.

It won’t.

Once you begin working with a coach, that is where the work really begins.

Whatever challenges you are facing right now has taken many years (maybe your entire lifetime) to create.

This means that you have a set of bad habits or issues that you now need to address and look at.

This will take the willingness on your end to be vulnerable and honest.

The good news is that a life coach will help you address all of these things in a way that feels comfortable and safe by moving at your own pace.

You should only hire a life coach if you are willing to be honest with yourself about your shortcomings and will roll up your sleeves and do the hard work necessary to grow.

Coaching is perfect for you if you are…

  • Unhappy and unsatisfied with where you are currently at in certain areas of your life
  • Feeling stuck and are not sure what to do next
  • Ready to take massive action to accomplish and achieve your goals
  • Feeling down or confused about certain situations happening in your life
  • Stuck at a dead end job and are not sure how to find your passion or purpose
  • In a bad relationship where you are not appreciated or satisfied
  • Overwhelmed with everything that is going on in your life and need someone to help sort it out
  • Lacking confidence and have low self esteem and what to feel better about yourself
  • Unsatisfied with your body or overall state of health and well-being

What do I want to accomplish?

When searching out a life coach it is important to spend some time getting clear about what it is you want to accomplish.

Most coaches specialize in specific areas such as career, finances, health, relationships, fitness, and so on.

What you want to keep in mind is that most coaches who dedicate their lives to specific areas become experts in that topic.

While the “coaching method” can be applied to almost any area if your life, it’s good to find someone who specializes in the specific area you need help with.

Also, when you are clear on what it is you want to accomplish, it makes it much easier for a potential coach you are looking for to tell you whether or not they may be a good fit saving you time and money on your search.

That being said, if you are unsure about what it is you specifically want to accomplish because you just have a general feeling that “Something is missing in my life”, then you would probably be best served with a “general life coach” who focuses on all areas.

What traits do I want in a life coach?

Not all coaches are created equally.

Because you are going to be entering into a long-term relationship with someone, it is important that you also write down a few characteristic traits that you believe would best suit your personality.

Here are some questions you can ask yourself:

A. What age should they be?

Is it important that you find someone in your age range or are you open to finding someone younger or older?

B. Male or female?

Sometimes having a different sex’s point of view can be helpful. Or maybe you feel more comfortable with someone of your own sex.

C. What adjectives best describe the person that fits your personality?

Empathic, sensitive, assertive, confrontational, playful, direct, wise, grounded, etc…

It’s important that you spend some time thinking about who your ideal coach is so that it matches your vibe.

D. Do I want someone local or online?

Many coaches are now offering online life coaching via phone, video, Skype, chat, text, and email.

The benefits of this type of service is that it makes it easier for you to get your coaching from the convenience of your home or office.

Long gone are the days where you need to be stuck on traffic wasting an hour out of your busy day to drive to and from your coaches office.

However, some people prefer going to an office because they feel it provides a space away from constant distractions that could inhibit their ability to get the most from their session.

See also: Interview questions to ask a life coach

How much am I willing to spend on a coach?

The price of coaching can range anywhere from $25 to $1000 an hour.

As the saying goes…”You get what you pay for”.

Yes, there are many coaches who provide their services for very little, and usually (not always), these are coaches who are just starting out and are not as good as others.

So you might be asking yourself…”What would I get from someone who charges a lot for their services?”

Generally (not always) a coach who charges more does so because of their level of expertise.

For example, someone who has dedicated twenty years of their life to a specific topic will charge more than someone who has spent three years.

Just like a massage therapist, a doctor, or dentist, coaches who have more experience will charge more because they have the better ability to deliver their clients a far superior level of expertise.

Now with that said, this does not mean you should go out and pay those prices. Maybe your goal and challenge does not require that.

Here are some of the questions you can ask yourself…

  • Does my goal or challenge require a great deal of expertise?
  • How much can I comfortably afford without feeling burdened or stressed by the fees?
  • Is it important to me to get results as fast as possible?

While pondering these questions, here is something else you should consider…

People who end up cutting corners or going the “cheap route” end up losing out on time and money because they then end up having to go back and do it all over again because they did not invest the right amount of money in the first place.

How much time am I willing to invest?

Depending on what it is you want to accomplish, the amount of time necessary can vary anywhere from one 90-minute session where you just needed to brainstorm a problem up to one-year where you needed to start your life all over.

The most important aspect of this question is that you be realistic with yourself about what it is that actually needs to be done.

For example…

If you are someone who has been in a difficult relationship and are not sure whether you should break up with that person or stay with them, in one “power session” a coach can help you find the clarity you need and maybe you decide that you will continue with them under certain circumstances.

Problem solved.

You have your clarity and can now move forward.

Another example would be…

You have been in a difficult relationship with someone mostly because you have been seeking outside validation and have low self-esteem.

You discover in your consultation that you have been seeking out relationships to fill a void in your life and to mask emotional issues you have been avoiding for many years.

Something like this can easily take three to six months to address and work through.

So you must be honest with yourself about what it is you want to accomplish and then be willing to invest the amount of time it will take to get the results you seek.

Types Of Life Coaches

Life Coaches By Region

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Online Life Coaching

Do you want to achieve your goals faster with an online life coach that can support you from the comfort of your home or office?

Welcome to The Coaching Institute where we have a network of 100 vetted  premium coaches from around the world.

These individuals meet the highest standards in accreditation and work with executives, celebrities, athletes, college students, and working professionals.

Our team of certified coaches can help you achieve your goals faster and get better results with your career, finances, relationships, health, and more.

These experts can help you…

  1. Find clarity and make tough decisions in your life so you can get unstuck and move forward
  2. Develop better habits so that you have more structure and discipline in your life
  3. Set and achieve goals so you will have a better sense of achievement and know that your life is moving in the right direction
  4. Get organized and manage your time more effectively so you can get better results from your day and be held accountable
  5. Change your mindset and put an end to self doubt so that you think more positively about your life
  6. Make more money and improve your financial situation so you can live a lifestyle that you deserve
  7. Build your self confidence so you stop settling for less than you deserve and go after what you want in life
  8. Develop better relationships and friendships that leave you feeling fulfilled
  9. Get self motivated and stop procrastinating so you take action in life and be more productive
  10. Discover your life purpose and passion so you have a sense of meaning
  11. Overcome depression and anxiety so you can experience more inner peace and joy
  12. Find your dream job or improve your current career so you wake up each day excited to go to work
  13. Learn to believe in yourself so you never give up and keep going when things get tough

Want to be matched with the right coach for you?

With over 100 certified experts in our network, we can connect you with the perfect individual who suits your personality and meets your specific needs.

Just fill out a brief survey so we can learn more about you and your needs and our staff will contact you within one business day.

Go here to get started.

Or, check out these helpful articles…

What is an online life coach?

An online life coach is someone who provides their coaching services virtually via phone, Skype, video, email, or chat.

Differences between in-person and online coaching?

The main difference of in-person and online coaching is that you are no longer driving to an office to meet with your life coach.

What are the benefits of online coaching?

A. Save Time

Of course the number one benefit of seeing your coach online or by phone is the convenience.

Gone are the days where you are forced to have to spend twenty to thirty minutes in your car in traffic having to drive across town for your session.

B. Access To More Coaches

Finding the right coach that fits your needs and personality is not easy.

If you are confined to your local area then you are limited to only a handful of coaches. But when you are willing to work online, the entire world of coaches is available at your fingertips.

C. More Relaxed

Because you are not sitting in traffic or feeling rushed from having to stop everything you are doing to drive and meet your coach, you are more relaxed and at ease.

This is especially true for those of you who live in congested cities or areas with extreme weather like rain or snow.

D. More Privacy

Many clients feel safer and more secure when they are in the privacy of their own home or office allowing them to open up more.

In many cases, a coaching session can make you feel vulnerable and having to wait in an office setting or see people as you leave can feel unsettling and uncomfortable.

E. Save Money

Some coaches are less expensive because they don’t have to cover the costs of their office and overhead.

And let’s face it, gas isn’t cheap saving you an extra $20 a month on fuel.

F. More Productive

Because you are saving up to an hour of time that you would otherwise spend driving to and from an office, this allows you more time to be productive.

G. Time for Introspection

Having five to ten minutes to spend before and after your session can help you increase the effectiveness of your coaching sessions.

By spending a few minutes before the session to review your notes and focus on what you want to accomplish can help get a lot more from that session.

And by having a few minutes after the session to digest and process everything you just went over will help you get more focused on what you need to do next.

But if you had to drive to an office and drive back from the office, your mind is easily scattered not allowing you those precious moments to gain more from the session.

H. Frequency

Since online coaching does not require you to drive across town, this allows you the opportunity to work with your coach on a more frequent basis. Many online coaches provide email, text, and chat support on a regular basis giving you that consistent nudge to push forward.

I. Immediate Support

There are many instances where you may need immediate support or feedback and because you have established an online coaching relationship, many providers are more willing to respond to your email and text right away rather than you having to wait an extra week or two before your next session.

J. Writing vs Speaking

Many online life coaches provide email and text support which makes it easier for those who prefer to write their thoughts rather than speak them.

K. Sick or Injured

If for any reason you become sick or injure, you can still work with your coach avoiding cancellation fees.

L. Cancellation Forgiveness

Cancelling your coaching session is never a good thing. But many coaches are more forgiving if it is an online session because they are not stuck at their office. So if your schedule is demanding where things are constantly changing or emergencies pop up, having an online coach is much better.

Who can benefit from online coaching the most?

  • Individuals whose preferred provider does not work or live in your area
  • Stay at home moms who have kids to raise and may find it difficult to leave their home.
  • Busy workers who have a demanding schedule and can’t find the time to drive to an office.
  • Overwhelmed college students who may not have a car or the time to drive to an office
  • Individuals who travel often and may find it difficult to see their in-person coach on a regular basis

Does online coaching work?

Yes it does so long as you are willing to set aside the time and make the space to do the work.

One of the benefits of in-person coaching is that it forces you to stop what you are doing and focus on the coaching session in a controlled environment at your coaches office

If you lack discipline, you can easily be distracted while meeting with your coach via phone or video chat by having web browsers open, checking your phone, or being interrupted by other people in your home or office.

So make sure to create a quiet and safe space where you will not be interrupted and remove all distractions. By doing so, online coaching will work just as effective as in-person.

How to find an online life coach

If you want to find a life coach, here are some questions you can ask them that will help you find the right fit:

A. What do you specialize in?

While the coaching profession covers many goals and interests, it is important to find someone who best fits your immediate needs.

For example, if you are someone who want to improve your relationships, then it would best serve you to find a relationship coach.

B. What was your training and background?

It is important that the coach you hire have some form of professional training.

But more importantly, it’s important to learn more about who they are and how they think. While certain aspects of the coaching relationship are straightforward, many other aspects will be highly specific to what your needs are.

It’s important that you find someone who is as successful as you want to be in whatever your goals are.

C. Are you accredited by The International Coaching Federation?

The ICF is the accreditation standard for most coaches.

But just because someone is not accredited by them does not mean they are not a viable or good option for you.

D. What types of online coaching do you provide?

Because online coaching can be done by phone, video, chat, email, or text, it is important to know which ones they support.

How can online coaching helping me?

Coaching can help you to…

  • Find your dream job and build a career you love
  • Make more money and get your finances in order
  • Build better relationships with your family and friends
  • Improve your health and look good and feel great
  • Lose weight and get the body of your dreams
  • Bring more happiness and joy into your life
  • Relieve stress, anxiety, and worries
  • Overcome obstacles and hardships
  • Face your fears with courage
  • Improve the quality of your life and see fast results
  • Feel more appreciated and get the respect you deserve in life
  • Stay focused on your goals and follow through
  • Create more abundance and have more security
  • Discover your life purpose and passion
  • Boost your self-esteem and self-confidence
  • Get more organized and de-clutter your life

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Life Coach Guide

Want to learn how to find a life coach that can help you achieve your goals faster and get better results with your career, finances, relationships, health, and more?

Welcome to The Coaching Institute where we have a network of 100 vetted  premium coaches from around the world.

These individuals meet the highest standards in accreditation and work with executives, celebrities, athletes, college students, and working professionals.

Our team of certified coaches can help you…

  1. Find clarity and make tough decisions in your life so you can get unstuck and move forward
  2. Develop better habits so that you have more structure and discipline in your life
  3. Set and achieve goals so you will have a better sense of achievement and know that your life is moving in the right direction
  4. Get organized and manage your time more effectively so you can get better results from your day and be held accountable
  5. Change your mindset and put an end to self doubt so that you think more positively about your life
  6. Make more money so you can live a lifestyle that you deserve
  7. Build your self confidence so you stop settling for less than you deserve and go after what you want in life
  8. Develop better relationships and friendships that leave you feeling fulfilled
  9. Get self motivated and stop procrastinating so you take action in life and be more productive
  10. Discover your life purpose and passion so you have a sense of meaning
  11. Overcome depression and anxiety so you can experience more inner peace and joy
  12. Find your dream job or improve your current career so you wake up each day excited to go to work
  13. Learn to believe in yourself so you never give up and keep going when things get tough

Want to be matched with the right coach for you?

With over 100 certified experts in our network, we can connect you with the perfect individual who suits your personality and meets your specific needs.

Just fill out a brief survey so we can learn more about you and your needs and our staff will contact you within one business day.

Go here to get started.

Life Coach Resources


What is a life coach?

A life coach is someone who helps you find clarity in what you want to achieve and then supports you along your journey of accomplishing your goals.

A good coach is someone who has dedicated their entire existence to personal development, spiritual growth, human behavior, mindfulness, wellness, and psychology so that they can become a master of the game of life.

This person has invested a great deal of time and money into their life and is now offering you an opportunity to learn from their successes and mistakes.

Their objective is to be your guide and support you along your journey of achieving success and fulfillment by facing your fears and improving upon your life skills.

Their mission is to be a catalyst and help you become your best self so that you can achieve your goals and live your dreams.

They are someone who is your advocate, truly cares about your well-being, and has your best interest in mind and heart.

A coach acts like a tuning fork that invites you to raise your frequency to match theirs so that you can attract more joy, love, happiness, and abundance into your life.

A coach also acts as a mirror reflecting back to you certain things you need to learn about yourself.

The best life coaches are empathic, compassionate, kind, caring, gentle, warm, playful, intuitive, insightful, calming, perceptive, motivating, inspiring, friendly, wise, practical, grounded, supportive, strong, bold, honest, resourceful, understanding, trustworthy, professional, and always have a positive outlook on life so that they can help you turn lemons into lemonade.

A life coach is not…

  • A therapist or counselor who can diagnose or treat mental health conditions or prescribe medications
  • A consultant who is only going to tell you what to do
  • Your parent whose going to constantly nag you
  • Your friend who will just tell you what they think is best for you
  • An employee who is going to do the work for you

See also: Coaching definition & meaning

What does a life coach do exactly?

A life coach will…

  • Provide you a safe space free of judgement to explore who you are and what you want
  • Help you gain clarity so you can get unstuck and move forward
  • Ask you powerful questions that will foster your ability to solve your own problems
  • Challenge you to find the courage to face your fears
  • Remove all distractions so you can focus on what is most important for you
  • Hold your hand and provide support along your journey of self-discovery
  • Teach you how to transform your emotional triggers so they no longer get the best of you
  • Help you increase your self awareness and gain a better understanding of yourself
  • Support you in finding your passion and purpose in life
  • Empower you to make better decisions that serve your best interest
  • Help you breakthrough old negative thought patterns and self-limiting beliefs
  • Guide you to see problems as challenges and opportunities to learn and grow
  • Provide you feedback on how to improve in certain areas of your life
  • Ignite a fire under you so that you become self motivated to lead your own life
  • Support you through hard times and adversity
  • Give you structure and discipline
  • Help you build more confidence
  • Put you in touch with your authentic self
  • Help you become more productive
  • Get to the root cause of what is holding you back
  • Help you identify goals and accomplish them
  • Provide you the space to be heard and feel understood
  • Motivate and inspire you when you feel like giving up
  • Give you a new perspective on things happening in your life
  • Help you believe in yourself so you can overcome obstacles
  • Hold you accountable increasing your chances of succeeding
  • Provide inspiration and motivation when you feel like giving up
  • Give you guidance on what steps you need to take to move forward
  • Help you put an end to negative self-talk and self sabotage
  • Help you to stop procrastinating and create better habits
  • Help you release old baggage that is weighing you down
  • Push you out of your comfort zone in a safe way that feels comfortable for you
  • Assist you in making a drastic change in your life
  • Provide reflection so you are no longer alone in your head
  • Support you in processing difficult emotions
  • Teach you how to turn problems into learning opportunities
  • Spark your creative fire so you can invoke new ideas
  • Help you become more self empowered

Benefits of life coaching

Here is how a life coach can help you:

  • Gain clarity
  • Faster results
  • More focused
  • Improved quality of life
  • More productive
  • Become more sociable & outgoing
  • Move forward with your life
  • Make better decisions
  • More energized
  • Overcome obstacles
  • Reach your potential
  • Become self motivated
  • Experience more success
  • Develop better habits
  • Relieve stress, worries, and anxiety
  • Feel more empowered
  • Gain momentum
  • Overcome fears
  • Improve your thinking
  • Achieve your goals
  • Get out of a dead end job
  • Get your finances in order
  • Attract better friends
  • More happiness & joy
  • Change bad behaviors
  • Find true love
  • Feel more calm
  • Higher self esteem
  • More confidence
  • Sleep better
  • Tangible progress
  • Feel lighter
  • Fall in love with yourself

Do I need a life coach?

You would benefit from a life coach if you…

  • Are unhappy
  • Lack clarity and feel stuck
  • Feel as if life is a constant struggle
  • Have not found your passion or purpose
  • Are going through a difficult transition
  • Want to achieve your goals faster and easier
  • Are not where you want to be at this point in your life
  • Are unfulfilled in your career and are not sure what to do
  • Feel as though your life is falling apart and starting all over
  • Have low self esteem and lack confidence in yourself
  • Feel a void in your life and know that something is missing
  • Are a recent college graduate trying to figure out your career path
  • Are in an unsatisfying relationship or marriage and know that you deserve someone better
  • Are unorganized and lack focus to follow through on what you know is in your best interest
  • Are constantly stressed out and overwhelmed and feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders
  • Have a hard time making decisions and moving forward with your life
  • Feel like your life is getting worse and are in a downward spiral
  • Lack motivation and inspiration to do anything
  • Have bad habits and lack discipline to take action
  • Need help processing difficult emotions
  • Feel like your life is in a funk and you have “lost your groove”
  • Want to make a drastic change in your life and need help along the way
  • Want to get to the root cause of what is holding you back in life
  • Want to attract better people into your life
  • Want to overcome self sabotage and limiting beliefs
  • Want to be challenged to push yourself out of your comfort zone
  • Are ready to face your fears and overcome them
  • Want to better understand yourself and gain a new perspective on life
  • Want to connect with someone who truly cares about you

See also:

Does life coaching work?


But only if you are willing to:

  • Be honest with yourself about your shortcomings
  • Take action and do the work necessary to move forward with your life
  • Face your fears and overcome any self limiting beliefs
  • Create a new set of habits that serve your best interest
  • Be open to change and all that comes with it
  • Invest the time and money it takes to succeed
  • Stop being lazy and practice self discipline
  • Stop procrastinating and manage your time more effectively so you can be more productive
  • Be open and honest with your coach about who you are and what you want

If you are not willing to do all of these things, then coaching will not work.

It’s important to understand that a coach can only support you, they cannot do the work for you.

See also: Are life coaches worth it?

How to choose a life coach

If you want to find a life coach and are wondering what to look for before you dive in, it is important that you get someone who:

A. Has the proper training and accreditation

When it comes to training and accreditation, you want someone who not only went to proper schooling, but someone who has put in enough hours so that they have honed their skill.

B. Specializes in your specific needs

Many coaches now specialize in certain areas such as relationships, health, finances, career, and so on. Therefore it is important that you find someone who has dedicated their practice to a specific area that best suits your goals.

C. Fits your personality

Is it important that they are male or female?

Do you want someone who is strong and bold and will kick your butt? Or do you want them to be gentle and sensitive?

Is it important that they are playful? Or would you rather that they be more direct and serious?

Make sure you find someone who fits your personality because you are going to be spending a lot of time with them and you want to make sure your relationship flows naturally.

D. Local vs online

Is it important that you are able to meet with your coach in person?

Or are you okay meeting with them on the phone or video conferencing?

Some coaches provide online support while others don’t.

E. Your budget

How much can you afford?

While some coaches may offer a sliding scale, others are more firm in their fees.

F. Does it feel right?

Most coaches should provide you a free consult session to feel them out.

This is where you will need to have a set of questions ready for them so that you can use your intuition to asses whether or not they would be a good fit.

G. Are they sincere?

While you might assume that if someone is a coach that they must be sincere…this is not always the case.

You want to make sure that the coach you choose is someone who is authentic and is doing it for the right reasons.

H. Are they confident?

This is another one of those traits that you would assume a coach would have.

Not all do.

Because you are looking for strength and courage to make leaps and bounds in your own life, its important that your coach has the confidence in their skills to make you feel more confident.

I. Do you trust them?

Of course it goes without saying that you need to feel that you actually trust the person you are going to be working with.

And the best way to determine this is by scheduling a free consultation with them.

The best thing to do is have your consultation and then when you wake up the next day, ask yourself…”Does it feel right?”.

See also:

How much does life coaching cost?

The fees and costs associated with life coaching can vary anywhere from $25 an hour up to a $15,000 package.

On average, one session can run you between $75 to $200 and a long term package can range from $500 to $2000.

There are many factors you will need to consider such as:

A. What level of expertise do you want?

Do you want the best?

Someone who has been practicing for over ten years and is highly sought out?

Or are you okay working with someone who has just started out?

B. How long will it take to accomplish your goals?

Do you only need a few sessions?

Or are you requiring a few months?

On average, most coaches like their clients to commit to three months.

C. What can you comfortably afford?

At the end of the day, you are the best investment you can ever make.

Spending money on your growth is essential.

As the saying goes, “You gotta spend money to make money”.

With that said, it is never recommended that you spend so much that it makes you feel uncomfortable or financially burdened.

Are life coaches covered by insurance?

Most mainstream health insurance providers do not cover the costs of life coaching because it is not considered a mental health profession in the same way therapists and counselors are do to the fact that coaches are not regulated by the state.

However, recently a non-profit Medicaid group called CareSource has started covering the cost of coaching fees for their clients because they see how it correlates with their overall well-being.

The best thing for you to do is check with your provider and at the very least, by you asking them will send a signal to the company that they should be covering it. The more people who ask the more willing they are to respond.

What are the challenges of life coaching?

The two major issues clients generally face with their coaching is:

A. The Work

While you may be excited to finally make the decision to work with a coach, now comes the actual work. This is where some people can experience a pitfall because now they have to face their fears, low self esteem, and all the issues they have been avoiding in themselves.

However, as long as you are willing to be honest and brave, a good coach will help you by holding your hand ensuring that you are moving at your own pace.

B. The Wrong Coach

Not all coaches are made equally.

It’s imperative that you do your due diligence to find the right coach. This means that you must be willing to spend some time interviewing a few coaches by taking them up on their free consultation.

If you end up with the wrong coach, it can do more damage than good.

Life coaching vs therapist

The difference between therapy and coaching is that a therapist focuses on your past issues and mostly listens by providing “talk therapy”. This can be very therapeutic as it allows you to release certain emotions and thought patterns that have been bottled up inside.

A therapist does not provide advice.

While a coach spends some time understanding your past so that they can get an understanding as to why you are currently in your situation, their objective is to focus on your future and where you want to be.

If you believe you are suffering from old emotional wounds or traumatic issues from your parents or family that has deeply pained you, it might be beneficial to see a therapist before working with a coach so that you can release these old wounds that may be weighing you down.

Another major difference between a life coach and therapist is that a coach cannot diagnose any mental health issue such as depression, anxiety, ADHD, bipolar disorder, etc. And therefore cannot prescribe any medications either.

Life coach vs counseling

The difference between counseling and coaching is that a counselor mostly addresses your emotional well being by giving you the space to talk about what is wrong with your life.

While a counselor can provide some advice, this is not really their area of expertise. Their main objective is to provide analysis and support on emotional issues that are troubling you.

With that said, these days the lines are starting to blur a bit in that many counselors are now doing some coaching and many coaches are offering counseling.

But the main difference is that counseling focuses on your past and present state of being and coaching focuses on the present and future state with its main objective focusing on who you want to become and what you want to accomplish

Another major difference between a life coach and counselor is that a coach cannot diagnose any mental health issue such as depression, anxiety, ADHD, bipolar disorder, etc. And therefore cannot prescribe any medications either.

Life coaching vs mentoring

The difference between mentoring and coaching is that (generally speaking), a mentor is someone who is an expert in a specific field of interest and can help guide or teach the mentee on what they have learned.

For example, if someone is an expert at playing the guitar, they can be a mentor for someone who wants to learn guitar.

With that said, since many coaches are experts at the game of life, then there can be a lot of similarity between the two.

However, the key difference is that a mentor is very “loose” about how they teach and guide their mentee while a professional life coach has a specific code of ethics and protocols that they will follow.

The lines between a mentor and mentee can blur at times while a professional coaching relationship should be more defined and strict as to how they interact and work with one another.

Simply put, a life coaching relationship should be more professional and structured compared to a mentoring relationship

Life coach vs consultant

The difference between a life coach and a consultant is simple…

A consultant is someone you hire purely for their expertise and advice. Their job is not to help you grow as a person.

While a life coach can provide some advice and expertise like a consultant, their priority is to facilitate your growth and self empowerment.

A consultant talks at you by providing advice.

A coach asks you questions to guide you to come up with your own solutions.

What to expect from a life coach

The life coaching relationship generally works in two phases:

Phase 1 – Discovery & Clarity

During the discovery and clarity phase, a coach will ask you some questions to learn more about who you are, what you want, and what has been holding you back from getting what you want.

This process can last anywhere from one to four sessions because it is a pinnacle moment in your life where you take a moment to pause and then pivot in a new direction.

For some this can be challenging because it is going to force you to look at certain beliefs and ideas about yourself that you may have suppressed or hidden for many years.

Phase 2 – Chunking & Action

Once you have clearly identified what your goals are, a coach will help you chunk these down into bite size actionable steps and then hold you accountable through the process of achieving them.

Where the real magic happens with coaching is when they are able to help you breakthrough certain beliefs that may be holding you back or when they can inspire and motivate you to face your fears and step up into you becoming a better version of yourself.

Most sessions last between 45 to 60 minutes.

What does a life coach expect of me?

When you commit to the coaching relationship, you are expected to:

A. Show up on time

A coach is only paid by the hour which means their time is very important. If he or she designates a block of time for you, then you are expected to respect that by showing up on time and being ready to get the most out of the session.

B. Be honest and vulnerable

A coach can only support you if you are willing to be honest, transparent, and vulnerable. If you withhold any information and are not forthcoming, you will not get the full benefits of coaching

C. Do the work necessary

During your coaching relationship, a coach is going to give you homework and assignments to follow through on. These items will be assigned to you based upon what you worked on in your session.

If you do not follow through with the necessary assignments, you are expected to be honest as to why you did not do them so that you can breakthrough any challenges you may be facing with them.

D. Be accountable for your actions

The only way a coach can support you in the relationship is if you are willing to be fully accountable for your actions.

No more excuses.

E. Be Proactive

During your coaching sessions you are expected to be proactive so that the coach is not having to do all the leading and initiating. Coaching is also the process of you becoming self-motivated and driven to lead your own life and not always wait for someone else to do it.

F. Enjoy the journey

While coaching can be a serious interaction, it’s important to have a sense of enjoyment through the process.

A life coach is excited to be supporting you and they want to enjoy the sessions as much as you do!

How long does coaching take to see results?

This really depends on what your situation is.

For some clients, they can get everything they need from one “power session” that lasts about 90 minutes to two hours. This is ideal for someone who may be stuck in a certain situation and just needs to brainstorm with the coach on how to move forward.

Other people who need support along their journey of transformation will need three to six months before they see the results they seek.

Remember…Rome wasn’t built in a day and if you are seeking radical change in your life this will take time because there are many layers that you will need to address and work on.

When it comes to getting clear on who you are, what you want, forming new habits, building confidence, breaking through old self-limiting beliefs, and so on, this can take time.

However, when you find the best life coach that fits your needs, you should feel better and a sense of optimism right after your first session.

Types Of Life Coaches

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